Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fader Nation beckons

  As we head up to NoCal I have put the Steeler game behind me. I said I would write more on that game but I lied. I have decided to put it behind me. It is too painful a cross to bear. Yes, a bit of the flair for the melodramatic. I actually had football nightmares Monday evening. I drank 3 big Cokes and had a latte' during the game, so that may have contributed to my lack of sleep that night, caffiene, unlike alcohol, does not dull the pain. Freakin' Fantasia cartoon football nightmares. Like that old Porky Pig cartoon when he is sentenced by the leprecauns to the "wearin' of the green shoes"! I dug deep for that so if you haven't seen it, your loss. One of the "halluciginenic" Warner Brother cartoons way before Gumby ever hit the screen. Snoop Dog came to mind and calmed me. Just chill, till the next episode.

  We come to Chapter 6 in the Chargers rollercoaster ride of a season. We are by far the best 2-3 team in the league. And this chapter is the dirty dungeon like Oakland Coliseum. But like Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction we are gonna get "medieval on their ass!" I just went by that canker sore of a stadium 3 weeks ago. I wish I could drench it in Compound W and make that wart go away! But, ah yes, there is game to be played this Sunday in the prison. Like freakin' Thin Lizzy back in the day, we is gonna have a Jailbreak! This is the one team I give nada, zero respect too. Like hyenas, Raider fans hang in packs and snap at the scraps. Like class picture day they all gotta dress up n look purdy. But 80% when the game is done take off their "Mad Max" regalia and go back to their jobs at KFC. Pathetic, ain't it?

  I'm knowing that the Oakland defense is gonna see LT, alot. Sapp is a shadow of himself now, although still very good. Ron Woodson, meet Antonio Gates and Keenan McQuardell. Good luck. Kerry Collins, Ben took a beating last week and it will be worse for you. Marty better nip the penalty bug this week cause that will cause problems against any team. Although I haven't done the research on the Raiders this year, I know they commit alot themselves. And when they retire they become felons or crackheads! Or better yet, while they are active. My blood boils blue when I think of that effeminete pirate on the Fader helmet. His smirk makes me think he and the old logo Tampa Bay burnt orange pirate just hooked up and went for a "cruise". As macho as Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribeean".

  I shake in my boots as Raider fan enters the parking lot saying, ala Pee Wee Herman, "I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel". I know you are but what am I? I'm a Bolts fan, respectful yet a hard ass, and loyal as any 3rd world fader nation member. And this fan's opinion of the upcoming game, though we are in their "house" is a big fat W. May be hard fought and all that, but prevail we will. The Raiders will go down like Porkins in the 1st Star Wars movie! Stay on target. This is always "the game" for me regardless of records. I'll be at the one in our house Dec. 4, Patron' in hand, toasting our success in 2005 and our drive to the playoffs and perhaps the elusive Super Bowl title all San Diego fans crave and deserve. Don't give up the fight, keep the faith. Blue blood runs thicker than water. GO CHARGERS...BOO YAAA!!!




Anonymous said...

"I just went by that canker sore of a stadium 3 weeks ago. I wish I could drench it in Compound W and make that wart go away! But, ah yes, there is game to be played this Sunday in the prison."

Qualcomm is no better. That stadium stinks! I had the unfortunate experience of walking through the lower part of the structure, and there are nothing but leaking pipes and dirty sewer rats hanging out by the hot dog stands waiting for a drunk Blunderbold fan to drop his hot dog.

Harsh words about Raider fan. Charger fan is no better. It's easy to bag on Raider fan because he has that reputation, but Charger fan gets drunk, belligerent, and stupid at their home games. Just this past week, after the Steelers game, there was a special report on Channel 39 news here in San Diego. They were complaining about their own fans. Of course, you wouldn't get that from the Union Tribune because people like Nick Canepa are homers and are unprofessional in their line of work. I'll tell you this though, there were plenty of arrests for public intoxication, fighting, and get this "classy" charger fan--urinating in public! Yeah, you have a lot of room to criticize.

"And this fan's opinion of the upcoming game, though we are in their "house" is a big fat W. May be hard fought and all that, but prevail we will."

If not for two Ron Curry drops last season, we win, you lose!

"This is always "the game" for me regardless of records. I'll be at the one in our house Dec. 4"

See you there!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I can't believe that you went to Oakland and borrowed someones balls to say what you did, cause we all know you don't have your own. Last year, you were just an irritating little Charger fan. This year, your turd status has really piled up high. There are a lot of teams out there that I really don't like, yes, those girly-boy Chargers included. But I don't see any reason to say something as dumb as what you have said here.

You feel that your favorite team will win, fine! Just say that then. I feel my team will win also. As for the fans, SHEESH, dude, give it a rest. ALL TEAMS HAVE THEIR EXTREME FANS. Seems that you're included. Or have you gone beyond that and join the ranks of those that you've described earlier? I think you have. From what I understand, the Chargers fans have the WORST hospitality rating in the nation. IN THE NATION!!! Just a bunch of alcoholics anonymous rejects.

You talk about the Super Bowl that SD deserves? Come on, you and I both know and the world will agree that the trophy belongs to the team that earned it. I can't even remember when the Bolts have ever been. Wait, they did back in '95 and got BEAT DOWN. It's going to take more than 'sewer talk' to get 'em back there. You sure aren't helping though.

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot, the Raiders will win. Period!!!

Anonymous said...

it's that time of the year. You all know what I"m talking about. You know, when Charger fan celebrates his semi-annual trip to the Super Bowl. It's funny....and at the same time flattering...that Charger fan puts so much stock in playing the Raiders. Living in San Diego, I hear it all over the radio stations. Two, Three, even four months after the last time SD beat the Raiders, Charger fans were calling in saying "Who Cares if we choked against the Jets. At least we beat the Raiders twice." What a mediocre set of fans. They are content with just settling for a pair of victories against the Raiders. Funny how the Chargers always seem like small fish to fry.