Tuesday, December 28, 2004


We got beat. I'm dealing with a major blow in the personal life so I will be brief. On the arty fishul turf we rocked throughout the day. Dee was on it till the bitter end, Manning showed greatness and easily beat a fairly stingy secondary easy in end of regulation and OT. I'm pleased we weren't blown out and made them fight, but like the Atlanta game, we had this. Our moment of doom was the stunning kickoff return after we scored and had a decent lead. I'm confident but my gut tingled from then on, I felt uneasy. OK, 4th seed, still I say...you want to play us? I may now not be attending the Charger playoff game as someone stole my vehicle 2 days after XMAS with all of my business inside! I own a falafel stand and all my stuff was in it. Happy New Year! I'm out of business, no fryer, no equipment. No van. Talk about pouring salt in the wounds from Sunday, sheesh. I looked for jobs today, nice. Think positive is what I will do. You can beat me today but I'll whoop your ass next week, as is the Chargers mantra. Four years I made a living on my falafel stand, one meth head ended it in one day! I will work and be back I hope soon. Still have hope it will be recovered, you never know. Maybe whoever stole it will get tased multiple times during his arrest soon! Keep the faith Charger loyalists...we are a scary team in the playoffs. KC is in the house, maybe Philip Rivers can get a throw or two. If anyone has $3000 they want to spare or invest in the falafel business, let me know! I'm lucky. I still have my life. Say a universal prayer for the tsunami victims, thats a real tragedy. Again, Happy New Year Charger faithful!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Holidaze merry

Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza and all who celebrate this strange but cool day. To all a beautiful day with minimal conflicts. Those are reserved for the field of play. Tomorrow the Chargers take the field out of the elements, kinda like a/c. On astro t. I'll be up early and on it. More later. Call Charger victory...however it happens. We have a dee advantage. Then its home sweet home. I get to go to the 1st playoff game in 10 yrs in SD...we may see you in JAX. Ciao all and a merry...

Monday, December 20, 2004

AFC Western Division Champions

Nobody out there in the real world would have predicted this. The Chargers clinched the AFC West, on the road, in the snow! I've only seen snow for a Charger game on Playstation 2. 18 degrees, wind chill 10 degrees. Whats a team to do? RUN! Brees had only 6 pass attempts the whole game. LT 111 yds, Chatman 48. I was deja vu ing, it so reminded me of the 1982 AFC Champonship against the Bengals. I give a big shout out to KC for putting Denver out to pasture. To the Raider fan who commented on my blog basically saying the Chargers suck and were going to head into one of their slides, and questioned my intelligence, looks like I'm Mensa material now and you can have your junior college team and January off! Again I stress, 10 yr anniversary of our 1994 Super Bowl appearance. Let's go get one, as good a shot as any AFC team. Granted, we beat an ailing Browns club...we pummeled them with brute force. The Chargers just don't do snow, its a rep they may shed in the playoffs. Next week we challenge the Colts. Colts: great offense, no defense. Chargers: good offense, adequate defense but with big play and turnover capability at any time. I factor in it in Indy and its close to a dead heat. Our superior defense gives us the edge I feel. Chargers win a close one hopefully. Our watering hole had 4 Charger fans and the Bloody Mary's were flowing so I broke my coffee promise. The Gate's reception sure got us hopping. I see the Steelers in our crystal ball, repeat 94 all over again. Maybe New England or Buffalo...or Jax? I'm a Charger fan and I'm talking about playoff scenarios, ain't it awesome. This is sweet. Maybe I will listen to William Hung's version of "We Are The Champions" so I can laugh at all of the doubters, and those who chose to insult me and my team. Yeah, right back at ya! OUT! PS As in SHUT OUT!

