Sunday, December 18, 2005

13-1* Suckah DJ's Call Me Sire

Running back Michael Turner scores a touchdown on an 83-yard run against the Indianapolis Colts in a NFL football game in Indianapolis Sunday, Dec. 18, 2005. The Chargers defeated the Colts 26-17."Afterburner Turner says Buh bye to the Colts hope of an undefeated season Notice Colt fan in background with hands to his eyes cuz he can't bear to watch. Priceless.

    Crack the champagne 1972 Dolphin losers, your record is safe for another year, thanks to the San Diego Chargers. Peyton the pouter, looked shellshocked as did the rest of the Colt team for most of the game. Heads in hands, towels wrapped around heads...downtrodden. But still, the Colts rattled our cage and put the fear o god in me! Where do I begin with this game?

  We stood up the boys in the Hawaiian blue, thats how they describe the color of Colt jerseys. Hawaiian blue will never unseat powder blue. Yeah, Indy was ripe for a loss. But I don't want to hear anything about them letting up. They were trying for all 4 quarters...and got beat. And we crossed all the tee's and dotted the i's. We won this with guts, and the killer instinct. Saw the task at hand and rose...after being knocked to the canvas. From where we rarely get up late in the 4th quarter. This time we did, and finished the Colts like Rocky Balboa finished Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, and freakin' Ivan Drago. You were thinkin' "I must break you" but got broken off...big time. Go get your stock boy to sign a loaf of bread for your brother Peyton, cuz a stockboy from one of your lame ass commercials woulda run better than Edgerrin did today. We snuffed that weak ass sheet!

  Today the Chargers played bigger than a doobie from Cheech & Chong's 1st movie. And then we threw the big ole roach on Peyton and the boyz laps as they crossed the Mexican border! The Colts played like the reviews for "Waterworld!" In the 1st half they were dormant. They found new life, like I knew they would, in the 2nd half.

  When you are a Charger lifer, leads take on a whole new meaning. If your up 13-0 at halftime, like we were, you eventually lose 14-13. Or so it seems. When the Colts took the lead in the 2nd half by one point, my worst fears were becoming reality. Even after we kicked a FG and led by two all I could think was, they kick an FG and we lose by one. It was not to be. We even showed the Lion heart after a Brees fumble deep in our territory. Yes, we gave up a quick score and fell behind by one. And gave up 2 TD's in short time, but we had the roman candle ready to be lit in our back pocket!

  The 1st strike was a beauty. 54 yds to McQuardell. We settled for a Kaeding FG (he was solid) and had one of those scary Charger "2 point leads". My caffiene laced brain started churning negative thoughts again. We are destined to lose with :01 left on the clock by a Van Jackoff FG. He never got on the field. Indy did get the ball back though. And I was wishin' I had applied deodorant to my palms, as they were sweatin'!

  Even the game wrap ups I have read post game fail to mention this. Indy was in FG range, albiet a long one. And driving for that inevitable FG for the 1 point victory. After a gain I think they got a 15 yd intentional grounding penalty which put it at about 55 yds. Bet the Colts liked the sound of 35 yard FG better. Cause they lost a down, didn't convert on 3rd down and that set up destiny. Actually, it was a devastating Castillo sack. Why? They punted. Instead of going for a 55 yarder, but hey...its indoors so you gotta like your chances. Dungy turned it to his dee with a little over 3 minutes left. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said as his catch phrase in his debacle of a movie "The Last Action Hero" , "Big mistake!" No, it wasn't quite as memorable as "I'll be back" but in a pinch. Larry the cable guy would say it best for the 2nd bolt of lightning ready to strike the Colts. And that would be '"Get er done!" Our 2nd running back option, Micheal Turner took the ball from Brees and bounced around right end and sideline for an 87 yard touchdown. Yeah baybee. What a sight!

  And we had one more big play in store. #23 was gonna make it, yep, the Jammer Man! Our often much maligned DB intercepted a Manning toss near their end zone. Game over, barring miracles. I still have to hear the final gun, players walk off, and once the coaches shake hands then I accept we have won. I'm like ready for the 1972 gold medal game in basketball, like the refs will put time back on the clock of a game that was over just so the other team has just one more chance to win. Charger mind is a terrible thing to taste! It hopes for the best does the Charger brain, but can have more wires crossed than "Sybil!" Here's a stat for stat sheet geeks. Turner, 113 yds on 8 carries, 1 tremendous TD included. LT? A solid 76 yd day on 24 carries. Turner shadowed the star today. Thanks Eric T, you stoked the victory fire!


