Sunday, October 30, 2005

SD: 28 KC: 20

 Be right along. Still no bang in the end but victory nonetheless.  Back to 500, best 4 n 4 team...ahhhhhhhhh...who cares. A buh bye n go, perfect for next week. No help from Philly. All bueno...we rule. See who finallly figures it out who wants it more. Taking a bye and a plus 3 after. Watch.

  We rose to the casion. Keep faith. The lady gave away the slipper. Bolts look nice on TV, especially when it counts. Cliche clincher. Stop...Hammer Time.  Chiefs, rival wieners. Denver...we know.  Crush you we will.

  All pale in comparison. Rest we will, and drink down yonder ale. Chunk not, chip nye ther.

   The Bolts won. All I need to know.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Alice Cooper

 Laugh if you will, but I just traded 4 falafels for an Alice Cooper show I have just returned from. It rawked,  cliche and rawked. When I was 11 (1972) "Schools Out" was like a shitty song to like. If you liked it you either smoked cigarettes or were a dirtbag. In 1972 the Chargers sucked. In 1973 we got Unitas. Picked the wrong time to start smokin'. I didn't smoke really back then except for a 3rd grade KOOL which turned into chunks. But Cooper was my anthem at 11 to 13.  Music is amazing. It will keep you juvenile for a moment, and eternity.

 Had a good conversation with JR, my Bolt Bud today at the stand. Chargers are just fine. Just got my stitches out. Still a little raw, but they will heal. Next...please. Step too...da new found house? Or is we gonna be no finish apa who wey dey? Has to be destruction. My so called friends tell me my team is good. We are. I have a life besides the Chargers, really.

  Watch it unfurl this Sunday. I'm feelin' it. No hangers on. Blow Away. That Philly loss has driven me close to insanity. But Alice Cooper helped me recover. Is that an oxy moron? He is a GOP, rock is what it is.

 Bolts...we got the power



Thursday, October 27, 2005


  Last any other sport than football reference for awhile. Sox win it. Liked the games in Chicago better. Houston crowd is sleepy. But I guess when they never came through in the crunch you grow to expect it. That bzzzzzzzzzzz thing w/the bees is lame. Nervous crowd anticipating a big moment that never came.

 Gimmee cold weather and beer. When your in Chicago there is an "X" factor. Like goin' to Nascar for the race and not the crash. In Chicago your always thinkin'"Who's gonna punch me?" or "Hey, look at that drunk dude who ran on the field and tackled the ump!" always bonus trailer trash moments await, reality TV and MLB, a cd w/a bonus track and its a Meatloaf song! I'm stoked for the old man, he has come full atheletic circle and can die a happier dude. Overall, Series was boring to me. But after 88 yrs I tip my cap to the South Side of Chicago and a World Series flag. Congrats. C'mon Chargers, don't make me wait that long. Git it going!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


  I can't believe this, I'm dreaming of Barbara Bush Senior! Kept seeing her behind the plate for every pitch and like being in a mall after an hour of  80's Muzak, you walk out humming the worst song  is in your head. This vision haunts me. Cause when they panned the camera to the right it was her sister! But brunette, not sexy silver. And Lawrence Welk next to her, a trip. These triple lattes are killing me. Oh, theres a game on, ok. Bill Parcells proved if a sentence starts with "No offense meant" it will be offensive for sure. No offense Barbara, I'm trying to watch a baseball game here. But I'm drawn to you for some mysterious reason.  Its almost Halloween, thats it!

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Lady In Red (How I Hate That Song)

  AFC West rival The KC Chiefs come knockin' this Sunday at the Murph. I have not used this cliched phrase yet this season but I have to now. This is a "must win" game. We still are in the hunt, and I smell blood.

 Popeye would bellow before inhaling his 40oz of spinach and busting Bluto's ass, "Thats all I can stands, 'n I can't stands no more!" The Chargers need to be Popeye, and kick some red clad boo tay. Bluto always got in a lick or two, which the Chiefs will, but he always will the Chiefs. The Chiefs can have Olive Oyl to massage there bruises with her bony hands. Popeye, what am I doing? "It's ludacrith", Mike Tyson would say. I'm living in a Roger Rabbit cartoon world since the stunning defeat at Philly. Strawberry Fields, nothing is real. 

Also recovering from the death of the Little Rascals character Porky, not the animated pig, Spanky's little brother. He actually uttered the famous words, "OTAY!" contrary to many people's belief that it was Buckwheat who said it 1st. Then researching this I found out Butch the bully died last month, I can't take all this devastation anymo!

