Wednesday, September 3, 2008

 Like that Alien claw crab thingy, I have returned. And from within without you gonna take your football soul and dignity. There comes a time. When it needs to be done for a nation and a soul. I'm gonna leave out the Cessna Grizzly huntin' McCain VP nommiez in this blog. DING! Hang on, let me get my baby out of the microwave.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk@@@  my cat did the k's and the @'s just now. keyboard skippin'. Gin blossomed Rick Nieuheisel does have a magical coaching crank that makes peeps win! Freakin' USFL San Antonio Gunslingers QB! Get ready for the PAC 10 UCLA!

 Before I start for this season I want to say this. You, me and all the I's that say you are...true fans. I don't give a fuck, jump on the bandwagon. I'm rootin' for the Rays cuz i got a powder blue tee with TB on it and I believe. No. Not in the Rays newfound success. But I do believe in worst to 1st. The Chargers started this transformation from nowhere in 2004. The 1st game of the transformation was on the road against the Texans. I respect the Rays, and will root for them over all. Alas, this has been my problem in life. My losers come out to be winners, eventually.

 I was into the ABA when all other kids were into the boring NBA. I was in the World Team Tennis (whoop de doo) Jr. League and  (ha ha) got to be a ball boy which was rather cool. I was into the Chargers as a kid in the OC when all those losers were into the Rams, the LA Rams. I give the Rams a cool for 1979 though. Almost got those steroid all dead Steelers. But my stock for sports is basically, to be honest...a loveable loser. Yes, a team I have loved has been a Champion, the Seattle Sonics of 79. But they are no more. A cruel twist of fate. I was, at 8 yrs old, a huge fan of the Seattle Pilots. Go Brewers! My Pilots. Went to many a game at Sick's. It's a Lowe's now.

 People called me 2nd rate, my own father and family. For the teams I loved. We have no sports tradition in my family. I started it in 1968 or so. But I saw Dr. J dunk in San Diego in front of 500 announced as 10,000, pretty much! And I warmed up on the floor with the Memphis Sounds and Q's 2! I still stoke on Unitas being a Charger. And being crushed in a Monday nite game w/Unitas at QB in 73 when Fouts was a rookie. Harland Svare was the coach. We went like 3-11.  This is not my lot in life. If you say I'm fairweather Iam this year. Cuz I don't give an eff about baseball and niether does Tampa Bay. If a young team can win with no support in the AL East, um, steroids, I mean, c'mon. The Bolts with Brees at QB were picked consensus worst in the NFL for the 2004 season. They changed the whole outlook by the end of the season.

 You notice I don't much talk about stats and shit. Were solid. Merriman is crazy. The witch doctor #3 says its ok. I must sleep. This catfish catchin', general lee drivin career will some day come to an end. Cuz they'll be no catfish or gas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the hell happened yesterday?  How do you lose to Carolina?  Or are we to expect slow starts from Norv's Chargers?

And where the hell is your recap of the game?!?