Saturday, September 30, 2006

1st True Test

 Stormin' into Baltimore after an early bye week spells disaster for some. Continue the momentum. And a young QB learns. What will he improve this week?

 Have had a busy week, we got an Indian Summer week here in Portland, 80 degrees all week. So I'm lagging on the pre game blog. Maybe this Rockstar 21 will bring me out of it. Oh, and its so tough, gotta wake up n watch the Chargers tomorrow. Early. Set the snooze and wake up like by 7am. Creature of habit. Feel I waste the day if I sleep in, even on day's off. I'm a nap man! Do it after football.

 We have two of the best defenses on the field tomorrow. Winner of the game, bottom line? Who has the defense on the field longer will lose. Yeah, a general statistic. But it will play tomorrow. Shawn is our Ray Lewis, and way younger. This is a scary game.

  Our secondary looks vastly improved, although a game against Kerry Collins could make Lilliputions feel large. McNair is still formidable and somewhat rejuvinated, he is in peril if he gets flushed out of the pocket all day. He may complete some that way, but he will take a streaking cross field hit or three not to his liking. Baltimore dee is capable of returning all these favors back to us. They are hard nosed and on a roll. Your gonna hear that extra loud helmet cracking on TV tomorrow.

  Offenses...we have the advantage I feel. And weaponry will hopefully break Baltimore. One of they're star db's is out, name escapes me and I'm not lookin' it up now. We have I believe Clinton Hart starting tomorrow for cough syrup boy...he'll step up. Remember that INT for a TD filling in against, I think, the Raiders? Take advantage Mr. Cee Hart. Take one to the house.

  I'm no gambler, but I got this feeling. Gates is gonna be in play. From the opening series, just a guess. Gates, big tomorrow. LT and Turner, best 1-2 punch in the game. One will break 100. I will not diss the Ravens. My Vegas instincts of which I have none, tell me Bolts at the Chez Bay by at least 13. Now thats the beer and sheer confidence talking. Glad I only watch and type bullshit. We'll see how we roll...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Chesa Peke Beat Down

 OK, a real game is coming up. And I just got home from falafelling in 80 degree weather in Oregon in late I'm still slow on the draw for pre games. Steve McNair, survive the storm. Call me crazy...we'll win this ez. Oh, I have failed before. Just think Antonio Gates is gonna be Rivers Discovery Channel this weekend. Overwhelm. I'm on a limb for this. I'm tired now. And you'll get a coffee blog. 10am here, back east its 1pm. Unless some roller derby chick rawks my world on Saturday, its caffiene city. LT...just gonna kinda hang around. 1st large chunky run. Where is Kyle Boeller? I make the best falafel in the world...but at least I have to make it. Is Kyle throwing?

  I know nothing cept reality. Baltimore bites. Just a bit. Soft shelled crabs are the lemon wedge on a heffy there! Although I truly adore Divine and Jon Waters. And the success of of all the teams in the area. CYA Later...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Surprise...Were Small Time! Thanks Jamie!

 In case you haven't noticed today the rug was pulled out under pigskinbloggers. The link will now bring you to Mr. Irrelevant, Jamie's sports blog. So he even stole our link so nobody will know where to find us.

 He is doing FanHouse and we bloggers were all unceremoniously kicked to the curb and nobody told us anything! It sucks and its low. He is taking you all away from us, too bad. FanHouse sucks in my opinion. X's and O's stats, zzzzzzzzzz. How can you call something FanHouse, when you had the real deal? The real fan like you and me. Not some "Office" like coup to further advance your career at others expense. And show no class doing it. Peon. Hope you feel good inside.

 I can walk the world with pride...and Iam the fuckin' falafel king. Find another Falafel vending Bolts Blogger, it ain't gonna be there. No soul. As Radiohead once sang, fake plastic trees!  Thats who we had as a moderater here. Strung us along. Even if I was told what was gonna be done instead of a stupid entry thanking us for all we did and...later days. It would be better. Like George Bush, our great leader, this guy didn't serve. The parrot on the pirate's shoulders munching up the crumbs and mimicking like a mina bird. Unoriginal.

 Just for fun, if they have a D List celebrity boxing show I'll take you on dude. Cause your gonna be the Screech of sportscasting pretty much. Cuz you got the class of another D list celebrity boxer, Tanya Harding! C'mon over officers! This may be removed because a whole page of negative comments were already removed and pigskin bloggers links lead you to Jamie's blog. Automatic cool. I'm like Smith Barney...I earn it!

