Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Legend of Horse Face

1960 Fleer AFL Team Decals football card #5: Broncos Logo VS 1960 Fleer AFL Team Decals football card #7: Chargers Logo     Its New Years Eve baybee, and the Bolts play for nothing but pride today. Freakin' 2 Saturday's in a row. Your falafel vendor blogger will miss his 1st Charger game in 5 yrs, on a technicality. I have to go out and work today, Saturday is busy and I need the $$. I'm having trouble comprehending what I just typed. I'm missing a game and I have the choice. Well, I'm still blogging and looking forward to next year while others let they're blogs collect dust when they are eliminated. But I will hear the game on ESPN radio on the walkman so technically I'm not missing it.

     The above old skool logos above are 1st year AFL from a pack of football cards from 1960. Boy, how computers and marketing have changed the looks of logos. Note San Diego was in LA in 1960. These two teams have been knockin' heads since 1960, a year before I was born! I'm on my way out the door to sell my wares but a few more things. If it dumps rain and storms I'll close and watch the game at Claudia's!

     Last thing about Jake Plummer, he could only play Fouts (or Jeff Reardon) in a movie about Fouts. Thats as close as he'll get. Hopefully he won't have a bu...I mean Plummer day in the playoffs! Rod Smith and Keenan could be grandfathers? Wasn't Rod Smith on the Broncos when Floyd Little

Yep, full time Charger fan, part time OC Chopper builder. Needs anger management.  


was the running back? GO CHARGERS!!!



Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Golf & Fishing Season

 This has nothing to do w/football. But I just happened across this on the net. A Thai fisherman caught this 647 lb. catfish. A Popeye's franchise could run for a year off this catch. This is my pre game blog for the Denver game. Not really, just bored. Played some Scrabble. Watched "2 1/2 Men" Life sucks when your team dosen't make the playoffs. Think I'll get into Elf Quest. This sucks.

Also if you haven't seen this piece of news, there is a "bat boy" on the loose. Look out. He preys on Raider fans. And Seahawk bloggers. Being that he seems to reappear every year since about 1982 he must be a thirty something bat beer bonger. Was once considered as an XFL helmet logo. They went w/San Francisco Demons instead. If I ws an XFL jersey I would be "I Hate Me". A former Charger went on to ride the pine of greatness for the XFL's Memphis Extreme, Craig "Interception" Whelihan. Sorta like Eric Hipple (who resembles Kenny Loggins by the way!) and Joey Harrington rolled into one neat little shitty QB!  I remember the John Friesz experiment. Remember your Friesz trial Seahawks, ugly. The reality of it all is,  the Chargers are gonna be good for years to come. I predict a title within 3 years. Big words after this season. Jax is a pretender. I'm pouting again.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Home for the Holidays & the Playoffs

Iam sleeping now and having nightmares...wake me when its over. Wait...its over. I'll blog on Xmas. Merry Freakin' Christmas Charger fans. Another year gone in the quest. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ With the game over, Igor Olshansky heads for the locker room.      1 and were done! A sodden Igor Olshansky trudges to the tunnel. I'll say it now...we need a new wide open coach. We need new blood. We are the underachievers of all time. World beaters one week, featherweights the next. Turns out my Oakland scenario never was close,nor all the other help we needed. I'm definitely in 2 yrs of blogging not getting much expereience in making playoff entries. It sucks. For me now its just post season stuff. Beat Denver next week for prides sake only, and play the 2nd stringers, even Rivers.




