Tuesday, October 25, 2005


  I can't believe this, I'm dreaming of Barbara Bush Senior! Kept seeing her behind the plate for every pitch and like being in a mall after an hour of  80's Muzak, you walk out humming the worst song  is in your head. This vision haunts me. Cause when they panned the camera to the right it was her sister! But brunette, not sexy silver. And Lawrence Welk next to her, a trip. These triple lattes are killing me. Oh, theres a game on, ok. Bill Parcells proved if a sentence starts with "No offense meant" it will be offensive for sure. No offense Barbara, I'm trying to watch a baseball game here. But I'm drawn to you for some mysterious reason.  Its almost Halloween, thats it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's freaky, trickage.