  I need positive exhilaration, not peaks and valleys. A steady dose of solid Dee & Offense, pour it on. Let no team hang around, put them under and don't look back. Hey, I just typed a crappy Boston song title w/out even knowing it...didja see? I heard on the top rated internet radio program "Sportsbloggers Live" today, I was one of the 12 people across the nation tuned in, just kidding Blogger crew, that SI's Peter King has us #3 in the power rankings! 3-4 teams aren't #3 in anything. He should lay off the Pop Tarts and White Russians...I mean milk. Makes you delusional.

  Also, just for a gripe since we have such a brutal, downright trumatic schedule. What the f*ck is up w/the Indy Colts schedule? I want that one please. Let's hand Peyton that ring. Also, a Philly thing again. Marty, when 10 guys are stacked up on the line of scrimmage, throw! Your like George Bush, the prez, we will tow the line and do it my way, stay the course. Screw that, you helped with that loss. Tremendously. Take your meds. If its Alzheimer's use yourassistants. If it isn't working, do something else! Yes, I'm still suffering from that giveaway of a loss.

  From what I've seen of the Chiefs, which was against like opponent the Eagles, they are streaky. The defense can be had by us, I just know it. We have to stop Trents air attack. We must defrock the Priest. Thy work must be done my bretheren blue. You hearin' me essay, ok Holmes. This is a storied rivalry but here is one tidbit of info just for fun. Know what the Chiefs were called before they were the Chiefs, get this...the Texans! Hope they come out like the current version we have this year. Get it done San Diego, finish it like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday at the OK Corral, the Chiefs being the McCoys! GO CHARGERS!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Baby Jesus Hates the Chargers!

  The Bolts were on Satan's puppet strings today. Marrying Courtney Love, developing a heroin habit, and oy, hand me a more of this misery. This last scenario sounds better than how this game went down for us Charger fans. Torture, absolute torture. On the other end, Jesus must've been pushing pins into voodoo doll likenesses of Charger players. The blocked FG reminded me of another Philly moment in history. The NY Giants Joe Piscarcik fumble in '78 that Herm Edwards scooped up and took to the house. Miraculous play at the most inoppurtune of times. But purr fect timing for Philly.

  Philly fans say what you will, you dodged a big time bullet. Yes, you SHUT down LT and killed our rushing attack and we still had ya. Even after the blocked FG for the TD. Bottom line also, Reche Caldwell blew it on fumbling a 1st down catch in the red zone with all momentum going our way and good odds of at least OT and possible go ahead TD leaving no time for you. But you won the lotto, twice. Not griping, your special teams rawked on the block and Caldwell choked. Thats why we play these games, it ain't over till the whistle blows. Its hard to take, believe me. 3 losses by 3, 1 by 4. My god, it's time to "practice santeria"! Gimmee the chicken and I'll gut it, light a candle, chant and ingest monkey brains chased by lamb's blood martini to end this heinous luck we have. Or is it collapse under pressure? I feel its a little of both.

  The Eagles dee line dominated us. There were no holes for anybody. Gates was effective. Our WR's were decent. Philly was looking downtrodden for sure, Led Zeppelin would say "Trampled Under Foot". But like blood dripping on the floor in "Hellraiser", they rose from the ashes and gave us a taser gun shot in the cajones! And we still came back at em! I can't get over the Caldwell catch and fumble. It was like one moment I'm in a porno with J LO and then in 2 seconds her face and body morphed into Micheal Jackson. Wood be gone. Big time. I swear i feel like I'm in the round room in "Midnight Express"! Nurse Ratchett is messing with my melon for pleasure ala "Cuckoo's Nest"! Nancy Kerrigan said it best, "WHY? WHY?" Why lose like that. I need a difibrallator and Grecian Formula 16 and Just 4 Men for the soul patch! There, that was more pop culture references than Shrek and Shrek II combined. Its outta my system.

  Philly let us hang around and we finally took advantage of it in the 2nd half, and just handed it right back. T.O. the waiter in the end zone served us haggis and blood pudding for supper, mmmmmm yummy. And how is the scab pie? I the Bolt fan will have that. No filet mignon for me or lobster. I may as well live in hell and eat the cuisine that they serve there. Did the Charger customer stiff Satan's staff this week? I'm reduded to silence or uttering sentences like the late "Bill the Cat" from Doonesbury...ACK! PFFFFT! ACK! Speechless. I'm freakin' Helen Keller answeing the iron! A zombie. I'll have the triple bybass and compound fracture, no anisthetic please. I want to feel every bit of the searing pain of this loss!