 Like we have an alternate universe man. Mine includes coincedence universe and reality universe. They are clashing...and someone is winning. I just got back from a little drinky happy benefit for a street performer here who is famous. John...the autistic Elvis impersonator. He has been on Leno. It was a great show. On my way home on the bus at 2 am, last outta d town Portland I run into 2 sk8 boarders, from SD, and psyched on the Bolts! Just my own thing, this makes it all possible. My mantra, "Believe" I've sipped a little spirit and its 3 in morning (supposedly, ATL where the playahs play...parties don't stop till 4 in the morning!) mines on till 3 and I'm typing. You can't slur when you type. Unlike all fools who pretend...I live Charger Sundays. Pretty much opened my own biz so I could make sure I had Sundays off! This is my release before a day of reckoning. If James Bond can walk up to a table and always win the huge bet, whether he is beating a bald evil man or a hottie with succulent lips, the Chargers can roll...a 7...7 11. Whats yo name FOOL? Al's the name. Charger luck/skill combo be the game? Christmas is a war, if u believe it to be. Ya'll have fun tomorrow, I may suck down a bloody 2 morrow. Plenty of Vitamin C, Charger C comin ur way manana. Surfs Up in SoCali, and one rogue wave is gonna slam KC!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


While many feel that Jamal Williams has deserved the honor in years past, the eighth-year pro will make his first trip to the Pro Bowl.  One of our 6 Pro Bowl selections who will be kickin' it in Hawaii in Feb 2006. And hopefully what you see in this photo will be happening all day against KC. Congrats to 8 yr veteran 1)Jamal Williams on his 1st selection and well deserved. Here Here, Pip Pip, Cheerio and all that rot. Other Pro Bowlers. 2)the obvious choice...LT...leaving defenses shaken & stirred all season long! 3)LT's gateway...the maker of the yellow brick road, FB Lorenzo O'Neal. You have to be a true connessieur of football, and then you understand what Lorenzo is all about. 4) #85, the BEST tight end and arguably the best reciever in all the NFL. Antonio Gates. 5)Rookie defensive game breaker and dominator, Shawne Merriman. Power personified. Junior Seau star potential. Oh, and he is from MD! 6) Hanik Milligan, ever heard of him? He nabbed a special teams slot with his 21 tackles.

  Two more are going to Hawii as alternates, so we may have up to 8 All Stars. The other 2 are signal caller Brees, and thunderfoot punter Scifres.

  I don't give a rat's about the Pro Bowl game itself and never watch it. I just like it for the players sake of accomplishment and gettin' they props!

  It's late but I must leave late notice that the kind staff at "SportsBloggersLive" has asked me to call in to the show and talk Charger smack tomorrow. Guess the Seahawk blogger follows me. Appropriate. The show is on at 12:00pm EST, or 9am Pacific. This would be Thursday. Guess my time is 12:14am. So check it out if you can. Like "Daft Punk" said (way too many times I might add) SportsBloggersLive is "Around the World!" I gave my time so you can skip the WWF segment. I mean the WNBA,sorry. BOLTS 4 EVER.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My Tribute to Seahawks Anonymous

Joel, Billy - Glass Houses CD This album cover is a form of symbolism.  This is the only photo I could find of the Seahawk Blogger, he stood in for Billy Joel for this photo shoot. Notice custom black "Members Only" jacket, a trend he continues to this day! Although I never owned this album, nor even ever thought about it much, Seahawk blogger has it on video, cd, dvd and a poster in the den. And on the adjacent wall? Yep, you guessed it. Billy Squier live concert shot. He often ponders Bon Jovi lyrics. Plays Journey albums backward looking for hidden verse. Last but not least, likes Van Halen with the guy from Extreme over Van Hagar and David Lee Roth, sheesh!! Its all a neat little dream for the Seahawks, wrapped up in a little bow.

  This isn't about me and the Chargers I root for. Its about the Seahawks. Yes, the odds are stacked against my team to get in, but I believe to the bitter end. Homer, 100%. I'm not being spiteful when I say...prove it Seahawks. With home field advantage I totally can see the Seahawks getting to the bowl as AFC fodder. But I have seen the dark, doubting side of the Seahawk playoff experience. A few key mistakes and swagger turns to ballerina slippers. I attended the 2000 playoff game in person. Hopes dashed on that day, also against the Packers a few yrs later. The famous last words of Hasselbeck after the OT coin toss against the Pack. "Were Going To Win!" dashed in a streak of Al Harris braids! I actually don't dislike the Seahawks. But the blogging rep is about as likeable as athlete's foot. I really do hope the Seahawks go far and play elite. I'm all about peaking come playoff time, and that would be the Pats right now. If the Chargers somehow get in, we will be the most feared lesser seeded team for anyone to play. Bar none.

