Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Does A Packer Do?

 Is a Packer a packer of meat? Packer can be misconstrued. But whatever it is and does the Chargers got packed. And it was painful. It was like watching a prison movie, and we were the prisoner.

 And I only saw the 1st half! I do a Farmer's Mkt on Sundays with my falafel stand. For the 1st time in about 17 yrs I missed part of a game. For $$. I wasn't at Claudia's, I was in Milwaukie, OR. This market goes to late Oct. I will be missing 1 1/2 quarters or so on home games till then. It kills me but the $$ is too good. Oh well, life calls and it needs more $$ to keep up the lifestyle. I won't miss much. Hopefully there will be something to see. It's early. But Norv...freakin' Norv. I tell ya I don't like it. Defense is stagnant. Team is way out of sync. I said I could coach this team to 10 wins, maybe I was wrong. But it is early yet, and I will not push ye proverbial panic button just yet laddies n ladettes.

My style was severely cramped. It is super busy and we are rolling many falafels, no rest for the Charger worker fan. Two guys I met at the bar who were Bolt fans exchanged cellie #'s and that's how I got my updates. Technology is grand, but I was so busy the cell just took messages. I picked up a few hrs after the falafel storm and heard we were punting with 2 mins and change on the clock and were up 21-17 and things were ok. They had to score a TD. I got busy and...SHIT! We lost. The Rivers INT was the dagger. I must admit, the pain of the loss stung less with the $$ I made and not being drunk, and not seeing it happen! It's like we expected greatness without showing it on the field. I'm critical and scare easy but I'm faithful in the "new" Charger way of things. Or is it a new way? Marty for Norv. 12-4 for the Raider debacle dude. Still has a chance, plenty of chances to redeem himself. I'm still positive we will roll W's in 07.

 I can't break down this game from what I saw. But the 1st half was almost unwatchable. I didn't like the bar either, suburbia mini mallish. But I met two Navy (X) guys w/Charger jerseys and they were too cool. Scottie kept me up on the 2nd half on the cell, thanks bud. I can't listen to radio, too distracting when I'm in the falafel zone. Hopefully LT will be in his "falafel zone" against KC. And Rivers will graduate high school QB' ing and get back to the poise of his rookie season. No sophomore jinx Philly boyeeee! My blogs are weak this season due to working on Sunday's and a hugeupswing in business. So sorry for the vague mostly cheerleading tones i have been laying down. Get better after Halloween and I will take back Sunday! As will the Chargers. I'm still optimistic, we have too much talent to maintain this trend.

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