Monday, December 13, 2004


The streak continues and to all the doubters all predicting the inevitable "Charger implosion" I say...how do ya like me know? Got an email from a Charger buddy who was in Homer, Alaska. Alas the game was not on anywhere. But he sat in front of a pc for 3 hours hitting the refresh button every 30 seconds. I've done it once or twice also. I never miss a game, but life throws you a curve every now and again. Charger dedication knows no end. As the master said to grasshopper in the old TV series Kung Fu, "When the pebble hits the pond, do not many new journeys begin?" Yes, they do. Its called Cleveland next week, then to Indy...tough...then on to the playoffs! Tampa was tough in our house. But our D was opportunistic, Donnie Edward's 30 yd interception for a TD near the end of the game pretty much sealed it. A thing of beauty it was, high noon drama no doubt. The young Charger talent, with a dash of destiny thrown in! I hear alot of comparisons and references to the similarity of this team to the 1994 Super Bowl team. And I must admit, it is eerily similar. Nothing like a 10 yr anniversary reunion and a return to the playoffs, where we have as good or better chance then a lot of fans and teams will give us credit for to return to the Super Bowl. I'm not saying we will, I'm saying we have the potential to get there. Crushing killer defensive plays resulting in turnovers and scores for us are coming with regularity at the most opportune times. That is where I feel the 94 team comparisons are true. Dramatic game turning events and the Chargers get em! I remember how lightly Pittsburgh took us in the 94 AFC Championship game at Tres Rivers. I had a girlfriend from Pittsburgh at the time and their newspapers put us down something fierce. Warm weathered pansies and the like. One story stereotyped Charger fans as looking like Jimmy Buffet and drinking drinks w/little paper umbrellas and fruit in them. While a Steeler fan was drinking Iron City, grilling Brats in the snow with their shirts off. We were of course made to eat tofu and sprout sandwiches. Well I still see Steeler fans cringe when I mention the game and end result. They shrink, shrivel and pucker like they sucked a lemon. I glow. And my buddy up in Homer Alaska for his holiday trip was at the 1994 Championship game in Pittsburgh, talk about outnumbered! Look out Pittsburgh, I smell Deja Vu. We'll see whats in the cards. We have a strong hand! LT played well. I must admit your humble author partook in some spirits at the game and only remembers certain plays! Was alot of high fiving going on. Think I may have accidentally walked on my tab? They know me so we'll see next week. 10am game, that means its a coffee game! GO SUPER CHARGERS!

Friday, December 3, 2004

Charting new territory

Yes, it is time. To switch...to heavy metal crunch. And hold a chip on the shoulder. I was cold today in Portland OR, as I sold my falafels on the street...I experience weather first hand. It was cold...I smiled. Just cool to know that a team given so little, has taken so much. I'm 43 years old, I was 33 when this happened the last time. In NYC. Do your own numbers game. I have been to the east coast games where you wonder, where the Charger fan(s) at?  I've seen the Chargers clinch the AFC West in SEA and NY. Snowball game(not the clincher,  we did beat the Jets once!)...nuff said. I'm smiling more as Sundays approach. This is true cool. Pony's will break times 2, just you watch. And Pirate filler in between. I love the Chargers, and the state of football and not the union! For all true blues...come together on the net and fill the bars, this is your time., we are the Chargers, we are strong and very opportunistic. Fastway, a very sorry band is blaring on my stereo, but the truth rings clear..."Say What You Will"... Link up, the time is now. Charger fans unite.  When its good...you  go. You must...believe.  I did wake up and see "Drew's Your Daddy" in SD Union Tribune and had the F&*kin best Mexican breakfast and hopped that train from La Mesa to downtown SD and hooked it up for the cruise back to PDX. It is time.  Are you down? Remember when? Can't? Cause it ain't happened yet. Watch. I'll be in my corner...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

