Monday, December 25, 2006

The 13nth Man Bites In Seattle

 Ok, now the game besides all the silly little games going on around me in the confines of Qwest Field was a rain soaked atrocity that we pulled out near the end. Damn fine way to win a game. I swear this mullethead (seriously) was dancing and posturing, finger pointing after every significant Seahawk play. And then there were three. Pointing, dancing and mocking. Yours truly had standing room seats, whatever that means. Like a number you had to stand on in middle school recess. We had thousands behind us, most totally decent. It was a rain fest and we weren't covered but it rocked anyway. Those jackasses were doing drunken TD dances to rival those on the field all through the 4th quarter. Insults rained, no big. We 4 together knew as long as time was on the clock and we were within a deep pass of winning it. But the Chargers made us take it to the bitter end! After the game winning TD the dancing troupe was nowhere to be seen, gone without a trace. They had done they're last piruoette at my expense. They're pointing, nicotine stained fingers back in the pockets of they're grimy vinyl sleeved tavern jackets. Where they will be headed to Chat about the loss and old episodes of "Married With Children". That's a 10-4 good buddy, we done snuck out yo house with a win.

  A crushing loss for Seattle that left Hawk db Micheal Boulon in tears at the whole black (or blue if you like)curtain that had crashed down upon his world. He accepted full responsibility. Noble. I feel for ya Micheal but thank you on the same note. Your blown coverage put a thrilling dramatic exclamation point on a hard day at the office for us Charger fans. It was pleasure mixed with a little annoying pain. We walked out feeling ecstatic and fulfilled and again...thrilled! It made the ride back to Portland from Seattle in a yellow and blue Bolt Bus in the pouring rain magical. The VW was drafty and we were all wet but warm inside, digesting an unlikely come from behind W.
  This game was all about defense. And the weather conditions deemed it so. I was literally beer and jagermeister warmed but wet and chilled rather nicely to the bone. Nice drops of precip that never let up. And actually increased during the game. Qwest Field was designed to be LOUD! Impressive. Deafening. A little intimidating. But been through rougher, just never here in Seattle. I'm so freakin' content this Christmas morning. What a gift. We snatched it from Santa's clutches. A true funny here, we were walkin' around the crowd and getting and giving some good natured ribbing, mingling. Seattle is kinda cramped so its like "the mall" tailgating. A Seahawk Santa with chartreuse green velvet suit walked by us and said, "Looks like your all the naughty list" You had to be there, it was funny as hell.

 Cardinals in house next week. Never look past an opponent. But we should kill these guys. Bet the team will be happy to see some sun!


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