  In the end, its all just a game. One we all seem passionate about. I'll feel bad if we don't get in, but I know we are top contenders for years to come. But this is far from a resignation speech. Just a reality check. So gather up your beak heads, smoked salmon, Rheinlander Beer, and acid washed jeans and lets tailgate!

  Like the most irritating keyboard riff from the single off this particular Billy Joel album I satarize, The "Pressure" is on Seattle. Good luck in the playoffs.  I mean it.  And no, Seahawk Blogger, that night in high school you passed out on Meister Brau beer bongers with the latest effort by Stryper blaring in your headphones, that wasn't Jesus. BOLT FAN WHATEVER THE RECORD IS YR IN, YR OUT>>>GO CHARGERS!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

13-1* Suckah DJ's Call Me Sire

Running back Michael Turner scores a touchdown on an 83-yard run against the Indianapolis Colts in a NFL football game in Indianapolis Sunday, Dec. 18, 2005. The Chargers defeated the Colts 26-17."Afterburner Turner says Buh bye to the Colts hope of an undefeated season Notice Colt fan in background with hands to his eyes cuz he can't bear to watch. Priceless.

    Crack the champagne 1972 Dolphin losers, your record is safe for another year, thanks to the San Diego Chargers. Peyton the pouter, looked shellshocked as did the rest of the Colt team for most of the game. Heads in hands, towels wrapped around heads...downtrodden. But still, the Colts rattled our cage and put the fear o god in me! Where do I begin with this game?

  We stood up the boys in the Hawaiian blue, thats how they describe the color of Colt jerseys. Hawaiian blue will never unseat powder blue. Yeah, Indy was ripe for a loss. But I don't want to hear anything about them letting up. They were trying for all 4 quarters...and got beat. And we crossed all the tee's and dotted the i's. We won this with guts, and the killer instinct. Saw the task at hand and rose...after being knocked to the canvas. From where we rarely get up late in the 4th quarter. This time we did, and finished the Colts like Rocky Balboa finished Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, and freakin' Ivan Drago. You were thinkin' "I must break you" but got broken off...big time. Go get your stock boy to sign a loaf of bread for your brother Peyton, cuz a stockboy from one of your lame ass commercials woulda run better than Edgerrin did today. We snuffed that weak ass sheet!

  Today the Chargers played bigger than a doobie from Cheech & Chong's 1st movie. And then we threw the big ole roach on Peyton and the boyz laps as they crossed the Mexican border! The Colts played like the reviews for "Waterworld!" In the 1st half they were dormant. They found new life, like I knew they would, in the 2nd half.

  When you are a Charger lifer, leads take on a whole new meaning. If your up 13-0 at halftime, like we were, you eventually lose 14-13. Or so it seems. When the Colts took the lead in the 2nd half by one point, my worst fears were becoming reality. Even after we kicked a FG and led by two all I could think was, they kick an FG and we lose by one. It was not to be. We even showed the Lion heart after a Brees fumble deep in our territory. Yes, we gave up a quick score and fell behind by one. And gave up 2 TD's in short time, but we had the roman candle ready to be lit in our back pocket!

  The 1st strike was a beauty. 54 yds to McQuardell. We settled for a Kaeding FG (he was solid) and had one of those scary Charger "2 point leads". My caffiene laced brain started churning negative thoughts again. We are destined to lose with :01 left on the clock by a Van Jackoff FG. He never got on the field. Indy did get the ball back though. And I was wishin' I had applied deodorant to my palms, as they were sweatin'!