  Done deal. Its over. Gotta "cowboy up" now. Look in the mirror and stare right back and believe this trend will end. Like I said, scores don't matter or the line...its a W or an L. But I think the losses we have sustained are spirit crushers. Makes you think, is at least one of these gonna be in our favor soon? That bounce after the blocked FG was too perfect. Like a little green gremlin invisible to Charger eyes handed it right to that guy. SHEESH! And screw the best 3-4 team in the league moniker, we are still 3-4 nonetheless. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I'm gonna go pull a fly's wings off now, better him than me. Its gonna take a few days to get over this. Chin up Charger faithful, we ain't done yet. HOOO RA! ACK! PFFFFT!

bolts n sox

The name of the band is real, look em up. had a cray zee time on the bus on my way down to see' em. tri yootiful. SOX...SOX...SOX. Gramps gave me a Charger blessing too. Don't f*ck with the pope of the South Side. Flame thrower king and all that. In a real war, back in the day. I was with JR today (my Charger killah bud, from the SDee, in Portland) at his place of work. It is a vegetarian cool market. He looked to the cieling as I departed, pointed his arms and pointed and pumped ala 12 guage and said to me..."Al, were going bird hunting tomorrow!" and then screeched like that cheesy sound effect you hear in all movies. It rocked, twas profound. We will see early time west coast, what goes down in Philly. I smell a rotisserie! Peace all.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

whats sposed to be n ain't

ok, gotta ain't even close. broke my own rules 2night and the Posies came out and sang w/me...yeah...mike stands and guitars to the floor. can't tell u why...its a falafel thing. this is not a football blog 2nite...its baseball...whoa nelly. my gramps (83 yrs young) has his Sox in, going gainst the 2 teams w/a penchant fer losin' the biggies, but one of em has to win. how cool is that? oh, it all figures in w/the bolts goin' to bowl and all...and winning. wish i could be torn, but can't be...WHITE SOX.

 I grew up rooting for the Chargers and i'm 44 now. deprivation sucks, but it is all a game. can't write the philly pre...cuz my cats are trippin and my voice is shot. it's 2am and i'm done. philly, been there, walked from d town to the soup bowl b4 its demise. i et n awesome p hilly cheesesteak, thats how i chose to spell it, tay? i was tipsy (twas 10 yrs ago) and took the lib bell tour. The hallway. everone had gone and the tour gentleman noticed we were standing around, unimpressed as peeps left. he asked us if we wanted to "touch it". this is the truth and i ain't spicolli from fast times. stepped past the yellow and the velvet rope, looked at all those braces and screws...this was jagermeister induced ya'll. i stroked the bell...pulled back my fist...and pounded that bell 3 times! it didn't ring, it was a thick mofo! i got kicked out peacefully and the dude security guy freaked. almost like the MOMA when my nose touched Van Gogh's self poratrait. but, these things happen for a reason. Whether sooner, or later. I had a great time in Philly, continued my journey to a Phils game...a guy named Tony Longmire hit an HR in the 9nth to win it in dramatic fashion. but the phils sucked in 95.

 and the eagles have their hands full this sunday with the chargers. what do i say cept does this have a relation to anything i've typed so far? hell no and yes. i'm a street vendor...i make it my purpose to see the best...and worst every city has to offer. all philadelphians were cool to me on that day, my pilgrimage. i had a "can we dance with ur dates" moment that most whitey's would hate, but it turned into a party, no fear on either parties part. just a little awkard at 1st. i'm a bit buzzed now no doubt. but i remember philly fondly.

 the beat memories don't count. its 10 yrs later and all has changed. its the eaglets against my bolts. i'm confident but i'm just an ass sitter critic! fear the electricity cuz it plugs in wherever it goes. i never call games or scores...or gamble. cuz the line steals, thats why it is. i just care about W's or L's, screw fantasy anything unless Eva whatshername is crawling into my bed with a winning powerball ticket.  

