Friday, December 22, 2006

4 Loke'd Out G's Gone Crazy

 I Fivin' to Sea Town tomorrow. From Portland to another town I love, Seattle. I'll be back late Xmas eve, in the "Bolt" VW van. No time 4 blogging. Reality awaits. The force is strong with this one Philip, er, I mean Luke. An old AFC West rivalry I used to attend quite often back in the day o. O my back hurts. NOT. I'm gettin' older and them high school girls they just stay the...wait! I'm going to the game, yeehaw! Charger dominance. Seattle will have to exceed obvious limitations and step up to win.

This will be my christening of Qwest Field, or Seahawk Stadium as it was shortly known. I went in the gloomy Kingdome days. Many Mariner games and a Bosio no hitter. The Dome. Twelvies of crushed Raniers under your seat that you carried in via back pack. Those days no more after 9/11. Salud! I'm about to go 1-0 at Qwest, in person. With 3 bros. JR...this is it broha. 2007. Bowl Age. Sweet. Done.

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