Sunday, December 31, 2006


We won! I'm freaky. Can't stand no mo. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Card Check

 With Baltimore breathing down our neck we need this game badly. The warm cofine's of Claudia's await for some indoor adventure and the new throng of Bolt fans, 20 strong and growing. Hearing alot of haters on the analyst level, ESPN radio guys. We will choke in the playoffs. Rivers has been shitty (last game, but...) The same old. Welcome to the new world. Charger rebirth. Setting precedent. It takes awhile. C'mon. Believe in '07. Our whole new season. As a leader. Hopefully we'll lead and win. Yes, I have doubts, but they are few. The playoff loss of 2 years still stings, and at home. That was another era. Let's create a new championship persona around SD! It is our time. Chargers, eve of '06 AZ domination. New Year will bring things unseen in SD sports history, hopefully. See? There's that doubt again. Go away! Go Chargers!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Photo Tribute To Hawks Fans

 Here is a photographic montage of Seahawk fans I experienced in the Emerald City. Do the RV's leave the parking lot after the game in this place? The pigeons here are on welfare because the bums ate all the cheetos out of the gutter. FX McRory's sucks, the Doubleheader rules. I know this town better than the suburb  Wal Mart culture peeps I encountered. Tang drinking rejects. I realize these are the Federal Way, Burien types. My head hit the pillow woozy but happy. We won. You choked when the chips were down. We have done it too. Not this time baybee.

Monday, December 25, 2006

The 13nth Man Bites In Seattle

 Ok, now the game besides all the silly little games going on around me in the confines of Qwest Field was a rain soaked atrocity that we pulled out near the end. Damn fine way to win a game. I swear this mullethead (seriously) was dancing and posturing, finger pointing after every significant Seahawk play. And then there were three. Pointing, dancing and mocking. Yours truly had standing room seats, whatever that means. Like a number you had to stand on in middle school recess. We had thousands behind us, most totally decent. It was a rain fest and we weren't covered but it rocked anyway. Those jackasses were doing drunken TD dances to rival those on the field all through the 4th quarter. Insults rained, no big. We 4 together knew as long as time was on the clock and we were within a deep pass of winning it. But the Chargers made us take it to the bitter end! After the game winning TD the dancing troupe was nowhere to be seen, gone without a trace. They had done they're last piruoette at my expense. They're pointing, nicotine stained fingers back in the pockets of they're grimy vinyl sleeved tavern jackets. Where they will be headed to Chat about the loss and old episodes of "Married With Children". That's a 10-4 good buddy, we done snuck out yo house with a win.

  A crushing loss for Seattle that left Hawk db Micheal Boulon in tears at the whole black (or blue if you like)curtain that had crashed down upon his world. He accepted full responsibility. Noble. I feel for ya Micheal but thank you on the same note. Your blown coverage put a thrilling dramatic exclamation point on a hard day at the office for us Charger fans. It was pleasure mixed with a little annoying pain. We walked out feeling ecstatic and fulfilled and again...thrilled! It made the ride back to Portland from Seattle in a yellow and blue Bolt Bus in the pouring rain magical. The VW was drafty and we were all wet but warm inside, digesting an unlikely come from behind W.
  This game was all about defense. And the weather conditions deemed it so. I was literally beer and jagermeister warmed but wet and chilled rather nicely to the bone. Nice drops of precip that never let up. And actually increased during the game. Qwest Field was designed to be LOUD! Impressive. Deafening. A little intimidating. But been through rougher, just never here in Seattle. I'm so freakin' content this Christmas morning. What a gift. We snatched it from Santa's clutches. A true funny here, we were walkin' around the crowd and getting and giving some good natured ribbing, mingling. Seattle is kinda cramped so its like "the mall" tailgating. A Seahawk Santa with chartreuse green velvet suit walked by us and said, "Looks like your all the naughty list" You had to be there, it was funny as hell.

 Cardinals in house next week. Never look past an opponent. But we should kill these guys. Bet the team will be happy to see some sun!


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Soaked, Sodden, But Not Downtrodden

 What a funny day. I was saved by security for rooting for my team. Twice. Seattle fans can jump around, but if you do they have "Seattle Therapy" ready, just for you. They are overtly passive aggressive. When it is going well for Seattle, they are allowed to celebrate and jump in the aisles. If your team scores, and there were few for us, guys with mustaches and headsets come up and say, "Uh, we heard (always liked that one) that there was a problem here and we just want to make sure your experience in Seattle is a pleasant one, so just let us know if your OK, oh, and by the way...YOU STARTED IT!