 knew i'd go to foooo ball "sooner or later "(great English Beat song, by the by) but in honor of Bob...I end with...Southside Chi, who fought n died in a real war, the BIG WW II. Bob...we'll get em. Keep all those ugly stories from the war for another day. The GO GO SOX is back. Bob, we know life ain't purr fect...but this as is good as it gets! this ain't 1959, and thanx fer takin care o my mom. she won't make u clean the leaves for weeks baybee. sit on ur ass...i'll adjust the rabbit ears!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

4 in a row

The Raider fellows who beat me down so were quick on the draw for early blog response. I walked slowly home, jammin' tunes...40 blocks yo. Raider couch per tato. What you got to say now...the comment section is wide open. Take it back? NAH...pillow biter and towel throwers. Remember the Who's worst album? It's's very, very,very hard. Remember EMF...fuc*in UNBELIEVABLE! We did ya'll, not pleasantly. In your your house. Call me what ya will, now...respond. Your etched in cyberspace with your weakass comments. I lose.

 The game? Did you see Mr. Versatile? LT...Raider killer...SD thrillah? The Hole is black, and it sucks. E=MC2. Punt, Pass & Kick, remember that game 3rd grader? The best of David Spade? Buh bye! No, I mean it. BUH BYE! Bill Paxton in Aliens, "Thats it, game over, game over" I think he even WAAAHED! after that. And you Wahhhhhhhhh now. Cool. Glad to hear it. Teardrops fall and rivers fill. I will not lay off for Iam the Turd Mountain. Let me drain another drop of nectar carbonara. Can you drink ham? Prosciutto this Raider now non believer. Like the Devil Rays, accept the role of spoiler. You are reduced to this...sorry.

 Like the pirate who jumps ship with knife blade in mouth, sharp edge to lip. Watch reruns of Sea Hunt. Get it right. But this game meant nothing, right? Roberto Duran, "No mas, No mas" Will I quit? NO! We Breezed by. Just a drive up the 5. Did Turner, Neal, get yardage? Who dey? I want the excuses or do you just suck? Halftime rawked, huh? I can come up with nothing except the Raiders, waiting...and lose.

  I just urinated in public, like all us Bolt fans. But I hit the tree, I didn't smoke it! Randy, oh no...the chronic! OK, what about the stats? Go to, this is too much fun. Was Antonio G. a factor? Oh, we'll use him next time. Our arsenal, your defeat.

  I must now enjoy the White Sox, doing what ain't sposed to be. But having a shot is cool. Flatlining sucks. _______________________ouch. I think I left some Jiffy Pop on the stove and its silver and black...and smells sumthin' awful! Buh Bye.....GO BOLTS!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fader Nation beckons

  As we head up to NoCal I have put the Steeler game behind me. I said I would write more on that game but I lied. I have decided to put it behind me. It is too painful a cross to bear. Yes, a bit of the flair for the melodramatic. I actually had football nightmares Monday evening. I drank 3 big Cokes and had a latte' during the game, so that may have contributed to my lack of sleep that night, caffiene, unlike alcohol, does not dull the pain. Freakin' Fantasia cartoon football nightmares. Like that old Porky Pig cartoon when he is sentenced by the leprecauns to the "wearin' of the green shoes"! I dug deep for that so if you haven't seen it, your loss. One of the "halluciginenic" Warner Brother cartoons way before Gumby ever hit the screen. Snoop Dog came to mind and calmed me. Just chill, till the next episode.

  We come to Chapter 6 in the Chargers rollercoaster ride of a season. We are by far the best 2-3 team in the league. And this chapter is the dirty dungeon like Oakland Coliseum. But like Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction we are gonna get "medieval on their ass!" I just went by that canker sore of a stadium 3 weeks ago. I wish I could drench it in Compound W and make that wart go away! But, ah yes, there is game to be played this Sunday in the prison. Like freakin' Thin Lizzy back in the day, we is gonna have a Jailbreak! This is the one team I give nada, zero respect too. Like hyenas, Raider fans hang in packs and snap at the scraps. Like class picture day they all gotta dress up n look purdy. But 80% when the game is done take off their "Mad Max" regalia and go back to their jobs at KFC. Pathetic, ain't it?

  I'm knowing that the Oakland defense is gonna see LT, alot. Sapp is a shadow of himself now, although still very good. Ron Woodson, meet Antonio Gates and Keenan McQuardell. Good luck. Kerry Collins, Ben took a beating last week and it will be worse for you. Marty better nip the penalty bug this week cause that will cause problems against any team. Although I haven't done the research on the Raiders this year, I know they commit alot themselves. And when they retire they become felons or crackheads! Or better yet, while they are active. My blood boils blue when I think of that effeminete pirate on the Fader helmet. His smirk makes me think he and the old logo Tampa Bay burnt orange pirate just hooked up and went for a "cruise". As macho as Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribeean".