dos birds, uno stone

I'll get this over with, thanx Raiders. You showed cajones in Denver and pulled a W and helped put us in 1st, who woulda thunk it? Our team in blue did it again today, in a sea of red. Brees is poised and as good as any at the position of QB at this point in time, and it will continue. Gates and Parker are money. OK, we were blessed by the Dante Hall almost TD kickoff return when he freaked and tossed the ball away. This happens to good teams also...da breaks. Yeah, the monkey, he long gone. Took what, 8 yrs to win in KC? Huge for us, HUGE. Donnie Edwards interception, what can ya say...just what the doctor ordered. Would've rather turned it into a TD but we scored nonetheless and then held. Beautiful. We have a date with controlling our own destiny next week, let us hope for a virtuoso performance! As I watch the Chargers I hear Blue Oyster Cults' "Godzilla" and I see all opponents as Tokoyo, monster toast. I look back over my shouder and see the mangled trail of Charger destruction...and it is good. Welcome to our house Denver, your sleepin' in the barn dude. With the ghosts of horse face past, awakening to the Blue Bolt ghost of agony present! We represent, and if we wuz g's, we'd be gettin' mad street cred! Word to your mutha's own!

Monday, November 22, 2004

We Bageled the Raidahs

It wasn't pretty, but notch another W for the Chargers after the bye week. We were a little flat, but good teams win games like this. Bad ones lose them. That would be the Silver & Black & Blue. Boho long hair Gallery helped blow it for the Raiders after a TD was called back and Oakland had to settle for a field goal. How many holding penalties did he have? Three? Too bad. Brees jump pass pirouette on a 3rd down was awesome to watch. Gates is one of best tight ends in football now. LT busted out and ran roughshod over the Raiders. Dee was solid if unspectacular. Kept waiting for them to cause a big turnover, never came. We'll save that for the Chiefs. Where was my help from N'awhlens, they were crushed by the Broncos. Guess we'll have to beat them head to head. The sun has set on the Raider nations season. Boo hoo, were black and blue. Commitment to less than mediocrity, Al Davis' new motto. How does it feel Raiders to be in the role of "spoiler"? Sucks, don't it? Like baseballs sweep, we got out the brooms in Oakland. Is it worth dressing up like pirates for the rest of the season, cuz you'd be the sorriest group on the sea, striking no terror in anybody. Couldn't overtake an inflatable raft! Did those dressed like the "grim reaper" turn on each other? See you next yr Faiders!

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Usually I avoid a pre game blog on Sunday, but being up early and already sippin' some of Tennessee's finest.(not the Titans, whiskey baybee!) I always check the opponents web page before we play them. The Raider official site ran a whole page in game notes about the Raider punter and how good his average was, especially against San Diego. Is that all? Thats the Raider offense? Bring it. You'll have plenty of opps today to boost your average. GO CHARGERS!

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Who's worried now? See the Raidahs in their house and were gonna be shitty guests! Military jargon says Oakland better "secure the perimeter". Get ready for "Hamburger Hill"! LT is healthier, as is Chatman and awesome speed demon Tim Dwight. Who's Oakland gonna throw at us? Kerry Collins? Bring Jim Plunkett out of retirement for this one, you'll have a better chance. Out of respect I will say this, this game a better Raiders performance most likely will happen after the last debacle versus the Bolts. Maybe you can hang on to lose by 14 to 17 pts. this time. I'm sure Thursday is Raider fans day to start drinking to get ready for this Sunday. And line up the compact w/silver and black paint and lipstick. Hair gel and blow dryer, hey, where are my spiked black rubber shoulder pads? The parking lot at the Oaktown Coliseum will look like the set of a horribly gone wrong S & M porno movie! After Oakland's loss to the Saints, I swear I saw Saints fans handing Oakland fans their old "Aints" era bags to put over their heads, kinda like passing the torch of loserdom. As a Charger fan I think this one is "in the bag", so to speak. We are going to let loose our own evil destructoid on you, unlock the chains, here comes Igor. Most Raider fans drink Keystone beer it seems, but not even Keystone can protect Raider fan from the bitter taste of this upcoming defeat!

