Sunday, September 17, 2006

Like A Seagull On A Cheeto

 As Steve Irwin said when the stingray barb hit his heart, "CRIKEY!" Sorry Steve, we living always poke fun at the dead and know we will be amongst them someday. But TN felt the sting. It was a sorry sight. The crocs never got they're revenge, they hired a stingray. Sorry, had to use it. But I stress Steve rocked, and was and is a truly good man.

 The game I just watched, was the 1st Lego in the diagram you could never build as a kid. The best toy ever was the 25 cent army man with a plastic parachute, the 60's baybee. You could throw it or use a Wham O wood slingshot and launch those biatches miles, or so it seemed. Sometimes that chute would fill with air beautifully and your molded plastic army man would float to Earth gracefully. Or the chute would stick, and your army man would crash to earth. Tennesee's chute stuck. I knew it would. The best was when you could catch your own launch. Video games and liability make this activity a thing of the past. Present...Chargers are a good team.

  They beat a poor TN team, but they did it easy. And the ball was spread around. Rivs made some phat throws. Queenan, hope he is ok, haven't had time to check, was the ultimate possession reciever. Parker, please...he is a threat...deep or short. Watch yo self. Gates...well, nuff said. Rivs looks to me like a kid in a candy store. He is finding he has alot of weapons. And he is just figuring it out. And like the rest of the Chargers...gung ho. Live and die by the sword.

  OK, so it was the Kerry Collins and Vinny show. Show confidence. Or was it a strategy? I remember days like this, but it is now TN's turn to experience it. Do I even begin about our offensive defense? I drank tequila today. Good decision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought that a crocodile would get Irwin. Seeing a stingray do it is like seeing a guy come home from the Gulf War, only to get hit by a school bus. Fatal, yes... but not really how we all had it scripted in our minds.