  Check out the awesome Bolt fans in the heart of enemy territory. I salute you. Charger g's are the best g's! Some children obviously aren't benefitting from the "no child left behind law", Chargers Breaks Streak? Oh well, we all can't be mensa material like moi!

Drew Brees and Peyton Manning greet each other postgame.    "Hey dude, you kinda sucked today, and get your hand off my ass!"    "Will you sign my ass? Cuz u owned it today!" "Hope its beans n weenies at the home, tonight"

  Last but not least and overall salute to the defense. Stingy like Mr. Burns. Say we won't be the 1st 11-5 team to not make the playoffs. I'm tired of the Chargers being 1st in things that suck. Setting precedents like losing a zillion games by a total of 16 points, that I can do without. Plus, I'm looking ahead, we are 9-5. Let's tomahawk the Chiefs. Any team that does a "chop" salute and does a tribal yell always finishes 2nd. Take the Atlanta Braves for instance. Arrowhead will bleed Chief red but a thunderbolt through the heart will pierce any Chief playoff hopes I predict. The Chargers are a freakin' wolverine when backed up against a wall. And we'll shred all in our powder blue path to the playoffs! Michael Turner takes off down the right sideline for an 83-yard touchdown.

 One last look at open field surgery, the peeps in the background say it all! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what the f*ck! This was a great day for the Chargers history books...lets write that final chapter in February!








Anonymous said...

Dude, awsome game. I was rootin for the Colts no doubt cause I didn't think the bolts had enough grey matter to fill my jock strap to pull that one off. Congrats to them for finding and executing the formula for victory. Wasn't too hard now, was it? PS: Great pic and caption with Peyton and what's-his-name.

Anonymous said...

"I'm tired of the Chargers being 1st in things that suck."

Dude, that should be your guys' Mantra. You guys ALWAYS finish first in things that suck. Like you're the last team in the AFC West that has yet to win a Super Bowl. You're the first team to beat the Raiders twice in a year and feel as if you won the Super Bowl.

Now, as far as finishing first in things that don't suck, well, you were the first team to beat the Colts this season. Congratulations on that. I called that a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not at all surprised you guys pulled it off. Now, of the other three teams in the West, you're the one I hate the least, so slap the Chiefs and Broncos in the next two weeks and make a run in the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Thank you for "giving us a road map to beat the Colts." What you really did for the Seahawks was insure that our back ups will play their back ups and whoever has the best scrubs wins. Oh, and you made the old bastard brigade of the Miami Dolphins (who... ouch... beat you AT HOME!) pop the champagne and have the celebration of a lifetime. Thank you San Diego Chargers fan for pissing on J-Mos parade after beating the Cowboys (a real rivalry instead of the yearly bitch slapping you have by Denver and KC). Congratulations... you're a jackass. To the Chargers, the best team to ever miss the playoffs on tiebreakers.

Anonymous said...

The Chargers beat the Colts at every aspect of the game on Sunday, but for a team that will have January off you sure sound like your entire season rested with beating the Colts. Do me a favor, re-read your column on Feburary 2nd, and see what a real dumbass you really are!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post.  Some constructive corrections:  Michael, not Eric.  It wasn't a 15-yard holding penalty, it was about a 12-yard grounding penalty - Peyton trying to avoid the 4th sack, which the Bolts got on the next play.  Go Bolts.  Go Texans.  Go Browns.  Go raiders.

Anonymous said...

Oh. And another thing. Readning your writing gives me a headache. It is like reading the recovery journal of a schitzophrenic crack addict. No offense, but how many super bowls have the Bolts won again? Well, last year wasn't your year and this oen doesn't look good either, but look at the bright side... at least Bears fans are happy :)

Anonymous said...

As former SD resident, and long time Charger fan, (1975) I was pleased to see the boys raise up and smite the Colts.  Actually the Colts looked like the Chargers in the first half against Miami, maybe both were reserving energy for their next big game.  I think after seeing the Colts' rush D, the 'Hawks will run for a quarter with their first string team in game and gain 75 yards and a TD, and then the 2dn line will come in and play the Colts' second line to a stand still.  I don't even see Manning on the field, unless for a series with a drive to win the game.    
Manning is like Elway, keep pressure on him, constantly, and take away his hot reads, and he becomes human.  Let him sit in that pocket  while playing zone and he'll use Harrison to pick a team apart.  

As for the Bolts in KC, the Super Cs have to want it more.  With DV about to retire, the Assistants will have the Chiefs jazzed, since each will see this as an audition for a job, maybe even the big one.  But if SD gets by KC, look for the Broncs to lie down.  They much rather face the Chargers in the playoffs then the Steel Curtain.  And once you are in the playoffs, who knows?