I have been in many stadiums, and witnessed many a battle, coast to coast. I call you out. Your fans give gap teeth and mullets a bad name. Passive aggro pussies. Of course 99% of the Hawk fans were cool...WAY COOL. When the game ended pretty much, an old bearded biker looking dude who had spat at me and taunted left his seat and just pushed (from behind) a young kid (17 yrs old or so) down a row of steps and two rows. I stopped that fuck cold in his tracks. The mustacheioed men returned. Again, they kinda blamed the incident on powder blue in Seahawk world. That old fuck knows, like Arnold in "Commando", I "let him go" They all wanted me to be a witness and shit. Like, I'm at a game. I don't need this. I know that bitch walked. Karma sucks Hawk bathroom bashers. My dick was bigger in the cold than yours. And you peeked at mine. You politically correct wannabes. You grade on effort for the speshul? Right? Well your all tee ball players. Still. And a New York crowd will just kick your ass. Not "tell daddy" and snicker. Sent all you aisle dancers home. When I danced, I was told to stop, so I would be "safe" . Tavern jacket people.

  I will attest to this, Seattle fans always gave us approval. Its that lame kid who makes you all stay after school thing by his behavior syndrome. I will relate one more near death experience, not mine. The 20 yr old punk outside the bathroom. Yeah you. You knew. You mastered one skill, threaten in a crowd in your favor, and your safer. I liked your "you fear nothing and nobody" comment. You white, Dr. Dre (a fine man) wannabes watch too much video and think your dealing with pepper sprayers. I liked how your bud stepped forward (nice dreddylocks) and yelled and postured and pointed. You KNEW I was gonna head butt your honker. Your eyelash (yeah, I notice that shit) fluttered. You was so scared oh fearless one, and not one other spoke up or stepped up in your pathetic attempt at being "street". Oh, and the high fives I got as I exited. Class. I got as much as 22 oz Mickey's at times, but sometimes you still get laid! Consider today an S and M porno I guess. Something good happened, but something hurts. The Seahawks O ring basically.

 Why write about the game, I loved it? I just got back and I'm wet and cold and sleepy. And victorious. A Seattle fan would kick a deformed mongoloid baby (from behind though, why face the baby?) to reroute they're anger. Caused by a diet of government american cheese and christmas coupons for great clips. You sappy, sorry losers. You deserved the last 29 seconds. Shout out to all the cool Sleaze hawks out there. Ya'll is way cool. But that guy and his son who attacked that KC 1st base coach in Chicago a few years back? They done gone West and bred like wabbits. Silly mullet wearing, meth smokin' wabbits. It's over for your whiny, pathetic asses. DONE. Fork AGE.

Friday, December 22, 2006

4 Loke'd Out G's Gone Crazy

 I Fivin' to Sea Town tomorrow. From Portland to another town I love, Seattle. I'll be back late Xmas eve, in the "Bolt" VW van. No time 4 blogging. Reality awaits. The force is strong with this one Philip, er, I mean Luke. An old AFC West rivalry I used to attend quite often back in the day o. O my back hurts. NOT. I'm gettin' older and them high school girls they just stay the...wait! I'm going to the game, yeehaw! Charger dominance. Seattle will have to exceed obvious limitations and step up to win.

This will be my christening of Qwest Field, or Seahawk Stadium as it was shortly known. I went in the gloomy Kingdome days. Many Mariner games and a Bosio no hitter. The Dome. Twelvies of crushed Raniers under your seat that you carried in via back pack. Those days no more after 9/11. Salud! I'm about to go 1-0 at Qwest, in person. With 3 bros. JR...this is it broha. 2007. Bowl Age. Sweet. Done.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Chief Boy Ar Dee

 On my way out the door to sell my wares and take advantage of the Holiday spirit, ie...your cash! We won. LT rawked. Turner rawked. We all rawked! Add more later...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Road Trip To Seattle!

 It all came together today. My 3 friends and I are Seattle bound for the Hawks/Bolts game at Qwest Field from Portland, OR. I'm mega stoked! 200 level seats, decent. It looked like 3rd tier worst possible seats in the house to this, so too cool.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tom A Hawk Chop Talk

 The Battle of the La Jolla Big Horn is set to take place at Quaalcom Stadium Sunday night. The Chiefs being "F" Troop with Trent Green as General Custer. It feels ugly. Use the Chiefs as our own personal treadmill. More coming...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

F^ck the Country Station (AFC WEST CHAM PEENS)

 Records. Break them. LT. 29 TD's and more to come. Did we dust-ify the Donks? EZ disposal. Many called different. Colin Cowherd bite me. Your cool but stick to college. NEVER BET THE PROS! You'll accept like the rest. REAL. As is New Orleans too. Big time. Everywhere we go, from London to the Bay...oh HAMMER, the rest can go and play. So why would we EVER, stop doin' this? Beatin' yo ass...oh...and ya'll can't touch this. Did I say it? SKOOOOL"S back IN. Told ya so. A River for a Brees? One is throwin' out a mighty wind and the other is flowin'! Drew...props my man. But SD is where the River be flowin'! I'm up but groggy, not really. Britney's pussy=victory. Because I know...nobody cares. If I would've printed Brit's shit last year when people cared about this blog, possible uproar. Not anymore. But I don't give a fuck. Started blogging out of the blue in '03. Chargers came out of the blue in '03. Pigskin Bloggers outgrew itself for MY year!