 Also Jamie get used to this, "I live in a van, down by the river!" When you have to stand up on your own you'll crumble like a coffee cake! Feel like Trump (replaced by Kasey Kasem, playing Jamie) said "We're fired!" Bob Marley say "Ebry little ting gone be allright!" Jah on bloggers!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mardi Brees

 So...whatcha, whatcha want? I showed up at Claudia's in full, black 'n white. I NEVER root for any other team other than the Chargers. But Drew is the Never got my 1st drink before I knew it was something special. Yeah, buncha punk ATL's at the next table. Wherever you be, and whoever you root for...this was speshul! Nobody had beads...beads will make you whole. Waited for Vick to do his thang, never did he get the chance.

  To me rooting for the Saints was like dumbasses who play fantasy shit. But since George W shit on New Orleans and his mother said they were better off less than a year later, we saw a different New Orleans. can make a little difference. Behind they're gated community life, viewing the world from priviledge, and daddy Sr. looking oddly out of place at the coin toss, Drew played football. And so did the Saints. Within a minute, the Saints were up. Funny...I was the only one with beads. Nobody was a Saints fan, nor did I see a jersey of black n gold or black n orange. Except for (for real) some stupid ass mulleteers who soon knew, with they're 1st grade edju macation (Popeye said it, not me) it was over before it began. Oh, emotion and a nation can't win. And I'm way far away, in Portland, OR! Hope it was that way everywhere, in this once great nation of ours. Still is, were justa little behind the ocho ball.

  Hate my opinions, hate me. But don't hate a city forgotten. The sound byte culture will remember tonight. The cool was seeing my favorite band U2 or Green Day. Rick Nielsen from Cheap Trick got two big flashes on the screen, and a big leg kick to boot. He supports our troops, whatever that means. Its a people thing, care about people. Troops, you, me, your mom n dad, and the kids they made. Don't follow blindly, unless its your football team. And then root root root. No need to hurt anybody. Or pretend your better than somebody. Humanity baybee, its what it should all be about.

  I'm still angry about New Orleans...and you should be too.  Its still much like it was a year ago. Here in Portland, we protest against our administration the way it is. If we get a 9.7 earthquake here, nobody will come to help either. We don't support GWB...and we'll pay for it, for sure. This country is about US! Not the priviledged! ALL OF US! So a fuckin' football game made it OK for a night.

  OK, enough politics. But it can't be helped. Tumultuous times are here, and football is pleasure. I can't stress enough how we should all care. About more than...this tackle sponsored by McDonald's. Drew Brees is a winner, name someone else on his team besides Reggie Bush. Yeah, I'm biased.

  I can't help but be the way Iam as many displaced from New Orleans citizens live here in Portland, and have told me they're stories of neglect. Have seen many jazz musicians play and talk, forgotten but alive. Believe what you want, but the real world is at your doorstep. And know...nobody is going to help. My dad is a bad ass ex Army Ranger...he always told me...Yur on ur own kid! Vive New Orleans! And peace to the world.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Volek Comes To SD

 We picked up a very competent back up from the Titans in Billy Volek. He went from 1st string starter in July to 3rd string by the opening of the season. He was griping and battling with Titan head coach Jeff Fischer, who said Billy...gasp...lied to him...WAHHHH!

  All I'm saying is, you start Kerry Collins, your a fuckin' loser. If I was Billy I'd be P O 'd also. He hasn't started alot of games, but he has a very high winning percentage in the games he did. I feel its a good pick up. I hate bye weeks, especially early in the season. Look out Ravens...we be comin' to crab cake city!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Like A Seagull On A Cheeto

 As Steve Irwin said when the stingray barb hit his heart, "CRIKEY!" Sorry Steve, we living always poke fun at the dead and know we will be amongst them someday. But TN felt the sting. It was a sorry sight. The crocs never got they're revenge, they hired a stingray. Sorry, had to use it. But I stress Steve rocked, and was and is a truly good man.

 The game I just watched, was the 1st Lego in the diagram you could never build as a kid. The best toy ever was the 25 cent army man with a plastic parachute, the 60's baybee. You could throw it or use a Wham O wood slingshot and launch those biatches miles, or so it seemed. Sometimes that chute would fill with air beautifully and your molded plastic army man would float to Earth gracefully. Or the chute would stick, and your army man would crash to earth. Tennesee's chute stuck. I knew it would. The best was when you could catch your own launch. Video games and liability make this activity a thing of the past. Present...Chargers are a good team.