Monday, November 8, 2004

Another W

Its great being a Charger fan now! Watching games expecting to win and not expecting to lose. Granted, we've just beatin' up on some losing teams and after the bye and Oakland it gets tougher. Who's to say we are not earning a little elite status so far this year? I drank a bit yesterday as I donned the vintage retro looking bolt tee shirt w/yellow trim. No Saints fans in the house, JR and I have a designated "Charger TV" now, although it was on some game that ran over so we missed the kickoff. No worries, the game was on soon enough and we already ahead 7-0! Playing w/a lead:priceless! Even w/out LT running at full speed we win. The Bolts are now multi-dimensional, the other team wonders? Where is it comin' from this time? Antonio Gates is all pro, no doubt. Highlights escape me, there were so many! Gotta say the fake punt on 4th and 1 snapped to Jesse Chatman for 22 yds to the Saints 31 was a gem. Two plays later All Star Antonio G hauls in a Brees pass from 12 yds out for the score. Brilliant. Also a patented Tim Dwight reverse worked for 48 yds, it always seems to work once a game whenever the Chargers try it, then never again the rest of the game. Give us some street cred yo! We are tied for 1st in the AFC West w/the Broncos, no major media predicted that at the beginning of the season. If your teams on our schedule, mark it down in the "B" column. Beaten, broken or bruised is whats comin' your way. Don't even try to run on us, pointless. Look out Raidahs, we will come in rested and easily "bust" out of your penitentery lookin' house. Halloween just ended and you can probably score some cheap make up to hide your skull under at 50% off! KC, you best bring your "A" game to the house in 3 weeks, we can do it at Arrowhead too! "When worst comes to worst, the Chargers come first!" Thats right, 9 games in and we are in 1st, "Can you hear me now?" "GOOD!"

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Annihl Nation

OK, so this just wasn't a victory. It was a good old fashioned whippin' w/the ole willow switch, and the Raiders were the ones bent over! To all you aggressive, violent over the top Raider fans...you get what you deserve. I must admit as I roamed the parking lot on a mild warm day in San Diego at the Q, draining Pacificos and a few shots of Patron' Silver, it was mostly good natured fun between rival fans. Then there are the "nuthin' but a gee thang baybee" fans who threaten and intimidate. I dealt w/one of them later. Yours truly also broke up a brutal fight in the men's restroom, with authoritah' as "Cartman" would put it. Yes, the Halloween parade of skull and Darth costumes abounded, they were soon reduced to the stature of Jar Jar Binks, comedy relief and stuttering their words. I witnessed drunken beautiful young surfer girls do things with strategically shaped clown balloons to show their skills in the art of amour that would make Jenna Jameison blush, or at least join in! I had a great time and my kudos even to Raider fans, in my section they were congratulatory, most saying they would get us next time. It will be in 2 weeks or so in Oakland...and I seriously doubt it. The Amtrak train I took down from my home in Portland, Oregon had quite a few Raider fans on it and NO Charger fans, I took a little flak and heard boasts of imminent victory. The funny was, I rode back with almost all who were on the train when I went down, some saw me and said nothing...embarrassed. Most shook my hand and one even shot the breeze with me and bought the beer in the club car! To the game...what do I say? It was "Shock and Awe" from the beginning. My favorite highlight was Antonio Gates slam dunking the crossbar after a TD catch! Tim Dwight hauled in a beauty, 1 catch for the game, one TD. A nice kick return also. Too much to detail, it never stopped in this onslaught! This group is jelling and will only get better, I refuse to believe or even consider a Charger collapse this season. I feel we will own New Orleans next week, there will be no letdown. We have been in the games we lost till the end and should have beat Atlanta, alas we didn't get it done. But that was then and this is now, hey...wasn't that a song by my favorite 80's band "ABC"? I will return but I'm still super tired still from the laborious train ride back so I will post more later. GO SAN DIEGO SUPERRRRRR CHARGERSSSSSSSSS! 2004 we were pretty much picked by all media and publications to be el lasto, as the English Beat would say to the critics, "Wha 'Appen"?

