Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pigskin Blogger Dead Zone (Bolts Dust TN)

 Hardy har har. I just got back from a Human League show, ya know? You look it up if your that young and musically uninclined. As I psyche up for tomorrows W against TN I must say it seems pigskinbloggers is a dead entity. I'm still here, but it seems no one else cares. By the way, Ducks beat Sooner today...and I will admit...I closed my stand and gave up. Got home in time for the missed OU FG. DUCKS baybee.

 We seem to have been passed by and bloggers is now like the NBA AOL blogs. Do I give a fuck? NO. I don't have to pay to post anymore, so what am I complaining about? I'm now a bit looped and have been taken for a ride and ridden a few in my day. Just seems different this year. Nobody is blogging. Well, I will be. I will throw down from this corner of cyberspace...and ya'll is coming with me...right?

 Hang on, just got a large delivered. 1/2 pepperoni, 1/2 anchovy, and it's not from a chain. Its from a family I know, the Roventes. Purchase from your family guy and blow off the chains, And don't play fantasy football. I like sex fantasys better, and if your not wasting your time rooting for other teams players to do well for you and all that stupid ass gobble dee gook. Do it real. I root FOR THE CHARGERS, thats it. No extracurricular dumb ass shit as Red Foreman would say. I will never root for some opposing player to do well for me when I bleed the blue.

 Where are the pigskin bloggers? Nowhere to be found. Been there, done that. Hope somebody posts soon. But I'll live. Mine eyes have seen more than Rutger Hauer in "Blade Runner." Football wise. I'm feeling like Jack (Kurt Russell) in "Big Trouble In Little China" , just a basic no frills mutha fuckah that tells you, you done gonna lose. TN I hate guarantees, but the Bolts done gonna whup ya boyee. I can say whatever I want about TN, cuz they don't have a blogger on AOL or for a matter of fact...the world. And I would anyway..

 Joy to the World, all the Bolts and Bills, Joy to the Fishes in the deep south East, Jets will be the beast? Doubtful, but Chad fights. Bolts, 2-0. Take it to the bank.


Anonymous said...

I miss PB too, Trickage.... I'll still run my blog there, but it's like screaming into the abyss now.

Anonymous said...

Trickage...know that your blog can make me laugh my ass off, something the Fanhouse blogs can't.  That's what's missing at the Fanhouse...any personality.