Sunday, November 26, 2006

Raider Sacrifice

 OK ya'll usually know I have a good Raider pre game blog in me but alas...I'm at a loss for words. I have NO doubt. Rivalry or not, it will take miracles for the Raiders to even hang in our house. But they play the games cuz you really never know. The Silver N Black will be as up as they can for any game they have played this season. If they are even cohesive enough to comprehend. It's "Raider Week" for us, no mercy. I remember the past, and the Raiders will atone.

  Thanksgiving has cut into my blog time this week. The Rolling Rock is flowing so beware. That was a nasty rant last entry. But it's what I feel. I have an ego and the Chargers pump me up every fall. I blogged for two years to some accolades while we built a solid team. Now we are primed and I'm off center stage. Man, those other blogs suck. AM radio drive time sports.  Boring!

  I don't hope this game is close nor competetive. I want a blow out. My streak of flipping off McAfee will remain alive, trust me. We have some injuries but seem to be deeper than most teams.

  Lets wipe our feet on the Raider doormat. Many Raider fans are now reliving Halloween as they dress for their weekend football gala. But all that dressing up and what some consider menacing looking garb I find hilarious. They can't be serious about it now, meaning...why primp up when the dance sucks? Why go if you haven't a shot at a kiss. Getting laid would be like Hollywood fantasy. Slap on a black Raider tee and fugettaboutit! Enjoy the sun and some SD hospitality. If you consider hospitality a bitch slap. See you after the game.

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