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Took the Nation to the Woodshed

Just got off the train from SD back to PDX. We hit a lettuce truck and were 5 hrs late. No injuries. Will blog about my game experiences tomorrow.

Friday, October 29, 2004


The hour is upon me, the pilgrimage to the "Murph", or to gen Xers, "the Q". I will depart Portland Oregon this afternoon, where we are free thinkers and a blue state, just like he mighty Chargers! Was that corny cool or what? Haven't blogged about last weeks game, we won. UGLY. But we showed heart and the dee rawked like Warrant, er I mean IGGY POP. I'm taking the train for unspecified reasons and I will pass the Raider Correctional Facility (c'mon, you know it looks like a prison) at about 6am tomorrow. I will lay me Bolt hex on yur ass then and there. You want dedicated Charger fan, u got. I train back right after the game, happy hopefully from our crushing of the Raidahs. My prediction for the game is Like Clubber Lang to Rocky...PAIN! It will give all Raider rooters a boost that Iam cursed when it comes to seeing the Chargers live, haven't seen them win in person since 1995. But like the Red Sox, the curse will be over for me this upcoming Sunday. My "Oakland Sucks" shirt is in my backpack, I can't tell you what it says on the back, ok I will hint: "...and Al Davis swal...! Do the math. I will see many Raider photo opps, u know the guys, Darth Vader, the pirate, the road warrior. Its like "Halloween Pt. 47" for me. They prissy up for a game like a girl. Like the "Village People" but everyone is dressed the same! And Iam gonna drink like a fish and maintain my cool. Most is good natured ribbing between fans, but some are ugly. Last Bolt/Raider game was like Custer's Last Stand getting out. Saw SUV's plowing into one another like bumper cars! I will add more on my journey as I go hopefully. Raiders, the blue hand of doom is upon you!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Not whining...but...

We had it, and we lost it. I will be as impartial as I can about the officiating, but one call stands out that didn't seem like much, but it was soooo important. Didn't mean we would have won, but we had a chance to pretty much put it out of reach. We had made it on two fourth and ones (gutsy calls Marty, one for an LT TD) and we were going for a third around mid field in the 3rd quarter. Brees gets called for some kind of illegal movement, for bobbing his head on the snap count! So we go to 4th and 6, drive killed. It was brutal, the announcers were appalled also. We were rolling if not somewhat methodically. That killed it, turning point of the game. We had a few really bad pass interference calls also that went against us, horrible calls that always kept Atlanta alive before Vick got on track. The "head bob" call maybe means we wouldn't have won the game, but it killed a real chance. And to make it on 4th and 1 wouldv'e been huge, oh well. Bottom line, we let it get away late when it counted most. Vick got to scrambling and turning into the gamebreaker he always has been. It was obvious LT was a shadow of what he usually is, even though he played well w/the groin injury. Chatman's toe must have been hurting, didn't see much of him in the back up role. Gates gets an "A" as does Eric Parker, good efforts guys. Defense was very good, till the latter part of the game. But Vick took over, alot of teams would have been in our shoes in that situation also. From 17-7 in the 3rd to a loss, it happens. I hate one point losses. The timeouts we burned for nothing really did come back and haunt us. All in all, on the road and fighting till the end is a good sign. No lay down in this game. I feel the Chargers are on the brink of a breakthrough, this would have been a sweet game to build on going into Carolina. Look out Panthers, we ARE going to WIN in your house. Mark my words...I feel it. Yours truly will be in San Diego on Halloween for our shellacking of the Raidahs! Its a long train ride from Portland, OR to SD, but worth it. Gonna hook upw/some friends and tailgate like its 1999! Keep the faith Charger fans, there are definite playoff possibilities as of yet...we gotta toe the line. As for the Panthers? "Che Checkity, Check yo self, before you wreck yourself, cuz the Chargers in yo house is bad for your health!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Jag Flogging

