Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Have A Job

 I falafeled at a festival today, as OR proved Michigan sucks!  My summer is over and the $$ has been earned. Let's get to the year. Yeah, the year. The year I could coach the Chargers to 11-5, minimum. Game plan would be, you go long, and you run. Simple. I could draw the offense and defense in the dirt with a stick, my era as a kid, sandlot. It's late and tomorrow we get a "Grossman" kinda day.

 I was kinda thinkin' we whup. I'm not that confident...yet. Da Bears do have some kinda dee. I will be back with a postgame blog tomorrow. I also have a brand spankin' new phat laptop and wireless. All other blogs of the past three yrs were a dial up nightmare. I'll never do a live blog, too into the game to bang keys. And I'd spill beer on it. But if I'd spill beer on it laughing (NOT) at a tired old Jim Rome routine, he'd announce it. of course after e mailing him that he was soooo funny, he made me do it. Ba Ba Booey of sports lameness. Uh, where did that come from? Ya never know here, eh?

 I ask you few readers I have left to check the photo above. Yes, It is I and my Charger falafel cart. OK, I fly a tiny Bolt Flag, nice decal, mini Charger helmet and wear the knit everyday during the season, and or ball cap for remaining hot days, but I yam in Seahawk Jr. country. Like I give a fu%k. I'm gonna do the bleep myself thing this year when I get the urge to profanticate...that's my word. Again...fully not even dude age. Portland is actually awash in Chargermania! Kinda. We be breakin' in a new season at Claudia's so I invite any Bolt fan to show up if your in town and you will be welcomed. Even opposing teams fans, you got someone here somewhere who will love you. It is after all Portland, OR. Even you Raider fans, we have a few left here. Wait, fuck that. Oh...ok...I'm gettin' old. Just be civil while we hoot and vomit on you. Not really. Cuz the OAK games are kinda like a WWE match and we have been written in to sweep your asses again, ez. How does it feel to know, like the Sex Pistols once wailed "God Save Those Queens, The Davis Regime, they made you a moron, Deliver Kif...Gawd SAAAAVVVEEESSS!"

 No Sheee Ite. Happy Opening weekend. To all fans. Ya'll got somebody. From the ZZZZZZZZZZ game in Houston, to the future world champs against last years runner up tomorrow, for which I'm skipping a lucrative event by the way...sacrificin' dollahs for hollahs. Too spice it, the cliche...U ready for some BLEEEP...fuckin' football? Have fun tomorrow and 1/2 of us will be losers. Just for one weekend. CHARGERS will cross over.

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