  Even the game wrap ups I have read post game fail to mention this. Indy was in FG range, albiet a long one. And driving for that inevitable FG for the 1 point victory. After a gain I think they got a 15 yd intentional grounding penalty which put it at about 55 yds. Bet the Colts liked the sound of 35 yard FG better. Cause they lost a down, didn't convert on 3rd down and that set up destiny. Actually, it was a devastating Castillo sack. Why? They punted. Instead of going for a 55 yarder, but hey...its indoors so you gotta like your chances. Dungy turned it to his dee with a little over 3 minutes left. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said as his catch phrase in his debacle of a movie "The Last Action Hero" , "Big mistake!" No, it wasn't quite as memorable as "I'll be back" but in a pinch. Larry the cable guy would say it best for the 2nd bolt of lightning ready to strike the Colts. And that would be '"Get er done!" Our 2nd running back option, Micheal Turner took the ball from Brees and bounced around right end and sideline for an 87 yard touchdown. Yeah baybee. What a sight!

  And we had one more big play in store. #23 was gonna make it, yep, the Jammer Man! Our often much maligned DB intercepted a Manning toss near their end zone. Game over, barring miracles. I still have to hear the final gun, players walk off, and once the coaches shake hands then I accept we have won. I'm like ready for the 1972 gold medal game in basketball, like the refs will put time back on the clock of a game that was over just so the other team has just one more chance to win. Charger mind is a terrible thing to taste! It hopes for the best does the Charger brain, but can have more wires crossed than "Sybil!" Here's a stat for stat sheet geeks. Turner, 113 yds on 8 carries, 1 tremendous TD included. LT? A solid 76 yd day on 24 carries. Turner shadowed the star today. Thanks Eric T, you stoked the victory fire!


  Check out the awesome Bolt fans in the heart of enemy territory. I salute you. Charger g's are the best g's! Some children obviously aren't benefitting from the "no child left behind law", Chargers Breaks Streak? Oh well, we all can't be mensa material like moi!

Drew Brees and Peyton Manning greet each other postgame.    "Hey dude, you kinda sucked today, and get your hand off my ass!"    "Will you sign my ass? Cuz u owned it today!" "Hope its beans n weenies at the home, tonight"

  Last but not least and overall salute to the defense. Stingy like Mr. Burns. Say we won't be the 1st 11-5 team to not make the playoffs. I'm tired of the Chargers being 1st in things that suck. Setting precedents like losing a zillion games by a total of 16 points, that I can do without. Plus, I'm looking ahead, we are 9-5. Let's tomahawk the Chiefs. Any team that does a "chop" salute and does a tribal yell always finishes 2nd. Take the Atlanta Braves for instance. Arrowhead will bleed Chief red but a thunderbolt through the heart will pierce any Chief playoff hopes I predict. The Chargers are a freakin' wolverine when backed up against a wall. And we'll shred all in our powder blue path to the playoffs! Michael Turner takes off down the right sideline for an 83-yard touchdown.

 One last look at open field surgery, the peeps in the background say it all! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what the f*ck! This was a great day for the Chargers history books...lets write that final chapter in February!







Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The Bolts fly over to Indianapolis to face the Colts on Sunday, December 18th, 2005.

  I remember as a young kid rooting for the Chargers and in 1973 we made a huge trade to the then Baltimore Colts for the man, Johnny Unitas. Unfortunately the Chargers got the glue factory version of ole Johnny U. Fouts started the year as a rookie on the bench, and JU was hobbled and injured all yr. Didn't throw a TD the whole year, He looked good in black hi tops, crew cut and last year of the powder blues though. I will never forgive Baltimore for that trade.  And since they cut and run from Baltimore I've transferred my rage toward Indy. To think, a poor 12 yr old kid suffering through a 2-11-1 season. My hero that year on the Bolts was Cid Edwards, ever heard of him?