 So Fan House and all other silent bloggers here who quit. I ain't quittin'. Your season is over. And there is no NEW P Skin sight. I count your season OVER. Fuckin A right I haven't even checked the HOU/TN result. YET! Beware the cocky BOLTSTER! It's like I'm THAT HOMELESS guy. You know. Oh maybe you don't. I'm a street vendor. I'm annoying. Yet it's workin' for me, and not for you? Iam glad that SD is solid. I would read about DC but why? A karma strike puts the Bolts in a 3 year cycle of total domination. AOL Virginia and DC, mop up duty.

  Just a Charger who writes what he feels, gettin' his. I get these years few n far between. Last buzz like this was '94! We conga lined Claudia's again here in Portland, OR. I just want to be bitter and send a negative wave to FREE AOL as I blog on this site. The stale, dead site I inhabit

  But it feels good. You didn't step off with a beauty like I did. And I did. Falafeleers don't lie. This season don't lie. Sure, it's far from over. Disappointment may loom, but we'll save that for another day. Sweet baby Jane, pour me another glass, and do what ya just did...again! I'm lucky...and skilled, and so be my team. Jay got skooled. As did your team. Glad you came back Al Wilson? Oh, I so forgot...AFC West Champs! Did Indy lose again? Let me check. Oh yeah, they got beat down. We are Charles in Charge!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Plastic Cutlery

 The umpteenth running of the Donk Derby. We play the Broncos for the 94th time in history, lucky #94. 1994 was a good Charger year, but not good enough. Think the Broncos lead all time 52-40-1. Make that 52-41-1. This is the new way. It's a new era. The Bolt Era. Denver at home sounds mighty good to me.

  Must be 18 to view my pics section this week, yep, it's Britney. I figure if she shared with the world, why not here.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Buffa Losman

 Who says SD can't play in the cold? Put that myth to rest already. Another tough test, another test passed. The Bills made a game of it but fell short. LT, what more to say? Had 100 yds halfime! Merriman returned with a prescence, and utmost ferocity. Jammer had an INT. We dropped like 3 other sure thing INT's and fumbled one back, I think. Oh, and that 9 game streak or whatever of losing all games decided by 3 or less, that's over.

  Right out of the gate it started for us. #23 Jammer picked off a Losman duck in Buffalo's opening drive. And we were on the move. We settled for 3 points and Nate's kick was true, in high winds. The ill winds would get us later when Nate lined up for one and the Lord Jesus of Buffalo placed a perfectly timed wind gust as the ball approached the crossbar and the ball fluttered left and blew to the ground. Looked like someone in the stands shot the ball with a twelve guage. And Vanilla with a nine! Couldn't pass up the Vanilla Ice reference. Like Vanilla's one hit the Chargers were rolling, in they're 5 point oh with the rag top down so their hair could blow!

  We started out mowing over the Bills courtesy of LT and company. LT is our focal point. Our heart. The "Hound Dog" in the red zone. He sniffs it in the air and goes to it. Carly Simon would sing lamely, "Nobody Does It Better" LT sprinted 51 yards in the 1st quarter for a TD so he finds it from the oh! zone too! SNAP! 10-0.

   Dominating. Buffalo winds and a frothy swirl of light snowflakes had other plans for the boys in blue...our blue and Buffalo's blues. Buffalo had an old school Van Halen encore in store for us in the 2nd half. A metal attack, but they blew the amps at the end of the show. I mean this. For me and the 20 or so Bolt die hards assembled at Claudia's, it never seemed totally out of hand. A few nerve racking moments. I freakin' knew it would have to be a dramatic ending, it's the Chargers after all, isn't it? But a six game winning streak is drama enough for me. And 3 of our last 4 at home. And I hopefully will be at the away game in Seattle 12/24 in person. To watch the Chargers clinch home field through out the playoffs? It could happen there. Indy lost to the powder blue clad reborn again Titans. Thanks TN! I feel the home field advantage would be a big feather in the cap for a shot at the Super Bowl. Regardless, we can win anywhere with this team.

 May I offer up one piece of news from another game in the NFL nobody cared about? Our rival Raiders, the hated Raiders got beat by the Texans at home. The Browns beat the Chiefs and the Sea Chickens beat Denver. We are getting help too. Oh and TN in satin blue beat Indy. Gotta like our chances at home field throughout the playoffs.

  Yes, Buffalo came back, but we held them off. Onside kicks with long Vegas odds at recovery used to be the position we'd be in. Not anymore. Bring the Donks on next week. We'll make Jay Cutler feel like plastic cutlery at the Royal wedding!