Saturday, December 30, 2006

Card Check

 With Baltimore breathing down our neck we need this game badly. The warm cofine's of Claudia's await for some indoor adventure and the new throng of Bolt fans, 20 strong and growing. Hearing alot of haters on the analyst level, ESPN radio guys. We will choke in the playoffs. Rivers has been shitty (last game, but...) The same old. Welcome to the new world. Charger rebirth. Setting precedent. It takes awhile. C'mon. Believe in '07. Our whole new season. As a leader. Hopefully we'll lead and win. Yes, I have doubts, but they are few. The playoff loss of 2 years still stings, and at home. That was another era. Let's create a new championship persona around SD! It is our time. Chargers, eve of '06 AZ domination. New Year will bring things unseen in SD sports history, hopefully. See? There's that doubt again. Go away! Go Chargers!!!

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