  Cut to the chase. Chargers must win out and still may not qualify for the playoffs if they do. Would be the 1st 11-5 team ever to not make it, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. The killers are upon us. Indy, KC and Denver. The Colts are ripe to be beat and were just the team that can do it. Step up secondary. If Frerotte got to you how bout Peyton and Co?

  I must sell my wares now, in 39 degree weather...go Bolts!

Linebacker Donnie Edwards gets to Peyton Manning to force a first-half fumble.   Linebacker Donnie Edwards gets to Peyton Manning to force a  fumble.                  Steve FoleyHopefully Steve Foley will be getting alot of views like this of Peyton Manning today.                    


Monday, December 12, 2005

Nick Canepa's Take

Schottenheimer's kids can enjoy playoffs on TV


December 12, 2005

You tell me what has a better chance of happening:

The Red Sea being parted once again.

Getting another ark done before the next heavy rain.

Osama Bin Laden walking up to the White House with his hands up.

Mike Aguirre refusing to file another lawsuit.

SEAN M. HAFFEY / Union-Tribune LaDainian Tomlinson, here being tackled by cornerback Sam Madison, had a tough time gaining yards against the Dolphins.The Chargers making the playoffs.

In my sports book, the odds are better on the first four taking place. The Chargers still have an opportunity to play in January – probably at a Club Med.

Maybe the age of miracles hasn't past, but the Chargers need to spend the next three weeks at the Vatican for all the help they need. Divine intervention generally is reserved for more important matters, and if peace in our time hasn't been addressed, it's doubtful the Chargers winning out and making the NFL postseason is in the top 10.

San Diego hasn't been mathematically eliminated, but what was simple arithmetic yesterday morning became advanced calculus by yesterday afternoon. They have been kicked in the head.

Yesterday's 23-21 loss to the Dolphins was a killer. It was their third home defeat of the season, this time to an inferior team that just so happened to perform better than they did.

"We couldn't get anything done," said tight end Antonio Gates, who managed to get something done, catching 13 passes for 123 yards and a score. "They outplayed us today. We're supposed to protect our home."

Supposed to. With the ungodly schedule handed them, that's what the Chargers had to do, housekeep, and they didn't, so they now are looking at a gorge – at unbeaten Indianapolis, at Kansas City and AFC West-leading Denver here. And their bridge is deteriorating.

Going in, they controlled their own fate. If they won out, they would have had the division. A win yesterday would have kept them a game ahead of Pittsburgh, which wins a tiebreaker with San Diego because the Steelers won here.

Pittsburgh has Minnesota, Cleveland and Detroit remaining. Jacksonville lost to Indy yesterday, but the 9-4 Jags have a one-game lead on the Bolts and they have San Francisco, Houston and Tennessee to go. Kansas City, with the same 8-5 record as San Diego, has it tough – the New York Giants, Chargers and Cincinnati – but not as tough as the Bolts.

"It means we have three games left," coach Marty Schottenheimer was saying. "There's no finality to today. The outcome of this game does not define the season."

He has a right to his opinion, but so do I, and this loss came fairly close to defining their season. They lost a close home game and blew far too many opportunities to put the Fish away early. Uncharacteristic were the three turnovers and their shocking inability to move the football, despite holding onto it for more than 40 minutes.

They fought for every yard. LaDainian Tomlinson may not have been 100 percent with that bruised chest, but he might as well have been running in the shower. Drew Brees had to throw it 52 times. Too many.

I realize I'm an optimist, somewhat cockeyed, but this team isn't going to the playoffs and it isn't going because it couldn't win close games, including those at home. Five losses by a total of 14 points? Good teams win close games, so they say, so we all should say.

The Chargers, averaging 30 points an outing, needed nearly 59 minutes and 45 seconds to score their 21st on a Miami club that allowed Buffalo three first-quarter touchdowns last week. The Bolts can talk all they want about how good Miami's defense is, but there aren't many defenses that have been able to effectively control LT's running and Brees' passing on the same day.

