Thursday, October 12, 2006

1994 Is So Pre Historic

 Feeling pretty good about this weekends game in San Francisco. Ummm, really good. Not feeling a letdown. The 49ers are a better team than last year, if thats saying much. Think they beat the Rams earlier in the season. Of course, were in they're big. Were gonna win this...potentially big. No...BIG!

 Iam admitting for the 1st time I liked the 49ers more than the Chargers as a kid, from like 1968 to 1971. I lived in the city dammitt! I couldn't help it. And I love my hometown. At least it was an awesome place to be as a kid in the late 60's to early 70's, a lot of stuff was going on. Crab cocktails and arcade games at Fisherman's Wharf, and chocolate from Ghiradelli. Shopping at Macy's...kid stuff. Watched a few 49er games as a kid on a B & W wood console TV, in a window of an old electronics shop. Sound was piped outside, too cool. Always riff raff hanging around. I would take the street car down there to Ocean Beach and the store was down there. Fully like "Our Gang" shit!

 And I followed the Bolts too, but as a kid till 1973, Niners was my boyz. Made me hate the Cowboys, and the Rams. I moved to SoCal and my loyalty changed, for life. But as you can see I still have a soft spot for the Niners, and the City. I was a Warriors, Giants and a Seals (NHL) fan. Actually I remember the Niners in the early 70's as alot like the best Charger teams we have had. So close, and yet so far! I remember watching the Niners get legendary in the 80's and I never jumped Charger ship, never will. But as a kid, I did jump Niner ship. But everybody has THEY'RE team, and a distant 2nd fave. Well the Niners would be my NFC team then. But I would wish them a beatdown if they ever were to meet the Chargers again in a Super Bowl, did I explian that clearly enough?

 My call on this game? Hate calling scores but for fun how about SD 42-21? W is a W is a W for me. I do care how we get it, but in a pinch I'll take what I can get. I can't wait. Should be a beautiful sunny day by the Bay. Freakin' Tony Bennett man, King of San Francisco. The Chargers are allowed to be "King For A Day" This Sunday it will be so.

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