Monday, October 30, 2006

Sheep Herding

 I'm back and this post game blog will be a short entry. I spent the week in Sunny SoCal and had engagements to attend and access to computers but I was too busy drinking with my old buds to write! My 1st ever week off since I started my business in 2002.

 Being from Oregon and hanging with lifetime, die hard USC fans down there, the OSU victory was SWEET! I was the ONLY Beaver fan in attendance and was mocked, but I left satisfied while the Bif n Buffy crowd cried in they're Coronas.The starched collars on they're polo shirts wilting under the barrage of the orange and black! Too awesome.

 Oh, the Charger game. Phenomenal. Although the game seemed closer than the score indicated. The Marlon McCree fumble recovery run for a TD changed the complexion of the game. Like I've said in other entries and the facts prove in the the last 2 seasons, we blow you out or if your within four and have the ball with less than 2 mins win. This blog is short with no info, but we know what happened anyway. SMMMOKKIIINNNN!!! Here come the Browns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Al, Crazychief here (Carl). Glad to see you're still up. Thought you were gone for a while. I really thought the 'Bloats' were really gonna storm this year, then the game with Oakland ended and real teams ended up on their schedule. Hate when that happens, huh? Anyway, good to see ya dude!