And Schottenheimer can talk all he wants about football being the greatest game in the world and give us that any-given-Sunday cliché, but this was a terrible loss to a team that had to travel across country and start Gus Frerotte at quarterback. Miami couldn't run. The Chargers allowed Frerotte, who can't get out of his own way, to shake off tacklers, scramble around and beat them. Gus Freaking Frerotte.

"This game I was able to move around and make plays moving my feet," said Frerotte, probably more surprised than anybody that he was running around like Roger Staubach.

But, more than anything, it was the Chargers inability to do anything offensively when they had great field position. That, and the continuing inability of their defensive backs to make plays.

Midway through the second quarter the Dolphins had run 10 plays for 10 total yards and didn't have a first down. But they trailed just 7-0. Behind 7-6 in the third quarter, Miami scored 10 points in a minute and eight seconds. By the end of the third quarter, the Dolphins had moved from their own 14 and scored on a 35-yard toss from Frerotte to Chris Chambers. The Chargers couldn't play uphill.

And now uphill has become Mt. McKinley. The team must win out and then hope for the best. Can't see it happening.

"It's the NFL," Schottenheimer said. "It's the way it is. I chuckle when people say we should win this game."

Go ahead and chuckle. The Chargers should have won this game. They just couldn't.

"I think we can (win out)," Schottenheimer offered. "Yeah, I think we can. Nobody passes out any bouquets until you've played 16 games."

They do at funerals. Just call me your friendly neighborhood florist.

Nick Canepa: (619) 293-1397;


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Die 4 Squish

We mighta blown it...and then again. Maybe not.

 I'm gonna die now...famous last words of Chief Dan George in the movie "Little Big Man"...till the raindrops awakened him to new life. Fuck this day, I so lose. Ha...we live. Trust the Gorton's fisherman. Lip hooked and a swallow. See you next week.

The highest peak, and all that shit.

  Remember that Def Leppard song "Gleeben, Globben, Hemoglobin" or whatever he says? Well, I got something to say, its better to burn out, then faaaaaaaade away! I'm dejected but although we have been dealt a blow, I see us upsetting Indy...and running the table. Yep, I'm a blue homer, but I'm crazy enough to believe it! I'm up at 5am finishing my post Dolphin loss blog, took me this long to get over the initial pain. Like a Gerry Cooney haymaker to the jewels.

  Brees kinda sucked. The late fumble didn't help. Just one of those games, flat. A team that needs to win every critical game left can't come out of the tunnel and play like this. I at least had a "land of sky blue water" buzz going to dull the thudding, throbbing migraine that was this loss. The freakin' Devil Rays of the NFL took us out and may have dashed our playoff hopes, we need the "win out" scenario to boost our shot at getting in.

  As for my fellow blogger in the house of Seahawk commented ,"You suck, ha ha!" I say this...ride the wave dude, how long since you won a playoff game? The NFC is weak, but you still have to prove it. I remember Hasselbeck a few years back spouted as the Hawks won the OT coin flip. "Were gonna win!" And then chasing Al Harris' "Predator" braids to the house with a ball he just threw. TD and GB wins, painful. Can happen at anytime in this parity hell of the NFL. You'll get yours, maybe even in your own house. We'll soon see. Finally Wilford Brimly...I mean Mike Holmgren has led you into the playoffs with a chance to win it all, was this the "10 yr plan?"

  We'll get it back at Indy. If not even winning out and going 10-6 may not do it for us. In an unrelated sport want to give a shout out to UW Basketball and Gonzaga...we will be recognized.

Thursday, December 8, 2005

The Bolt Killed Flipper

  Its all different now. This was somewhat of a storied rivalry. Arguably the greatest playoff game ever in history, which the Bolts won on Kellen Winslow heroics in 1981. Actually this game is the ultimate tiebreaker in the series, since back in the old AFL days. Its 10-10 in the regular season and 2-2 in the playoffs. Gary Anderson of the Chargers made one of the most watched highlights in NFL history when he leapt a Dolphins cornerback streaking to the end zone and executed a perfect kung fu like sumersault in the endzone, TD! I can't seem to remember any Miami plays though. They did paste us in 1992 like 31-0 in the playoffs and I'll never forget that. Miami is improving. But the Chargers are a hard team to improve against.

