Thursday, September 7, 2006

A Stoned Roller Gathers Some Moss

  As Whitesnake once put it so eloquently put it back in the day..."Here We Go Again On Our Own, Going Down The Only Road We've ever Known, Aaron Brooks Already Has This Game Blown! In 1st Place The Bolts Will Stand Alone! Rhymin' skillz, I just don't got 'em! But isn't it exciting? We come out the gate and BLAST the Raiders.  But I will remember we are in they're house, and strange things happen in that prison like stadium by the freeway and the wrong side of the tracks.

  I know the tracks in Oakland. I take the train through it on my way to sunny San Diego. And I swear I always make sure I'm in the club car facing McAfee Stadium (aka Attica) and flip double single finger salutes to it everytime I pass, there and back and in front of whoever. Know how sometimes you have your own mini superstitions? And you actually think in your Old Milwaukee sodden brain that a little ritual you do, or bar you go to, what TV you watch in the bar...will have something to do with the outcome of the game? Holy Shit, did I just describe me? Well, thats one ritual I have been doing since 2003 and its working out well as we are like 9 and 0 VS the Faders since I started doing it. Blame me Raider devotees, its all on me. Voodoo chile hex on the skull and crossboners!

  We have a River, and frankly...Oakland has a blubbering...I mean bubbling Brook. Randy may be good help to Aaron, but this may be like the same horror film Oakland fans had to watch last year. Getting murdered every week in every concievable way possible by the Jasons and Freddy's of the NFL. If Oakland were a horror film they would be "Leprechaun...Part 5!" OK, I got the verbal jabs outta my system. The Raiders do something to me. Its just awesome to whup they're ass consistently.

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