Monday, September 11, 2006


 Marty's game. Run Will Robinson...I mean Tomlison. Why pass? Raiders on the right foot, pull Herb...or smoke it. Way to start, a confidence builder, just a Shell game. He looked confident. NOT. I'm sleepy and PBR fueled. 1 and oh. TN next week. We'll do it.

 When you don't need to take chances and can win, in fact dominate, by just running the ball, do it. Rivers is learning and had some problems with QB to RB exchange during preseason and now we know he can do that. No center/QB fumbles, a good sign. You cringe even when you see it in preseason. We may just run over the Titans also and limit the pass until absolutely neccessary. You may not like it to watch, but W's are what we need and this is how were gonna get a few. Philip stepped up later in the game and threw a perfect spiral 37 yds to Eric parker on a 3rd and long. Looked good, and we needed it at the time.

 Our defense is the real deal. The spirit of Butkus lives in Merriman. Absolute leader and gung ho to the max. Think we had 9 sacks and many near sacks. The pressure was on Brooks. Raider WR Porter was cheering our sacks, this he denies. The look on Art Shell's face throughout the game said it all, stupified by the team that surrounded him.

 If you are an old school Bay area fan you may remember an NHL team that used to be in Oakland that didn't survive due to they're inept personel moves and lack of production on the ice. Yep, the Raiders are the new Oakland Seals...lousy. But masqueraded silver & black pirate jesters cry, and fill McAfee Stadium and take it all in. Never quit. Alzheimer Al Davis is a relic and needs to be sent to the glue factory. Sorry Raider fans, its gonna be another dark n gloomy year. I will know Raider fan when I see him on the street. He/She will have they're own personal rain cloud showering on them. 24/7.

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