LaDainian Tomlinson had 86 yards on 25 carries in the Chargers victory over the Raiders, 34-10.

This is who is coming out of the tunnel at you Miami, you will long for the ghost of December's past, the ghost of "the Killer Bees" defense. LT will run roughshod over you and Brees will be firing touch shots and rifle fire in your direction. And duck and cover Fins, the Antonio Express is also rolling your way. Overwhelming ain't it? Just the tip of the iceberg. A larger part of the Charger iceberg and some of the most dangerous lie beneath the surface of the water. The so called "role" players who rise when called upon. Tuner, Parker, Neal, McQuardell, Sproles (due to break one soon).  Caldwell is going to snag a big reception in this one I predict.

  The dee is solid. Yes, our secondary is ugly at times. But we get better each week and we have "big play capability" written all over us. Yes, we make the other teams QB look good at times but the pass dee has come through in the clutch. We had an awesome goal line stand to win a few weeks back remember? May write more tonight, its out in 38 degree weather to sell falafels...ouch!

Monday, December 5, 2005

Not My Curb

  Sport daze like this are few and far between for mid 40'd totally cool dudes Oakland Raiders quarterback Kerry Collins is sacked for an 11-yard loss by DeQuincy me. Today I broke free of the Raider chains...hallelujah. Its freakin' mundane. I can count. Yes, I will have my 3rd shot by halftime and feel SECURE! I humbly accept what you want to put up M77, make it good. Your welcome to print what I would have had to tolerate if I would have lost! Hey brought the deal to the table, and wrote it. Make good.

  But can I tell you and Tude what you, I, and everyone heard in America  tonight? No matter what the score. The f*ckin' loudest helmet cracks and hits I have seen all year! All I'm giving you Raiderette bloggers. The GAME CRACK' D!

  And I think my score call was tight! can be wrong and win, in fantasy. I root for MY exceptions or distractions. It is the lamest when your celebrating your teams stomp and someone says, "He's on my team!" If I played fantasy my starting team would be the Chargers. 

  But Iam resistant to new technology.  I still think LP's have personality and if its on cassette...well? By the middle of the 3rd quarter I was talking to a fellow Charger fan, Joe...about a Gary Numan concert we found out we both attended simultaneously many years before long before we met each other. The Santa Monica Civic. "Our Friends Electric" came up before "Cars". We had another shot...laughed at the Paul Rodger's Queen Reunion...Bohemian Rhapsody's best line "Thunderbolts & Lightning...Very, Very Frightening" Oh yeah, and the whole time the Chargers were kickin' ass. I KNEW we were going to win mid 3rd quarter.

  Yes, wine, liquor and maybe even one woman were in on this night of fantasia. And the supposed juggle of Gates that turned out to be another Marty challenge, won by the Bolts. We got hi % when it comes to challenges so when a red flag SD is right like 90% of the time. This is the beginning. Were back in the fold, a cake walk. Kerry crush fest. Raider dee porous as pumice, and softer than hummus. Who said I ain't got rhymin' skills?

Antonio Gates juggles but pulls in a 6-yard touchdown.

  And the MNF graphics for this game were a trip. I'm thinkin' someone dropped some tabs of acid. Like the dude who made "Gumby" cartoons, what the hell was he on? But one cool note on the broadcast. Highlighting the BEST blocking fullback in pro football, Lorenzo Neal. He was chin up busting Raider ass all night! Creates the openings that go to the highlight reel. He should be all pro. Block man...built like "the Thing". My hats off to the backfield trench man, I KNOW LT loves ya. More coming...