Friday, October 29, 2004


The hour is upon me, the pilgrimage to the "Murph", or to gen Xers, "the Q". I will depart Portland Oregon this afternoon, where we are free thinkers and a blue state, just like he mighty Chargers! Was that corny cool or what? Haven't blogged about last weeks game, we won. UGLY. But we showed heart and the dee rawked like Warrant, er I mean IGGY POP. I'm taking the train for unspecified reasons and I will pass the Raider Correctional Facility (c'mon, you know it looks like a prison) at about 6am tomorrow. I will lay me Bolt hex on yur ass then and there. You want dedicated Charger fan, u got. I train back right after the game, happy hopefully from our crushing of the Raidahs. My prediction for the game is Like Clubber Lang to Rocky...PAIN! It will give all Raider rooters a boost that Iam cursed when it comes to seeing the Chargers live, haven't seen them win in person since 1995. But like the Red Sox, the curse will be over for me this upcoming Sunday. My "Oakland Sucks" shirt is in my backpack, I can't tell you what it says on the back, ok I will hint: "...and Al Davis swal...! Do the math. I will see many Raider photo opps, u know the guys, Darth Vader, the pirate, the road warrior. Its like "Halloween Pt. 47" for me. They prissy up for a game like a girl. Like the "Village People" but everyone is dressed the same! And Iam gonna drink like a fish and maintain my cool. Most is good natured ribbing between fans, but some are ugly. Last Bolt/Raider game was like Custer's Last Stand getting out. Saw SUV's plowing into one another like bumper cars! I will add more on my journey as I go hopefully. Raiders, the blue hand of doom is upon you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha!! You're shirt is pretty funny. You have a point though, OAKLAND does Suck. That's the crappiest city I've been in, save the Lake Merrit area. As far as Al Swallows...well, if he swallows, what does Dean Spanos and family do? I mean at least Al pumps money into the team and tries to find the talent that will produce a winning season. The Spanos'? Getting rid of all their talent and then not signing any free agents until McCardell. Now, Clubber Lang over Rocky huh? You do remember what happened when Apollo Creed became Rocky's trainer right? CLubber ended up on all fours on the canvas.  That must have been a crazy sight to see SUV's plowing into each other. Those LA Gangsters are a bunch of idiots, they're not Raider fans. Anyhow man, enjoy the game. I'll probably be in my CWood Jersey (one of about 40,000 since you pansy ass Charger fans sell your tickets to us out of fear of stepping into the Q at the same time Raider fans do) LOL. Good luck the rest of the season, just not in Oakland or on Sunday. SO now, off to the Q, where Big Sunday will become BLACK SUNDAY!!