Sunday, October 23, 2005

Baby Jesus Hates the Chargers!

  The Bolts were on Satan's puppet strings today. Marrying Courtney Love, developing a heroin habit, and oy, hand me a more of this misery. This last scenario sounds better than how this game went down for us Charger fans. Torture, absolute torture. On the other end, Jesus must've been pushing pins into voodoo doll likenesses of Charger players. The blocked FG reminded me of another Philly moment in history. The NY Giants Joe Piscarcik fumble in '78 that Herm Edwards scooped up and took to the house. Miraculous play at the most inoppurtune of times. But purr fect timing for Philly.

  Philly fans say what you will, you dodged a big time bullet. Yes, you SHUT down LT and killed our rushing attack and we still had ya. Even after the blocked FG for the TD. Bottom line also, Reche Caldwell blew it on fumbling a 1st down catch in the red zone with all momentum going our way and good odds of at least OT and possible go ahead TD leaving no time for you. But you won the lotto, twice. Not griping, your special teams rawked on the block and Caldwell choked. Thats why we play these games, it ain't over till the whistle blows. Its hard to take, believe me. 3 losses by 3, 1 by 4. My god, it's time to "practice santeria"! Gimmee the chicken and I'll gut it, light a candle, chant and ingest monkey brains chased by lamb's blood martini to end this heinous luck we have. Or is it collapse under pressure? I feel its a little of both.

  The Eagles dee line dominated us. There were no holes for anybody. Gates was effective. Our WR's were decent. Philly was looking downtrodden for sure, Led Zeppelin would say "Trampled Under Foot". But like blood dripping on the floor in "Hellraiser", they rose from the ashes and gave us a taser gun shot in the cajones! And we still came back at em! I can't get over the Caldwell catch and fumble. It was like one moment I'm in a porno with J LO and then in 2 seconds her face and body morphed into Micheal Jackson. Wood be gone. Big time. I swear i feel like I'm in the round room in "Midnight Express"! Nurse Ratchett is messing with my melon for pleasure ala "Cuckoo's Nest"! Nancy Kerrigan said it best, "WHY? WHY?" Why lose like that. I need a difibrallator and Grecian Formula 16 and Just 4 Men for the soul patch! There, that was more pop culture references than Shrek and Shrek II combined. Its outta my system.

  Philly let us hang around and we finally took advantage of it in the 2nd half, and just handed it right back. T.O. the waiter in the end zone served us haggis and blood pudding for supper, mmmmmm yummy. And how is the scab pie? I the Bolt fan will have that. No filet mignon for me or lobster. I may as well live in hell and eat the cuisine that they serve there. Did the Charger customer stiff Satan's staff this week? I'm reduded to silence or uttering sentences like the late "Bill the Cat" from Doonesbury...ACK! PFFFFT! ACK! Speechless. I'm freakin' Helen Keller answeing the iron! A zombie. I'll have the triple bybass and compound fracture, no anisthetic please. I want to feel every bit of the searing pain of this loss!

  Done deal. Its over. Gotta "cowboy up" now. Look in the mirror and stare right back and believe this trend will end. Like I said, scores don't matter or the line...its a W or an L. But I think the losses we have sustained are spirit crushers. Makes you think, is at least one of these gonna be in our favor soon? That bounce after the blocked FG was too perfect. Like a little green gremlin invisible to Charger eyes handed it right to that guy. SHEESH! And screw the best 3-4 team in the league moniker, we are still 3-4 nonetheless. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I'm gonna go pull a fly's wings off now, better him than me. Its gonna take a few days to get over this. Chin up Charger faithful, we ain't done yet. HOOO RA! ACK! PFFFFT!


Anonymous said...

You know I had to swing by and leave a comment on your blog this week... Tomlinson rushes 17 times for 7 yards... are you kidding me? I was there and the place was rockin' after that blocked field goal! We caught another stroke of luck with the fumble, couldn't agree with you more. You guys had the momentum, our offense wasn't clicking. Here's me being thankful it didn't go into overtime. But as you know, a win is a win! ~ Erin the Eagles Bird

Anonymous said...

Hey, the Eagles might have been lucky, but so are lots of wins by every team over the years. Lucky bounces are part of the game. Once in a while Philly teams get a lucky break though I've seen the Eagles screwed more times by lucky bounces and catches over more years than the Chargers have played, and it's about time that they get another one in their favor. One thing about sports, it's impossible to beat a team that's both lucky and good, and the Iggles had both of that going yesterday.
Long Time Fair Weather Eagles Fan

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Philly knows that we dodged a bullet.  The Eagles defense showed up, but their offense didn't, and their coach was nowhere to be found.   How does a guy who coaches a team to their best record in franchise history, have no clue how to manage a clock, or call plays under pressure??  

Bottom line is that good teams find a way to win, whether it's with skill, luck, or both, and in the end, all "W's" count the same.  Two good teams met yesterday in a contest of who could give away the game for good.  Chargers won that contest.  

Philly put another tally mark in the win column, if only by dumb luck.  They need to play to their potential though, because dumb luck runs out quickly.  

Anonymous said...

Say what you will, what took place yesterday was not "dumb luck." Luck, as former Sixer coach Larry Brown constantly points out, is where preparation meets opporunity. Preparation? The Eagles spotted the weakness in the Charges field goal set up from looking at films. The Eagle that picked up the blaocked kickapproached the ball with just enough caution to make sure he secured the ball no matter where it bounced. And, on the strip of the ball at the end is something all teams practice over and over again.  The Eagles new at that point in the game a tackle of the receiver would not suffice. Preparation met opportunity. The same cannot be said of the Charges.

Anonymous said...

Not only did my Cowboys lose, I have L.T. on my fantasy team, and needless to say, it was a bad day all around.