Powder Blues baybee. This week I'll make it short and sweet. I will admit I was holding my breath and starting to think of ways to lose, Charger style when the dee ended it for JAX breaking up close to a TD pass in the end zone. I pictured a JAX onside kick and recovery and well, those days are over! You know how we Bolt fans can get after years of abuse. Jessee who? Jessee Chatham boyee! Hows about a one two punch in the backfield? Literally the SD offense chewed and spat out quick TD or fg drives and took advantage of the turnovers! Dee was in pursuit, mass pressure on Lefty and finally some sacks. And that cool INT where Lefty overthrew right to our man for a good return also and I believe a TD on the ensuing drive. We have proven we are a whole new, hungry team with mass confidence when we score out of the gate. But I guess the critics say any team plays better with a 21-0 lead! But this is the Chargers remember? As for next week, Wade Phillips gives Chargers mass inside info on the Falcons on how to defense them and offense them. I'm thinking Vick will struggle with the West Coast offense again. LT and new weapon Chatham will keep Atlanta honest, while Gates gets open and does damage also. Still looking for that breakout game by any Charger WR's, it is needed and would add a whole new dimension to what could be a most potent new found Bolt offense. Brees is a born again bad ass who has some swagger, he sure looks confident. Its fun to watch, and its nice to not lose! We are playing to win, not holding on. Still need to just go for the throat and end a game decisevly. Even though we were ahead in score at the end, JAX ate us up and made it mildly scary in the 2nd half. Look out Falcons, a new team is on the horizon, and you get to playem in your house. Were lettin' loose our bulls in your china shop! I also must say, from a GQ/Vanity fair tip, the old uni's are the sharpest in the league. We finally did the colors justice after dishonoring them a few yrs back against the Jets. Keep it up Blue, you have a loyal following here in Portland, OR. We have taken over a corner in a bar here and we are by far the most vocal, people don't get it. The TVs have gone from a 13' B & W tv the 1st week to the Jumbo tron screen last week, we are gaining respect in the size of the screens we play on. Look out everybody, we could be real!

Tuesday, October 5, 2004


Sorry about missing last weeks disappointing whuppin' by Denver, my pc is being repaired and still is so your humble Bolt Blogger is reduced to writing the current blog from the library! All I will say quickly (as I only have an hour library time to do this) about the Game against Denver is we were getting stronger and getting the momentum untill that stupid ass roughing the kicker penalty and then we were done. On to better. The utter dismantling of the Titans by the Chargers was a surprise to me. I expected to win, but the Chargers never seem to roll over opponents. They did on this day. When Tennessee made it close, we responded and pulled away. No prevent defense either. Drew made me forget the past failures and believe, at least for one week, he is the MAN! Never looked rattled, major composure, and great accuracy. LT was LT, busting through some great holes and popping through the small ones. And making his own way also. And catching passes too. As the recievers and tight ends did also, there is hope for the Bolts, rockin the masses, from Madrid to Calabasas! The dee shored up impressively, clogging the run and respectable against the pass. I seemed to see way more pressure on Tennessee's QB Volek also. Yeah, I know McNair wasn't playing, but so what! Encouraging result and momentum builder as we prepare for JAX at home. What do the spirits tell me about JAX...we win, yep, we win a close one. I'm daring Iam. I also almost got into a brawl with the wimpiest stockbroker Bush supporter at my sports bar. Not cuz he was a Bush supporter, he was a smarmy know it all who read it all in a book and hasn't lived it. He and his buddy were nice at 1st and even shared a pitcher with me. What started as friendly turned ugly in seconds. He and his buddy tag teamed me, and it wasn't even a heated debate over issues. The stockbroker called me stupid, and also added that I looked like a poster boy for a fat boy in a McDonald's ad! He was pinned against a wall and his eyes were popping out of his head and his friend looked on in horrified fear. Drunk courage, with Princeton education dosen't mix unless your one of the few who own a black belt or joined special military opps. I was fuming, and they got kicked out cuz they had treated everyone (the wait staff) with disdain and aloofness all day. Show some respect Mr. Know it ALL. This white boyz education came from the streets of Tacoma, San Jose, and Harlem...and I graduated college also...dumb ass. Any who, see ya'll next week. GO CHARGERS!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Reality Bites

