Sunday, October 1, 2006

Just Let Them Hang Around

 It's deja vu all over again, mirroring the 2005 season collapses that kept us out of the playoffs.  So much for my theories in the pre game blog, the Chargers will always defy logic. We did seem to have the Raven defense on the field most of the game, but they won. That 13-7 lead we carried almost the whole game always was in the back of my brain...were the Bolts, we can lose this by one. A lifetime of this is taking its toll on me.

 It was our uncanny ability to take scoring oppurtunities, and have them slammed back in our faces. And we always achieve the absolute worst case scenario. Ghosts of the Philly game last year circled the stadium. We had two chances to pretty much seal the game with a FG and a 16-7 lead and we blew them both. If I remember David Binn, ex Pamela Lee fodder, blew the snap. Everybody scrambled around ala electric football and poof! Raven ball. The long snapping sucked. The punt from the end zone, where the ball bounced on the way and Scifries by sheer athletic ability and luck, got off a nice kick and took a pounding. Then took the safety. That changed the game near the end, at least to me. By the way, and I have witnesses, I called the safety as the thing to do when that 1st punt took place. At least get a free kick from the 20 and give them more real estate to deal with. We lost, but dominated. Dosen't make sense does it? Get used to it. Charger logic would put Spock in a psyche ward. They are most illogical!

 We won the turnover battle 4 to 1. Yet still gave up that game ending spirit crushing drive. Its like fucking Groundhog Day! Seem to be reliving it week to week, year to year...ouch. Our legacy. Even when we get a dramatic turnover, we fumble on the return then, get it back. SD's flair for the dramatic. Thought this was the year we worked on the "killer instinct". Another defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. Where are our recievers? One call I missed in the pre game blog was Rivers finding Gates. One nice play and gone. If he is being tag teamed, someone must be open! I love our running game, but we'd bust a few good runs, open up the dee for a play action or screen, or GASP! maybe one to the house and BAM! we'd run again for 3 yds. When we should be putting the game out of reach! Or at least a 2 score game with short time left. Freakin' Marty. A Ravens fan (the only one watching at Claudia's) who was cool remarked, "You'd think with all that dynamic talent you have, you'd have a dynamic coach to get it all working together" I couldn't agree more. I called for his ouster before Brees left, it was Marty's stale ways...not Drew. Hope Tampa dumps Gruden. Sorry Marty, it ain't all you and maybe its me. But going into an entire "prevent" game plan, meaning the whole game, not the last minutes its lame. We are aggressive, remain aggressive.

 I remain faithful and confident that 2006 is a playoff season. With a possibility at a deep run. But winnable games like these on the road against "A" competition that are thrown away come back to haunt you. I state my case, last season. Look at the score, its obvious both defenses played well. Not going to point out any of the good, although the 1st drive was sweet, the Floyd TD reception, nice. Jammer INT. All to waste...we lost another we should have won. Sour grapes? fuckin 'betcha! Like Spicoli said in Fast Times At Ridgemont High as he smacked his melon with a Van's tennis shoe, "Hear that? That was my skullllllll, man!"    Oh, and congrats to the Padres on winning the West. Beat the reeling Cards. And in the AL...Twins baybee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at last Sunday's game in Baltimore. I was having fun until the tail end of the game. Oh well. I hear Sunday's weather forecast calls for lots of Lightning! I'll be watching the game from Fredericksburg, VA. -Katrina