Saturday, September 30, 2006

1st True Test

 Stormin' into Baltimore after an early bye week spells disaster for some. Continue the momentum. And a young QB learns. What will he improve this week?

 Have had a busy week, we got an Indian Summer week here in Portland, 80 degrees all week. So I'm lagging on the pre game blog. Maybe this Rockstar 21 will bring me out of it. Oh, and its so tough, gotta wake up n watch the Chargers tomorrow. Early. Set the snooze and wake up like by 7am. Creature of habit. Feel I waste the day if I sleep in, even on day's off. I'm a nap man! Do it after football.

 We have two of the best defenses on the field tomorrow. Winner of the game, bottom line? Who has the defense on the field longer will lose. Yeah, a general statistic. But it will play tomorrow. Shawn is our Ray Lewis, and way younger. This is a scary game.

  Our secondary looks vastly improved, although a game against Kerry Collins could make Lilliputions feel large. McNair is still formidable and somewhat rejuvinated, he is in peril if he gets flushed out of the pocket all day. He may complete some that way, but he will take a streaking cross field hit or three not to his liking. Baltimore dee is capable of returning all these favors back to us. They are hard nosed and on a roll. Your gonna hear that extra loud helmet cracking on TV tomorrow.

  Offenses...we have the advantage I feel. And weaponry will hopefully break Baltimore. One of they're star db's is out, name escapes me and I'm not lookin' it up now. We have I believe Clinton Hart starting tomorrow for cough syrup boy...he'll step up. Remember that INT for a TD filling in against, I think, the Raiders? Take advantage Mr. Cee Hart. Take one to the house.

  I'm no gambler, but I got this feeling. Gates is gonna be in play. From the opening series, just a guess. Gates, big tomorrow. LT and Turner, best 1-2 punch in the game. One will break 100. I will not diss the Ravens. My Vegas instincts of which I have none, tell me Bolts at the Chez Bay by at least 13. Now thats the beer and sheer confidence talking. Glad I only watch and type bullshit. We'll see how we roll...

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