It was an ugly game for my beloved Chargers. Brees was inept but I must admit he came around and had a respectable 2nd half. We were buried early and it looked hopeless blue faithful untill Tim Dwight's 87 yd kickoff return brought us back into it. That guy has wheels and it was beautiful to watch. Did he even catch a pass though? Can't remember, but if he did it was non eventful. TE Gates was absent. I swear there was one ball at fingertip length he didn't even try for! LT was again, solid and was the only thing going for us at times. He had one great long run after a reception. I sat at Claudia's Sports bar here in Portland, Oregon with not Charger fans, but a bunch of Purdue grads who were Brees fans! Not Charger fans, Brees fans! One guy had a serious man crush on Brees! His buddies kept saying if Brees went to the CFL and was a Toronto Argonaut, he would be an Argonaut fan. He paced back and forth, dropping f bombs like crazy, as did his wife! The Old Style tall boys were flowing with the Cubs logo on the can for these boys. I was mellow on this day, RC Cola was my beverage of choice and I met a very beautiful, single Cleveland Brown fan, sitting by herself. I'm drifting off the game cause it was painful to watch and the bar activities were more entertaining! The turnovers were devastating. Momentum killers for sure. The one punt return fumble (was it Caldwell, not sure) where it was ran backwards and the player was falling and fumbled destroyed great field position and a chance at the lead. The Brees pass into the end zone to Reche was textbook and brought me back to the game, but not for long. The Bree's bees all freaked when on the next series Flutie replaced Drew after Brees had done so well the previous series. The volume was down on the TV so none of us knew Drew had a concussion. When Flutie came in they all split! Talk about fantasy league type fans! I knew it was a stretch to pull out a victory at this point but Flutie did manage to confuse NY and managed to put it in the end zone with around 30 ticks left on the clock. I crossed fingers for the ensuing onside kick. No Marty didn't kick it long and put the dee on the field to try and hold'em! It failed...GAME OVER. The defense rose a bit in the 2nd half but not the secondary, AWFUL...the whole game pretty much. Loved the play where Jammer committed a pass interference and the Jet reciever still caught the ball for a long gain and the penalty was declined. We did get screwed and were called for a pass interference on a picture perfect bat down, that was lame. But for the most part the pass dee sucked! Jammer is young and inexperienced and it showed. Brought back memories Of Elvis "Toast" Patterson he got burned so many times! Get ready for a visit to mile high next week for a classic AFC West showdown, Chargers at Broncos, always exciting to watch whatever the outcome. I'm going out on a limb, cause I hate calling wins and losses for the Bolts. I see in the crystal ball...Rivers or Flutie starting and the change of QB either way will confuse Denver and we will win a close one. Anyone who is a fan ever remember a recent Charger blowout of any team except recieving one? Nuff said. If Denver prepares for Drew and he starts, I feel we will have a rough go unless Brees has one of his rare pre season preformances in the regular season. Oh and by the way, I got that Cleveland hotties number. And I thought all Cleveland girls looked like that chick from the Drew Carey show, was I ever wrong. Hopefully my passes will be recieved better by her than the way they were by the Charger recievers this last Sunday! Keep the faith Charger fans.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Texas 2 Step