  I shake in my boots as Raider fan enters the parking lot saying, ala Pee Wee Herman, "I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel". I know you are but what am I? I'm a Bolts fan, respectful yet a hard ass, and loyal as any 3rd world fader nation member. And this fan's opinion of the upcoming game, though we are in their "house" is a big fat W. May be hard fought and all that, but prevail we will. The Raiders will go down like Porkins in the 1st Star Wars movie! Stay on target. This is always "the game" for me regardless of records. I'll be at the one in our house Dec. 4, Patron' in hand, toasting our success in 2005 and our drive to the playoffs and perhaps the elusive Super Bowl title all San Diego fans crave and deserve. Don't give up the fight, keep the faith. Blue blood runs thicker than water. GO CHARGERS...BOO YAAA!!!



Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Let 'em Play!

  Not going to whine, we lost. The Steelers showed heart and won in our house. The officiating was horrific, against both teams. Pittsburgh did have momentum in the 1st half, alot due to all the penalties we took, albiet most deserved. The Steelers fell victim to some horrible calls that were "decision based". This was as ugly as a cross between Margaret Thatcher and Barbara thongs!

 I will write more later but I must sell falafels today so duty calls. Chin up Charger fans, this hurts but we will recover. One quick note. I have heard some callers to a national morning sports show call the hit and subsequent injury to Ben as a cheap shot. C'mon! One man passing and stepping forward and another from the opposite direction falling forward. I sincerely hope the injury is not serious, cause I want revenge in the playoffs and I want the total Steelers package, not the "JV"! Ben had some runs where he looked like a cross between da Bus and Micheal Vick!

  I say uno mas time, keep the faith. I show a little respect to the Steelers...but next week? We head to the sewer, the penitentiery...the stadium designed from the blueprints of a Honeybucket...Oakland's Coliseum! You biatches is goin' down! GO CHARGERS!

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Old Skool Powder Blues

Not much on the pre game predictions and blogging but Iam compelled to do so for Iam so excited about our upcoming bout with the Steelers, or Stillers if your from the Burgh. We will be super motivated and styling better than Dior cuz were storming out of the tunnel and smoke taking the field in the powder blues. Its gonna be a sight to see, it always is!

  Rekindling the spirit of old Balboa Stadium at Qualcom. Great names come to mind. Alworth, Lincoln, Ladd and Hadl. I was a baby then, but I have read and seen film. Steeler fans, or if you speak Pittsburghese, Stiller fans get ready. Crack an Iron City or 12! Hopefully the hangover you have will feel like how the Steelers hopefully play this coming Monday eve! Will not diss the Steelers too hard. They match up well with us and are a hard nosed good football team. I always think "Big Ben" is gonna come out and show his lack of experience but he does it time and time again. Hopefully we will fluster him this week. A freakin' personal lightning storm just for him after pocket after pocket collapses.

  We must put the brakes on the "Bus" and Willie Parker. We are not quite as strong against the run this year as last, but no worries mate. We will stop them. I feel it. And I challenge any db for Pittsburgh to cover Gates. And when they bunch up on him? Its Queenan, Parker or Caldwell to the house! When I drop this I'm sure I will hear from Steeler fans about all the past Super Bowl glory days, but those were won when KC and the Sunshine Band were on the charts and JoJo Starbuck was married to Bradshaw. And "One for the Thumb in '81" never came to fruition.  But remember 1995...AFC Championship game in your house. That was a beauty, eh? Go to and you can hear that final play over and over. Last time you got close. Us also, I realize that. Yeah, we got pounded by the Niners. But I still remember that fateful day like it was yesterday. Stealing the Bowl oppurtunity that not a person gave us a chance to win. Times are different now.

  Pittsburgh was the backdrop for the movie "Flashdance" and I see the Stiller fan pounding on the chair like Jennifer Beals while receiving chinese water torture out of torment and frustration.  But it would be a Pittsburgh chick so no Beals action, more like Roseanne Barr.  All kidding aside, this should be an awesome game and the implications are huge. But Pittsburgh I do like one thing about ya...Heinz Catsup, or is it Ketchup? Its gotta be Ketchup cuz thats what you'll be playin' this Monday night...hardy har har! GO CHARGERS!



