Monday, September 15, 2008

We Have Replay...Right?

  Vote for John McCain. We here in SD can't even show the truth. Oh, except for Cutler's weak ass in your face fumble! Hey stupid fuck who blew the whistle. Was i drunk or did you review the play to say you blew the whistle? you almost got one Denver (bow, m effer) fan killed  who kept turning around and saying they earned it. San Diego is in the games that MAKE laws! Always at our expense. Oh, did I mention the replay equipment breakdown for the strip, supposedly, for a score by CHIMP Bailey. Chambers WAS down.

 Iam old, strong and a liberal. Was Sarah Palin on the whistle? Then decided to change things up? Bridge to NOOOOO Where! Yes, I'm bent. Remember the Holy Roller? Cutler was the Dave Krieg white boy small hand fumble. Little white boy refs who can't even hold a ball, call for the Krieg! Seee u in SD pussy boyz! I swear I'd hand the ball fuckin' back and ask for forgivness. Yeah, no titles, fightin' like Palin...seeing it all from the helicopter...but the bolt action she brought for sport, suddenly became an Uzi. The helicopter killed the sport. As did the gun, the 4 runner, and so on. Field and Extreme.

 I never (look up my past) dwell for long on calls. But when you can see it all and somehow it all comes out different. Un...fuckin' canny! Like voters at the polls, I guess, WAIT...I know, show up in masses. Before I dwell more on the sickness that has to make the Bolts win big or not win. And find themselves. Sproles has found himself.

 I walked in on 24-10 in the 2nd quarter cuz i had to sell falafel. If there is a Denver mafia, it's fuckin' H Salt fish n chips. Shakey's pizza. Was a was, that never will be and your fuckin game don't matter to me! But you had enough today. Did u stripes converse during replay and reminisce about your stay at the Motel 6? And who did bring the lube? I guess old SD was the unwilling catcher again!

 Yeah, LT was down. Worry. We are 0-2. Carolina BEAT us. Denver was gifted. On all big occassions. Like I said horse snuffers, been there. Ask around. I met Elway in a personal family (not mine) thing at a house in like 83. He was cool. Oh, the stories I could tell. I lived w/ Lisa G while her mom lived with Robin M, world record holder in like 1959 of the some kind of stroke. His son was Rob Moore, a nice guy. Rex and Robin...bite me. Notre Dame-SC 1984, rained like hell. Hiawatha Jones kicked SC's ass. I mighta been a tennis player then. SEE...I'm going crazy! Trying to find a thread that will make me being a Charger somehow relevant.

 NCAA division whatever will cure your ills? I saw crooked before it became vougue. The only drug I was never tested for and did was weed. I saw the 1st zit faced behemoths with anger that came into being. Like 1975. Matt S. Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. Given to him by "Dazed and Confused" coaches. His aggression was legendary. Toward me. And many others. He would be an "enhanced" kid now. I think Matt S. was one of the 1st experiments. He was "Tango & Cash" wrapped into one. Cept if T and C were 13 and on steroids. And didn't have guns or a driver's lisence, oh...and weren't LAPD! Like Zeppelin...I RAMBLE ON!

 I'm gonna close as I go slowly and slightly caaaa raayzzzzeeee this homegrown cool says, they can cheats ya but if it's in a league, youse can drop em lates! Hey H zay, thanks 4 reading. Keep it Blue, somewhat powdery and bolty. Lose the grey! GIANTS! CHARGERS! The best of the I never quit. Nye do u. The Stones tell me Satisfaction will come my way. Like MC on the ball peen Hammer. We gots to pray just to make it today. U want a recap with yards and plays? That is not what was up! Denvver, I use to V's cuz your double pansies. Does that mean you go into all fights like tap boxing scoring in the Olympics? Yeah, pretty much. I'll throw some ur way and put up protection like Joe Frazier, but rock your least once. Hey Joe...Charger fighter, 5'9", can we do it again? Or once, like you? Hey Joe, I love ya. We need a once and its early. We lost the early rounds but look out Joe, we gonna KO some peeps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you believe Ed Hochuli’s conduct sunday should be reprimanded, please sign this petition in protest. Give it a digg, if you want the petition to reach more people. Let’s light a fire under ’em.

Go Chargers. We will turn this season around, no matter how badly the nfl doesn’t want us to.