  They beat a poor TN team, but they did it easy. And the ball was spread around. Rivs made some phat throws. Queenan, hope he is ok, haven't had time to check, was the ultimate possession reciever. Parker, please...he is a threat...deep or short. Watch yo self. Gates...well, nuff said. Rivs looks to me like a kid in a candy store. He is finding he has alot of weapons. And he is just figuring it out. And like the rest of the Chargers...gung ho. Live and die by the sword.

  OK, so it was the Kerry Collins and Vinny show. Show confidence. Or was it a strategy? I remember days like this, but it is now TN's turn to experience it. Do I even begin about our offensive defense? I drank tequila today. Good decision.

Pigskin Blogger Dead Zone (Bolts Dust TN)

 Hardy har har. I just got back from a Human League show, ya know? You look it up if your that young and musically uninclined. As I psyche up for tomorrows W against TN I must say it seems pigskinbloggers is a dead entity. I'm still here, but it seems no one else cares. By the way, Ducks beat Sooner today...and I will admit...I closed my stand and gave up. Got home in time for the missed OU FG. DUCKS baybee.

 We seem to have been passed by and bloggers is now like the NBA AOL blogs. Do I give a fuck? NO. I don't have to pay to post anymore, so what am I complaining about? I'm now a bit looped and have been taken for a ride and ridden a few in my day. Just seems different this year. Nobody is blogging. Well, I will be. I will throw down from this corner of cyberspace...and ya'll is coming with me...right?

 Hang on, just got a large delivered. 1/2 pepperoni, 1/2 anchovy, and it's not from a chain. Its from a family I know, the Roventes. Purchase from your family guy and blow off the chains, And don't play fantasy football. I like sex fantasys better, and if your not wasting your time rooting for other teams players to do well for you and all that stupid ass gobble dee gook. Do it real. I root FOR THE CHARGERS, thats it. No extracurricular dumb ass shit as Red Foreman would say. I will never root for some opposing player to do well for me when I bleed the blue.

 Where are the pigskin bloggers? Nowhere to be found. Been there, done that. Hope somebody posts soon. But I'll live. Mine eyes have seen more than Rutger Hauer in "Blade Runner." Football wise. I'm feeling like Jack (Kurt Russell) in "Big Trouble In Little China" , just a basic no frills mutha fuckah that tells you, you done gonna lose. TN I hate guarantees, but the Bolts done gonna whup ya boyee. I can say whatever I want about TN, cuz they don't have a blogger on AOL or for a matter of fact...the world. And I would anyway..

 Joy to the World, all the Bolts and Bills, Joy to the Fishes in the deep south East, Jets will be the beast? Doubtful, but Chad fights. Bolts, 2-0. Take it to the bank.

Monday, September 11, 2006


 Marty's game. Run Will Robinson...I mean Tomlison. Why pass? Raiders on the right foot, pull Herb...or smoke it. Way to start, a confidence builder, just a Shell game. He looked confident. NOT. I'm sleepy and PBR fueled. 1 and oh. TN next week. We'll do it.

 When you don't need to take chances and can win, in fact dominate, by just running the ball, do it. Rivers is learning and had some problems with QB to RB exchange during preseason and now we know he can do that. No center/QB fumbles, a good sign. You cringe even when you see it in preseason. We may just run over the Titans also and limit the pass until absolutely neccessary. You may not like it to watch, but W's are what we need and this is how were gonna get a few. Philip stepped up later in the game and threw a perfect spiral 37 yds to Eric parker on a 3rd and long. Looked good, and we needed it at the time.

 Our defense is the real deal. The spirit of Butkus lives in Merriman. Absolute leader and gung ho to the max. Think we had 9 sacks and many near sacks. The pressure was on Brooks. Raider WR Porter was cheering our sacks, this he denies. The look on Art Shell's face throughout the game said it all, stupified by the team that surrounded him.

 If you are an old school Bay area fan you may remember an NHL team that used to be in Oakland that didn't survive due to they're inept personel moves and lack of production on the ice. Yep, the Raiders are the new Oakland Seals...lousy. But masqueraded silver & black pirate jesters cry, and fill McAfee Stadium and take it all in. Never quit. Alzheimer Al Davis is a relic and needs to be sent to the glue factory. Sorry Raider fans, its gonna be another dark n gloomy year. I will know Raider fan when I see him on the street. He/She will have they're own personal rain cloud showering on them. 24/7.

