Monday, October 15, 2007

Powder Puff

 Superman in powder blue, looked like the Air Jordan from the free throw line, BOOM! Here come the boys from the south, HA u like me now? LT, like Clapton, is God. Laying down the 10 commandments of rushing and a disciple of receiving also. Just an all around kinda cool God. With #21 on his robe and no beard. Powder Blue robe in the height of fashion. Bolts flyin' and parting NFL defenses like freakin' Moses parted the Red Sea. Honorary adapted son of the Flash. The Flash shoulda worn powder blue tights, that woulda been fly. Welcome back to the big mix LT, and thank you for being an intrigal part of the huge W over the dark side. The team we thought we'd have in '07 is starting to jell as we head into the buh bye week. 

 The Bolts broke out quick. One foolish play and most inappropriately timed at that, almost turned an entire 1st half of domination into a stalemate on the scoreboard only. But the DB's saved the day and we didn't head down the old Charger road of defeat and asking why? We overcame a momentum crushing, game changing play. Never blinked. The dee came out and did it when it counted. Philip Rivers will not throw that INT again, or hopefully very rarely. It's a learning experience, in the worst way. My life froze for a second, I saw it on TV setting up before the throw was made and even my armchair quarterback skills saw that and I was looking downfield. When Philip threw it, before it left his fingers, I knew, I swear! It's years of football watching, Philip came back strong. And the whole arsenal was at his disposal, and functioning well.

 Gates IS the tight end model. Gazelle man but in Charles Atlas body. And the gazelle is crossed with a ram. Get the picture? Oh, that fumble out the back the end zone on a sure TD sucked. Nice moves. But another life crushing Charger play. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The difference is now...we come back after these plays. A good sign. The Chargers are cardiac in the way they can just give away momentum from ill timed plays. Sorry. This comes from years of seeing it and I'm a realist. But I like the team that came out in the 2nd half.

 The Raiders came to play. We had a few and one real verbal Raider fans at Claudia's. And 30 Bolt die hards. Never did it get ugly. But boy that Raider boy start poppin' after that huge INT.  Jammer sat his ass down. Kept the damage to a minimum. Boy I'll admit though, there were 3 Raider chicks ala chica beautiful. I would have sex with the enemy but only to learn they're secrets. No...I woulda been a ready and willing participant. And never would give up the playbook. But all you Raider dudes suck. Not really. Only kinda. Once you take off the grease paint, lycra, fishnets, road warrior regalia there are some decent people under there. Terribly flawed but decent. After we would score I would hear, "Who's got the rings Charger fans?". He is right in a way, but him being about 22 killed the buzz for me.

Celebrate good times...C'MON. AG n LT celebrate LT's 27 yd TD scamper in the 1st quarter. I am in reality. We have more to prove. To everybody. I'm a naysayer. I get Banwagonesque. Dump on when it's bad, heaps o sugar when it's good. Norv is a saint now? Not quite. But the royal Charger court of jester's like me will with hold judgment for now.

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