Friday, September 19, 2008

Banks Fail. Chargers Have Time.

 I'm trying to compose myself. I'm bailing out an insurance company. And I need surgery and can't get it? Dead bodies floatin', how disrespectful to say that, huh? In the Gulf. And as a Charger fan I got smoked by Hochuli last week. Here is the difference. Yeah. It sucks to be me and a Charger fan. H manned up. Yeah, it takes me a week to get over it too. To Tell The Truth was an old game show where you tried to tell peeps occupations by their appearence. It was Tom Foolery and semi raciast. But it was real. Ed H you are excused for being human and telling the truth. yeah, the Bolts take an L. I know the Chargers will man up too. Unlike our current politicians who lie 4 ever. I've made a mistake, have you? But the media replay killed you Ed, and you didn't even wait. U admitted. Thank you. Honesty has been forgotten in this world. I'm finding this hard to say...but thanks ED. For real, we only gonna be better. Ed, if your money is in WaMu or Wachovia, get it out. My $3 is out. Hochuli WAS wrong. At a CRITICAL time. He admitted he blew. Would you? I don't hate you H. Life puts us in semi hell at times. Shit. Maybe Iam mad...nah. We'll be puttin' the Jets into the Land of the Lost this Monday. My name is Al and I approve this message. I'm gonna go throw up now! are forgiven!

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