Friday, September 29, 2006

Chesa Peke Beat Down

 OK, a real game is coming up. And I just got home from falafelling in 80 degree weather in Oregon in late I'm still slow on the draw for pre games. Steve McNair, survive the storm. Call me crazy...we'll win this ez. Oh, I have failed before. Just think Antonio Gates is gonna be Rivers Discovery Channel this weekend. Overwhelm. I'm on a limb for this. I'm tired now. And you'll get a coffee blog. 10am here, back east its 1pm. Unless some roller derby chick rawks my world on Saturday, its caffiene city. LT...just gonna kinda hang around. 1st large chunky run. Where is Kyle Boeller? I make the best falafel in the world...but at least I have to make it. Is Kyle throwing?

  I know nothing cept reality. Baltimore bites. Just a bit. Soft shelled crabs are the lemon wedge on a heffy there! Although I truly adore Divine and Jon Waters. And the success of of all the teams in the area. CYA Later...

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