Saturday, September 9, 2006


 Monday night I start it up again. The RITUAL. This ain't a none to annoying Budweiser commercial. But this season warms me.  Its me, and you...however you do it. Real football starts tomorrow. Well, all that is real in the world that isn't the Chargers!

  Do you have the NFL package and stay home? Do you go to a favorite sports bar? Sit on a freakin' mountain and listen on satellite radio? Sorry if your that guy. I'll climb the mountain after February thank you.

  My ritual is, when I'm not lucky enough to be at a real game but here in my confines of Portland, OR. Oh yeah, we are a major NFL city. Not really. But nobody is from here like everywhere else, so its a nice mix of fanatics from all over. Lotsa Mid West. Charger following is good here, thanks Dan Fouts.

 Oh, the ritual. I take a city bus #15 to Claudia's Sports Bar, takes 10 mins. Walk 2 blocks in a brisk fall breeze to a pouring rain. And I'm there. That TV will be the Super Bowl TV I'm watching this year. I will be sneaking a peak at the New Orleans game. Go Drew...heart baybee. It's back...NFL football. I love summer but fall always reminds me what time it is. It's fucking great isn't it? Maybe I'm a creature of habit. But my XMAS eve will be spent in Seattle. That used to be my norm, when Seattle was in the AFC West. Not anymore. Wonder if Seattle would be ruling the AFC West now? Can't wait...a road trip from Portland to Sea Town in a 72 Datsun Wagon...a cherry one!

  Yes it is here. Have you ever denied yourself sex? Because of football? I have. Not proud of it. But those bitches never were my girlfriends. The good ones waited or joined in rigorously. The others played games to try and break my ritual.  I have not missed a Bolt game in 21 years. I listened on the radio once, had to move that day...bitch! Another game playah! Even tried to change the radio in the U Haul truck! We beat Denver on a game ending FG that evening on the #5 freeway, all poppin' and fading in n out on the radio. That's me. Do you do any of these strange things? Think about. Man or woman. Many a freaky woman fan out there, and more knowledgable than you...and can kick your ass too!

 Hell yes...tomorrow is Sunday. As a child from a broken ass home that was pretty cool actually...I started my ritual in about 1969 I quit going to Sunday School and watched football on a 13" B & W TV with rabbit ears. 8 yrs old, root and sister saying praise the lord while I said...praise the Bolts baybee!Gotta admit, as a boy I loved the 49ers...I was born is SF and met many famous SF celebs back in the day as a kid. Brodie, Willard, Mayes, McCovey...and even had lunch with Joe DiMaggio (my grandfather had accounts with them) Been to Kezar a few times. Loved the NHL Seals. But guess what? Blow childhood memories away. Cause its all about Chargers 2006. The past is the past and the present and future are forever fleeting. Enjoy 2006. Hope your ritual is rewarding to you. Beer or no beer. Tomorrow your kicker's toe, or the opposing teams toe, will launch your team into the season. Good Luck to You All. thing...except against the fuckin' Chargers!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

A Stoned Roller Gathers Some Moss

  As Whitesnake once put it so eloquently put it back in the day..."Here We Go Again On Our Own, Going Down The Only Road We've ever Known, Aaron Brooks Already Has This Game Blown! In 1st Place The Bolts Will Stand Alone! Rhymin' skillz, I just don't got 'em! But isn't it exciting? We come out the gate and BLAST the Raiders.  But I will remember we are in they're house, and strange things happen in that prison like stadium by the freeway and the wrong side of the tracks.

  I know the tracks in Oakland. I take the train through it on my way to sunny San Diego. And I swear I always make sure I'm in the club car facing McAfee Stadium (aka Attica) and flip double single finger salutes to it everytime I pass, there and back and in front of whoever. Know how sometimes you have your own mini superstitions? And you actually think in your Old Milwaukee sodden brain that a little ritual you do, or bar you go to, what TV you watch in the bar...will have something to do with the outcome of the game? Holy Shit, did I just describe me? Well, thats one ritual I have been doing since 2003 and its working out well as we are like 9 and 0 VS the Faders since I started doing it. Blame me Raider devotees, its all on me. Voodoo chile hex on the skull and crossboners!

  We have a River, and frankly...Oakland has a blubbering...I mean bubbling Brook. Randy may be good help to Aaron, but this may be like the same horror film Oakland fans had to watch last year. Getting murdered every week in every concievable way possible by the Jasons and Freddy's of the NFL. If Oakland were a horror film they would be "Leprechaun...Part 5!" OK, I got the verbal jabs outta my system. The Raiders do something to me. Its just awesome to whup they're ass consistently.