It wern't purdy but the Chargers got it done, ON THE ROAD! The defense was porous at times and I feel tackling skills need work all over. Many tackles missed after point of impact on the line or in the backfield. More yards gained after a missed leg or ankle tackle. The good thing about the defense...big plays. The dee forced four turnovers, and at critical times also. Two of the turnovers were converted into TD's...HUGE! Steve Foley and Randall Godfrey teamed up with less than four minutes left, with Foley recovering a ball Godfrey knocked loose when the Texans were deep in Charger territory and looking to tie and possibly have the momentum going into a possible OT. Good job boys! Who calls us the "no name" team, maybe we will show shades of the 1972 Miami Dolphins "no name" defense. That would be nice. The Chargers played aggressively and went for the win, not get conservative as they have done in the past and try not to lose. Brees, LT were solid, and the O line looked decent also. My star and game ball go to Antonio Gates, flashes of another great TE were apparent all day. And I'm not talking about the arrogant one in Cleveland. Good job Antonio, you are the real deal. Great throw by Brees and better catch by Eric Parker. The TV replays were lousy and no feet were visible and Texas challenged, we got the TD. I later saw still photos and the official was right on it and Parker is in for sure but it was tight! I met many Charger fans at a local sports bar here in Portland, OR and it looks like I have a group to watch all the games with this year. I was 3 shots deep in tequila by noon which I never do watching early games but what the hell, it was the season opener! We were once humbled by the Jets a few years back when we donned the powder blues at home and it sent us into a tailspin we never recovered from. Watch out big apple team, weez is gonna take a bite out of ya this time! Brees summed it all up after the victory over Texas when he said they came to win, not to play well. I think Lorenzo Neal said something along the same lines also. A new attitude and a few breaks, this team may be able to get things done. Good luck and protect the house next week Chargers, I for one will be watching and I may not need to pray or knock on wood this game! Lets do it. PS Also kudos to Nate Kaeding who was perfect on PAT's and FG's, good job, keep up the good work, kicks were looking like Vijay Singh drives!

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

season opener

Here comes the 2004 Chargers marching to TX in what I feel should be a hard fought victory. Forget the pre season, this is for real and it is away. Drew is the man as of today, lets see if his newfound confidence holds through what may be a steady pounding. All the experts say we are going to be dismal. I do not concur to this opinion. Always keep it positive. Instead of finding creative ways to give a game away or hold on to a lead, we have to develop some kind of killer instinct. I feel a few early breaks for the Chargers strategically placed could easily change what the so called "experts" feel about my beloved bolt blue. Hold on to your seats, another year of the blue comin' at ya! Keep the faith Charger fans, it can only go up from last season.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

its only pre

short blog for our preseason loss to the Hawks. I used to care when Seatown was in the AFC West, not now. Makes it mo bettah that it was only a preseason loss. We could have won possibly but these games are to cut the roster down and see who is the dope! Nice return by Wes. Flutie can still do it. Untill the season starts I won't have much to say, I have an opinion of the preseason that I will keep to myself. The attitude in training camp and preseason is a turnaround from last season, seems the Chargers have some real expectations and confidence. Rivers got some touches and found reality after a few good throws. LD is being saved for the real. Come to the forefront Reche, its your year to prove something. Not much to say on this game...but the rally was fierce. Almost...horseshoes and hand grenades. Can't play catch up w/this team. Peace all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A Rivers Runs Through It

Nothing personal Philip, but $40.5 million for an untested qb that may be on the bench 2 to 3 yrs. Brees looks good, but we have seen this before. The defense played spectacularly against the Cardinals...this is a good thing. Capitalizing on turnovers was something the Chargers missed sorely last year. Or even producing them. Lookout Raidahs, here come the Chargers. That goes for the Chiefs, Broncos too!

Monday, August 23, 2004

crushing the Cards

The defense had a coming out party against the Cardinals, 3-4 dee all the way. 2 sacks, 2 fumble recoveries and 2 safeties! Alas, its only the wilting Cards and preseason, but I'll take it. Brees was super impressive also. 172 yds in playing only the 1st half, good sign. Lets blast the sea chickens next week as we prepare for a rough year, hopefully the Chargers will rise to the occasion.