Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Jag Flogging

Powder Blues baybee. This week I'll make it short and sweet. I will admit I was holding my breath and starting to think of ways to lose, Charger style when the dee ended it for JAX breaking up close to a TD pass in the end zone. I pictured a JAX onside kick and recovery and well, those days are over! You know how we Bolt fans can get after years of abuse. Jessee who? Jessee Chatham boyee! Hows about a one two punch in the backfield? Literally the SD offense chewed and spat out quick TD or fg drives and took advantage of the turnovers! Dee was in pursuit, mass pressure on Lefty and finally some sacks. And that cool INT where Lefty overthrew right to our man for a good return also and I believe a TD on the ensuing drive. We have proven we are a whole new, hungry team with mass confidence when we score out of the gate. But I guess the critics say any team plays better with a 21-0 lead! But this is the Chargers remember? As for next week, Wade Phillips gives Chargers mass inside info on the Falcons on how to defense them and offense them. I'm thinking Vick will struggle with the West Coast offense again. LT and new weapon Chatham will keep Atlanta honest, while Gates gets open and does damage also. Still looking for that breakout game by any Charger WR's, it is needed and would add a whole new dimension to what could be a most potent new found Bolt offense. Brees is a born again bad ass who has some swagger, he sure looks confident. Its fun to watch, and its nice to not lose! We are playing to win, not holding on. Still need to just go for the throat and end a game decisevly. Even though we were ahead in score at the end, JAX ate us up and made it mildly scary in the 2nd half. Look out Falcons, a new team is on the horizon, and you get to playem in your house. Were lettin' loose our bulls in your china shop! I also must say, from a GQ/Vanity fair tip, the old uni's are the sharpest in the league. We finally did the colors justice after dishonoring them a few yrs back against the Jets. Keep it up Blue, you have a loyal following here in Portland, OR. We have taken over a corner in a bar here and we are by far the most vocal, people don't get it. The TVs have gone from a 13' B & W tv the 1st week to the Jumbo tron screen last week, we are gaining respect in the size of the screens we play on. Look out everybody, we could be real!

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