Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mardi Brees

 So...whatcha, whatcha want? I showed up at Claudia's in full beads...gold, black 'n white. I NEVER root for any other team other than the Chargers. But Drew is the man...eh...Miami? Never got my 1st drink before I knew it was something special. Yeah, buncha punk ATL's at the next table. Wherever you be, and whoever you root for...this was speshul! Nobody had beads...beads will make you whole. Waited for Vick to do his thang, never did he get the chance.

  To me rooting for the Saints was like dumbasses who play fantasy shit. But since George W shit on New Orleans and his mother said they were better off less than a year later, we saw a different New Orleans. Yes...football can make a little difference. Behind they're gated community life, viewing the world from priviledge, and daddy Sr. looking oddly out of place at the coin toss, Drew played football. And so did the Saints. Within a minute, the Saints were up. Funny...I was the only one with beads. Nobody was a Saints fan, nor did I see a jersey of black n gold or black n orange. Except for (for real) some stupid ass mulleteers who soon knew, with they're 1st grade edju macation (Popeye said it, not me) it was over before it began. Oh, emotion and a nation can't win. And I'm way far away, in Portland, OR! Hope it was that way everywhere, in this once great nation of ours. Still is, were justa little behind the ocho ball.

  Hate my opinions, hate me. But don't hate a city forgotten. The sound byte culture will remember tonight. The cool was seeing my favorite band member...no...not U2 or Green Day. Rick Nielsen from Cheap Trick got two big flashes on the screen, and a big leg kick to boot. He supports our troops, whatever that means. Its a people thing, care about people. Troops, you, me, your mom n dad, and the kids they made. Don't follow blindly, unless its your football team. And then root root root. No need to hurt anybody. Or pretend your better than somebody. Humanity baybee, its what it should all be about.

  I'm still angry about New Orleans...and you should be too.  Its still much like it was a year ago. Here in Portland, we protest against our administration the way it is. If we get a 9.7 earthquake here, nobody will come to help either. We don't support GWB...and we'll pay for it, for sure. This country is about US! Not the priviledged! ALL OF US! So a fuckin' football game made it OK for a night.

  OK, enough politics. But it can't be helped. Tumultuous times are here, and football is pleasure. I can't stress enough how we should all care. About more than...this tackle sponsored by McDonald's. Drew Brees is a winner, name someone else on his team besides Reggie Bush. Yeah, I'm biased.

  I can't help but be the way Iam as many displaced from New Orleans citizens live here in Portland, and have told me they're stories of neglect. Have seen many jazz musicians play and talk, forgotten but alive. Believe what you want, but the real world is at your doorstep. And know...nobody is going to help. My dad is a bad ass ex Army Ranger...he always told me...Yur on ur own kid! Vive New Orleans! And peace to the world.


Anonymous said...

In Boston, Drew would be hated like Benedict Arnold for changing teams. Look at how we talk about Damon... "looks like Jesus, throws like Mary."

Anonymous said...

Dude!  Go Saints!  Yeah, funny to be commin from a Bucs fan, eh?  They deserve it.

As for the Katrina mess, yeah, I can relate -- Charley, Frances, and Jeanne. Whole communities here were flattened and all three of those killers passed within five miles of my home.  Much like Naw'lins, FEMA came and made a bigger mess of things with their non-help.

Keep up the good work Mon, yer blog RAWKS!