Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not Inspired Yet

 Yeah, sites on fire i can tell. Week 1 was weak. How about those Rays 2 night? Boo ya! Tampa Bay, mLB but cool. Should I sweat it. Same old shit. I'll face it. I'm too busy trying to set up up a Nugent/Palin bill at the Natural Resources Kill Fest. And keep that baby, just like me. Don't be fooled. If you ride quads and break bottles and shoot stuff, you love nature! Bridge to nowhere is everywhere. Notice the date, 9/11. Where is the hype? Republicans hijacked a word...change. And a puppet, who is perceived as ur neighbor and friend. Just like you. If she is like you then fuck you. The mayor of Hooterville is a step away. I'll quit with the p tix, but it's more important to me right now! Were going to the Bowl regardless.

 We have no bloggers anymore. Who will update this site? This was a cool site. This is censorship at its best. Started independent. Where is Jamie, checkin' in, lending his support? We are officially ghosts with Jets boy gone who used to update the site. Not Fade Away Buddy Holly said, and I won't. But it is getting pointless. The mediocre rise. And let them. This new USA rewards lemmings. OH.  You see a Charger game last week? Merriman, nice ploy.

 Nothing to say, underwhelming. Crappy game. We come out of the gate like leper con. Con you into believing we'll kick ass, but open like a dove. Cracked out of the sky by a wimpy .410 guage with no time to play. Oh, we can do it again, start shitty and rally late. Unacceptable! Kick ass. Weddle, you got faced by Dante, face it. We'll be fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, we were one win away from a Giants-Chargers Super Bowl last year.  If it does happen this year, why do we need any other bloggers?  The Patriots guy got real obnoxious after the Super Bowl and the Jets guy left.  I give Costanza credit, he did what he could last year.

Good luck this year and keep on blogging!

Big Blue