Saturday, October 27, 2007

Never Would I Call

 I'm political and liberal. I believe in CHANGE. My politics will subside for football. But I know why decisions are made. The Chargers will play the Texans this Sunday in Qual...oh wait...the freakin' Murph! When your stadium gave up being called what it was way back when. Cuz $$ makes it be called Moneydividedbypolitics/Park. All u kids is too stupid too see. The world is ready to die, what sustains you. In Berkley, college students don't protest. They is out for the career without humility. Where is the New Orleans love? You read about Drew Brees house in SD and his in New Orleans? At the same time. But he has $$ and insurance. Only 7 inches of rain in Saint town and the levees barely held. Watch your TV's and pretend it ain't your country. We got football and Applebee's, your neighborhood grill. Not my grill. I'm disgusted by another GWB appearance, but Ahnold did something and in the media way...when Ahnold stood next to Bush, it was the movie TWINS! Cool. Uhhhh....Chargers...Texans...Fire. We are going to WIN...easy. Need I not say what the motivational factor is?

 I must add this late equation to the mix. Fat Kitty Falafel closes 2morrow so I can watch the U of OOOOOOOOOOOOO...yep, that was 13 O's. Beat USC. Autzen will be bumpin'. Dixon...thanks for playin' pro baseball.

 You all think it can't happen to you. Welcome to the the new world of non global warming, natural disasters that just got a little out of hand, no problem here just move on and get your shoppin' on! Oh, yeah, I'm an idiot cuz I hate AOL and such. We are all on a dead template somewhere. Step in your car, get pulled over...your an inch away from being tased if you disagree. Try it. I do it for a living. Just to see, no? And where are those C 130s and the nat'l guard? IRAQ. To protect that sand from fire.

 Yep, this WAS a Charger blog. And still is. I guarantee I'm on a "WATCH LIST" What a waste of time and $$. Cuz I get emails from Amman Jordan, from someone I love! Then I hear all the people that live here say, stupid people live in these places and never rebuild. 9.0 earthquake potential rests in Portland. I know better than you all, just some. This is or was a somewhat free land. WE ALL IN THE SAME GANG...air breathe

 I highly recommend a song by James McMurtry on You Tube and the world "We Can't Make It Here Anymore". He ain't your Tug McGraw's relief pitcher's son, Ford sellin, boot up the ass Iraq boy. You wanna hear real life, give James McMurtry 5 mins of your time before your Egg McSluffin.

 Don't believe Al Gore...George Bush has his finger in the environmental pie.

 I love some politickin with my football. Cuz if we ain't free and our neighborhoods don't burn, then what do we got? What we always have had, more freedom for some

 I'm gone in the middle o the night, and the day I had was most likely, better than yours, I could teach you, but I'd have to milkshake brings the beetches to the yard. Peace detractors. GO U OF O!


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