Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pens Used To Write History With Venom

Dee  runk, and crunked. Maybe I can be dumped by Fanhouse. But you can't stop my 3rd year. And all the people who visit and can't comment, cuz they are not AOL? Price paid. Sad. But they read on. All 3 of them. Good nuff fo me. Me, much mo bettah...than you...BIATCH! Blab on oh mighty wind. I'm on the wing of 1961, my birth year. 7 yrs old rabbit eared using mutha fuckah, divorced family. Told mom, actually asked, she was bigger than me that I would attend church no more, and Sundaze were football for me. Being a good hippy, she appeased me. Wasn't today great? 3 years I been writin'. I get squeezed on my lucky year. I don't play, I just write. And for awhile I thought I may write War & Peace before the Chargers got to where they are now.

 Joy To The World, The Bolt Is Born, Let LT and Philip bring! And crown the hood, with brutha hood. Let heaven and scorpions sting, let heaven and scorpions sting...good luck. A Christmas Carol. OK, the game. Let's go to the 2nd right back...mas tequila!

 I'm enjoying my season. And I know my blog is read. By 2 people who can comment. I can comment on Fanhouse, nobody comments me. Although my lokes tell me they would love to. Nobody is forgettin'! 20 somethings who got the net think they know history. And can write about it as it happens. Nobody is more qualified than me! Again I say as this site is dead as I blog my SUPER BOWL season I chuckle. Groove is in the heart, go back all the way to 1990 Fanhouse bloggers, when you were sperm. Satchel Paige of the Chargers here, telling you all to fuck off. This is my "E" ticket and you fakers can jump on the band wagon.

 Oh, the game. Did I mention I loved the Tennessee Titans powder blue pants on highlights today? Oh, the Chargers. Did they play today? And set some kind of comeback record? Throw me some stats Fanhouse. 3rd year heart n soul here, going to the Bowl. I make $$ from falafel. Not being a real Charger fan. Call me fairweather, you be soooo wrong. A FAN. Uncompensated, lifelong fan. Ummm, Marty made a speech and we won? Not quite. The new's gonna be.

 My South Side of Chicago, WW II vet grandfather, who is I think is 86 years young thought he would die before the Pale Hose won a World Series. Fer fuckn real, he like peered through knot holes to watch Sox games back in the 30's. My life is good, and so is his. I would not kill myself over the Chargers never winning the big one. But the big one is a window wide open now for San Diego. My G pappy called me when the White Sox won and said he could die now! He waited like, basically, his whole life. Tonight was good. If I were a bettin' man, and Iam, except I only bet welfare checks, I would say, my a Charger fan, is GOOD. Oh, and another thing about my veteran grandfather, he voted Democrat for the 1st time in his LIFE last 11/7! Something he said about trust, and the boys need to stick together over there, but who is helping over here, and his own cuts in his pension, yaddi yada yada? Kinda nice to hear. Old dogs learn new tricks sometimes. Like the Bolts did today in Mile High.

 You can go by past history, and believe in the trends. Check the internet for the past. Or like today, you use a pen to rewrite history. Iam semi delusional, but in reality. My teams milkshake, is better than yours, I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.

 Stats are for other blogs, as are drug tests. We conga lined our sports bar tonight. One Donk fan kept rubbin' it in when it was good for him. I seriously warned him to stop. Then my head spun around and I cackled and vomited green mucous all over him, and some Eagle fans. And the hex was broken. All we did was kick ass after that.

 Yep, I'm smug. And smitten. I just type and watch and puke! Shout out to all pretenders. Ground is shakin, the Bolts be breakin'! U no stop us. Marty has taught better than Quai Chang Caine since he got sent back west, way back when. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more serious. Stare the devil in the eye, and lose.

 And I would like to add also an ex Charger QB won an MVP in a big game today. Dave Dickenson was named MVP of the Grey Cup today. I know, it's 3 down ball and Ricky Williams couldn't hack it. The BC Bud won today, I mean the Lions 25-14 over the Alouettes of Montreal. West Coast...all that be mattering here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions on a great season so far.  And if you really spewed green mucus on an Eagle fan, I thank you.