Sunday, October 2, 2005

The Powds blast the Chowds

  I understand this is a regular season game and the Pats were a little banged up and all but did we just not march into their house and shred it like a bull in a china shop? And in the process end NE's 21 game home winning streak. The wealth was spread around on offense. And the San Diego dee rose to the occassion. The secondary wasn't perfect, but played well in crunch time. They nipped the 3rd and long nemesis they have had all year in the arse for sure. Schotty kept the heat turned up, never getting conservative with the lead. I knew I was in for a strange day when I hopped on the bus to head down to Claudia's (Portland, Oregons nearest thing to a Charger bar) and as we drove 1/4 block to a stoplight a spectacular car crash occured right in front of the bus sending an F150 careening toward the bus and it stopped just inches short of us. I missed the kickoff cause of that. Everyone was ok, and we were on our way. So what did I walk into and see 1st on the TV? Veneteri missing a field goal! Wide right I believe. I knew we were on to something. Now solid, former end of last season "Shaky Nate", Kaeding drilled a 42 yd FG on the ensuing drive after Veniteri's rare miss. SA WEET, lookin' good but too early to mail it in for sure. The Pats responded quickly. I swear Tim Dwight caught more passes in this game than all the years he spent in SD! He caught an 11 yarder that helped set up a 1 yd Dillon run, Pats 7-3. Dwight would later make a spectacular TD catch. Got love for Timmy, wrong uniform on though. Gates was the target on the next drive, catching passes of 15 and 13 yds. He made the NE's db's look like little boys, towering over them. McCardell then snared a 34 yd TD pass from Brees, beating coverage cleanly and easily in stride. NE shaken, not stirred. Pats respond with TD's 30 yd TD reception, nice grab. 14-10 Pats. LT took over next drive, rushing for 29 yds on 4 carries the last being an 8 yarder where he homed in on the end zone like Lojack! Brady drove NE and settled for a FG of 34 yds. 17 all at the half. Not a bad place to be if your a Bolt fan. At this point as confident as I was I was leaning toward this being a shootout and he who had possession last would triumph. How wrong I was! I went into the 2nd half high on Coca Cola and 2nd hand smoke. I thought for awhile God was a Pats fan, but he sent a Bolt out of the blue that struck the center of Gillette Stadium. The stadium may be named after razors, but we were holding the old school straight razor and we sliced up the Pats in the 2nd half! Then beat em with the sharpening strap to boot at the very end, with a huge exclamation point! We needed to come out smokin' on defense and we did. Like freakin' Cheech & Chong, baybee! Jacque Cesaire dropped the All American boy for a 7 yd loss on the opening drive and giving us the ball. The end zone was our house in the 2nd half, and like Kid n Play back in the day...we had a HOUSE party! Brees was our driver and we drove like NASCAR. Brees hit little used but highly talented Reche Caldwell for a 28 yd strike and little did I know the rout was on. Eric Parker also made several huge plays during the game, just like I called in my pregame blog. "Afterburner" Turner #33 was a nice compliment to LT in the backfield ripping off several big gains and keeping the chains moving. The defense broke over New England like a south swell breaker at Black's Beach and Brady couldn't get out of the tube all day. He hung his head, frustrated. The guys on the bench for the Pats all looked like, "What the f*ck, this can't be happening to us, were the Patriots!" But happen it did, and no reputation from previous years was going to save this one. San Diego hadn't won in New England since 1970...the Hadl era and the guy bent over on the New England helmet with a sneering smile, ah, I love the old skool uni's. LT kept his TD streak intact, 16 games and counting. To pour some salt in the gaping wound, Dennis Edwards intercepted a pass from NE backup Matt Cassell and then pitched to Clinton Hart who took it home to add a dash of insult to injury. The exclamation point, just the facts ma'am. The fact is we kicked the Patriots proverbial ASS! It was like Lennox Lewis VS Butterbean. I kept singing a song they always play at Charger home games when big hits are made, "BOOM! Here come the boyz from the south, HA! HA! How U like me now!?" POD knows how to say it best, SD's finest border band. Payment Upon Death, could we have driven the 1st nail into the coffin of the end of an era? Too early to tell, New England can bounce back, or falter. The rest of the NFL will stand up and take notice, were far from done. Gonna tear through the "tin" curtain next week, just you watch. I end this entry with gospel words from a now failed rapper that describes this game perfectly, "You can't touch this!" GO CHARGERS!