Thursday, October 11, 2007

Expose dem Raidahs!

  I'm all recovered and returned from the Bay Area. I crossed the Bay Bridge and saw nemesis town. Oakland. Jr wait frosh/soph to SF. I hexed Oaktown then and there. It kinda looked like Scranton. Instead of seagulls there were vultures. That place could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch! I waved goodbye to the blackhead by the Bay and I knew then and there...we are gonna keel haul dem Raiders!

  A brittle and unreliable Dante Culpepper at the helm with Jamarcus in the wings? Don't roll out alot Mr Pepper. I have faith we'll dominate. Like Slim Shady said, Will the real Slim Shady please stand up. Will the real Chargers please stand up? Alot of sports radio guys I heard this week were saying Denver is just that bad. Or are we coming out of our shell? A W over the Raiders (I think we are on 8 straight now) is always sweet but this means alot as we can get to the top, tied with everybody in the West with a W. Or a few after this Sunday's games. Plus it's a division win, it all figures in the mix later.

  OK, I talk tough and put down Oakland cuz of the rivalry but I'm gonna give the Raiders some deserved props. They seem to be much improved. Lane Kiffin has them on the bandwagon and that's so much more than last years squad. Also the law of averages catches up eventually, but 9 straight looms. Maybe some intangibles in play. Thats all I'm gonna say good about Pirates of the East bay.

Yeah, it's cliche but so appropriate. Say hello to my little friend! Raider Cock A Roach!

When a Raider fan has pounded that last road warrior spike in his kiddie shoulder pads, used gallons of silver spray paint, Raiderized to oblivion. They digress, and return to they're true form. Divine or Barney. 40 something Raider fan thinks Davey & Goliath was spiritual and deep. Where was the freakin' Kwanza episode DAAAAVEEEEYYYY?

Here he comes, here comes Philip Rivers, he's a demon on wheels! He's a demon and he's gonna be chasin' after someone!

This is kinda like the Super Cuts of Oaktown. Last I heard they was goin' under. Raider crowd hair like a freakin' NHL crowd, oh and team.

I pretend, therefore Iam who you am i thought. I mean, I'm as here as you drunk Iam. Or is this Brian Bosworth in his new movie? Just another Raider fan. Good luck Pirates of Penzance!

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