Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Golf & Fishing Season

 This has nothing to do w/football. But I just happened across this on the net. A Thai fisherman caught this 647 lb. catfish. A Popeye's franchise could run for a year off this catch. This is my pre game blog for the Denver game. Not really, just bored. Played some Scrabble. Watched "2 1/2 Men" Life sucks when your team dosen't make the playoffs. Think I'll get into Elf Quest. This sucks.

Also if you haven't seen this piece of news, there is a "bat boy" on the loose. Look out. He preys on Raider fans. And Seahawk bloggers. Being that he seems to reappear every year since about 1982 he must be a thirty something bat beer bonger. Was once considered as an XFL helmet logo. They went w/San Francisco Demons instead. If I ws an XFL jersey I would be "I Hate Me". A former Charger went on to ride the pine of greatness for the XFL's Memphis Extreme, Craig "Interception" Whelihan. Sorta like Eric Hipple (who resembles Kenny Loggins by the way!) and Joey Harrington rolled into one neat little shitty QB!  I remember the John Friesz experiment. Remember your Friesz trial Seahawks, ugly. The reality of it all is,  the Chargers are gonna be good for years to come. I predict a title within 3 years. Big words after this season. Jax is a pretender. I'm pouting again.

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