Thursday, October 27, 2005


  Last any other sport than football reference for awhile. Sox win it. Liked the games in Chicago better. Houston crowd is sleepy. But I guess when they never came through in the crunch you grow to expect it. That bzzzzzzzzzzz thing w/the bees is lame. Nervous crowd anticipating a big moment that never came.

 Gimmee cold weather and beer. When your in Chicago there is an "X" factor. Like goin' to Nascar for the race and not the crash. In Chicago your always thinkin'"Who's gonna punch me?" or "Hey, look at that drunk dude who ran on the field and tackled the ump!" always bonus trailer trash moments await, reality TV and MLB, a cd w/a bonus track and its a Meatloaf song! I'm stoked for the old man, he has come full atheletic circle and can die a happier dude. Overall, Series was boring to me. But after 88 yrs I tip my cap to the South Side of Chicago and a World Series flag. Congrats. C'mon Chargers, don't make me wait that long. Git it going!

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