Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bay Area Charger

 I disappeared, took a train to everywhere. No, not that train. Just the Amtrak. To San Francisco, or Emeryville. Oh...and did it all turn out good...fuck yeah! From the start, before football. Rocked in Friday nite with a band I loved when I was 15, I'm 46 now. The cool difference between 1976 and 2007 is...I'm older and know where to drink in public and how to do it. Oh wait, and NOT inhale. Saw a band called STARZ, lookem up. Cleveland knows. And your Charger writer heah had the TIME! I'll spare ya the details of my trip and tell ya where I ended up...to watch the Chargers at one of the coolest neigh hood bars in SF, and it just happened to be about 22 blocks from where I was born. And I got 1/2 my drinks for free, OK for real a 1/3. I'm so glad I talk and pimp my biz. Oh, you 3 reading this now, go to fatkitty.biz...right now.

 It was on in the Bay, Fleet Week. The military was sellin' and I shook hands and said thank you. To the young men and women that make it right, for real. I'll save ya the hugs I received after stating my support and disdain for GWB. All the military people I went out of my way to meet and greet were so happy to hear what I had to say when we got to talkin'. Power of the Blue Angels can make everyone feel powerful.

 Oh, and the Ravens fans. Thanks for the many free drinks and fun. And the hell u say any bad about the Baltimore peeps I met. Saw like 3 Niner jerseys. I could walk up to a Raven fan...you would have to know my charisma of course. Tell him I think she/he sucked for beating us last yr and they just were so cool. I think I paid for no drinks in this one bar. BALTIMORE I say to you. It may have been the 75 degree weather and your chance to come and visit, ya'll was beautiful and friendly. Niner fans and the city I was born in...ya'll sucked. Living in the past and fair weathered. It was refreshing to see some east coast passion. Even though the actual game musta been like the middle of baseball season, Tampa @ Texas. Ravens fans who flocked to the Bay...ya'll got the W.

 So the Bolt game was destiny. Yeah, I break up during the season. Cuz I know. The Norv thing. It's Raider week. I know what Denver is. We still are so in it. I crumble and sound like a fan sometimes...cuz I don't get paid like Fanhouse. IAM A 4 REAL FAN. I drink, travel and try to be unprofessionalprofessional...catch my drift paid boys?

 Pimpin' w/N'Stinct look him up on myspace and listen to "Tennis Shoes" He will be the next Oak town killer. No, I hate the Raiders...NOT Oakland...wait...I do. I wore a Seals jersey on purpose. A dead team that had no point now, but it woke up a buncha dead souls and I knew it would.

 OK...to the game. I took the 7 N Judah train, to the hood I grew up in. When I was Niner boy, real boy, like birth thru 7 yrs old. Still hadn't found a bar w/a guaranteed Charger showing. Let's just say I asked a dude on the train as I headed to my old hood, and he was dressed to a t and I mentioned my hood, birth, connection and what I needed. This gentleman told me he was off at 23rd and would walk me right by a bar that might put it on. We walked after getting off the train, he points across the street to a bar called Finnegan's Wake, and before we part ways he says, "Tell Johnny the bartender that John from the Absinthe sent ya." Sounds like a 30's movie huh?

 I walked into Patriots and Sox fans and it was soooo much fun. All Boston boys and girls in the bar, transplants from the hell they once called home. Not one rarely turned to watch the Pats game, it was the Sox. The Niners game was on a 13" TV in nowhereville and (1) person was watching. A few Charger fans drifted in. I told the btender about me and that I met some dude named John from the Absinthe and boy oh boy, we got Bolts on the biggest screen and my balance was in my favor. I know I was cut the deal. I love being loud, reputable...and on the right side of the food business! Turns out this Absinthe place was something else. My fate is a broke ass brilliant fool so far. Huh. Thanks John from Absinthe, I haven't even looked you up yet. but a million others told me about it. I was ridin' a 1-3 team and fearful. Still am.

 I'm through with pussyfuttin'! Fuckin' accept the fact the Bolts are snakebit to now. We have the lizard. let's suck out the poison to save the life. Who is gonna do it for this team?

 Oh, no descriptions or hefore to with whatever about last week's game. It was a joke. One dude in the bar who was out of it kept repeating that it was in SD.  Uh, ok. The Charger fans were pretty weak cept for Eddie. Musta been 85 or so and bought me without having to, a $10 Bloody Mary.Eddie almond boy...Salud, TANX alot. I got so disinterested in my game you'd grab me and tell me to pay attention. 41-3. Nice. Johnny Brooklyn salud, whatchu doin' in SF? Yeah, that's how cool it was. Reservoir Dog's Cool, when it mattered. It matters. Chargers. Matter. Raiders? Sorry I can't get this picture straight, but babies behind .50 cals at an air show? It is kinda cute, huh? Think about it. And $8 Coors Lights in a fenced in area while in the front row were the "corporate" tents. I swear to you it said corporate sponsors...u name em, and it ain't Popeye's Chicken, with all branches of the military logos side by side. This ain't issuin' peanut butter and Lucky strikes no more. Just sellin' the next 10 yrs of death, minimum. Man, I'm glad the Chargers made me not think why for a weekend. Oh, the Stanford thing was pretty cool, see ya SC suckahs, welcome to the real world. Get ready Oaktown foolz, it's gonnabe nine in a row and a walkover.

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