Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Father's Will Fuc* Ya'll

 OK...throw poisoned darts at my open chest cavity heart.  Attach electrodes to my scrotum. OK...don't. Are you an SD sports fan? You know today sucked epic shite. Norv will suck the life out of you and he has. The Bolts had a good plan. But in the 2nd half, they abandoned all. The Padres are in Denver manana, can someone come through? I'm a fuckin' SD sports fan, and it's better than you . Yeah, I'm a loser 2 day. HUGE. I'll be in front of a TV to watch the Padres get some. Get SOME, NOW.

 Sing this:  OK...we are the world, we are the children, we be the fuckahs to make a grey cloudy day so let's start killin', it's a choice were makin', were killin' the SD, Norv and his's super lizardy. Did that rhyme? I'm so happy right now. It is a normal day in the day late dollar short world we deal with. Least I met some cool for real Phillie fans who got they're way today. In fuckin' Portland. Wherever we live in the USA shit happens and we seem to be in another part of the country from where we broke water. I'm fucked. If you were born in Detroit (congrats Kitna Christian) would you have any love for the SD? No.

 Remember the movie "the Sandlot"? Your Killing Me Smalls! Let's go on You Tube and watch insects or people eat people or insects. I'd rather watch the Chargers look around and point fingers without pointing. My finger points at the guy without clenched teeth. Norv Nosferatu. His fangs sucked the life out of the Raiders. His Gila Monster neck will kill us this year.  I'll get back and write San Diego fans there an us? Yes...there is. Off to the fridge, like pinball in your own house. 

 The Fly's 1998 hit "Got U Where I Want You" blares in my background. And the most snowfall that yr. was done in Mt. Baker WA. The Fly's kicked with alien girl Katie Holmes, and they are from SD. As in Big Mountain, remember them?...turning horrific Peter Frampton tunes into SD reggae gold? U know...on the big charts and the way my mind is workin', cept for "Rocket From the Crypt", and a lil love for the POD, SD music dosen't have an Philly Soul. No Detroit. Oh, wait MOW TOWN cool. San Diego football week #4...we are 1 and 3. And unidentifiable. No sound. Temporary heart team. I do like the Fly's tune by the by...and the lead sing knows how to surf...very well. Eddie Vedder is from SD.  WAIT..JUST WAIT...come don't remember the band White Lion? Neitherdo I. Or Ugly Kid Joe...who died on a beach like the Chargers today...blow up doll kites in Santa Barbara...fluttering in the breeze. Can you tell I got You Tube now and got rid of the dial up and my season is slow chunkin' so opposed to fast chunkin'.

 I'm gonna go find funny pictures now to put captions on. Fuck you AJ for hiring a Raider. Norv...u suck. Chargers? Sumthins up. And ya'll know it. I just watch and pay. And I make a whole lot less. Not that it matters. Emotional, lost coaches, KC at home? How much more u want? Wow, and I thought we had a 5 year window. Norv...LIFE SUCKER OF CHAMPIONS!

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