Thursday, September 13, 2007

NE, Barry Bonds of the NFL

 If Chicago only had an offense, they might be in the column of W. This game was painful to watch till mid 3rd quarter. It proved a few things to me. #1, we have the ability to win when we play like crap. LT was contained...mostly. But when he was needed, he heeded the call, answered the bell and came out swinging. Oh and the roll out pass to Gates, a thing of beauty.

 #2, can overcome adversity and maintain composure after being blatantly hosed on an offside call at the Bear 2, 2nd and goal. Nat'l TV and everyone in Quaalcom saw it. But...not challenge able. Technicality. That call sucked, to put it bluntly. Lesser teams could let a call like that change the course and momentum of the game. Not the underwhelming Chargers, at least on this day. But they did perform in the clutch and basically dominated the 2nd half.

 SD had a little karma comin'. And it came in the form of of a sky high Scifres punt that bounced off a Bear defender and into the hands of the Chargers. Rumor has it that the punt struck the overhead camera thingy on wires dealy bopper. Cool. This led to our 1st score and ended in a 14-3 win.

 The excuse the Bears gave for having an offense that was in reverse tortoise mode. Watching it was like listening to Leo Sayer's "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" on a loop while strapped to a gurney w/eyes held open ala Clockwork Orange and forced to view strobed clips of Xanadu. Was it really that bad? YES! The Chargers looked about the same in the 1st half. There is so much more to cover, but I must be brief. This is this falafel maker's last weekend event of the already over summer. I'm busy but I'll come back stronger after the Pat game.

 On to a quick preview of the game of the week, SD @ NE. Now that it's known NE cheats...oh no, not the old hooded sour puss himself...Bill Bellechick...puh leez. Peeps been sayin' it for years, now it's known. Go college on NE, forfeit last weeks game against the Jets. What's next Pats, drone spy planes and wiretapping w/out a warrant to secure victory at all costs? Enough of the CHEATER, tainted are all rings NE earned, steroid Super Bowls. Most likely not, but the nagging doubt remains.

 I'm so busy I can't break it down like I'd like. Cheat or not, we are totally entering hostile territory against our main competition in the AFC besides Indy. This is like fighting the heavyweight champ, you almost have to knock out your opponent to win. Well were superfly TNT muther...! You get the message. It's late, I must sleep. let's see if NE can win w/out our playbook!

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