Friday, January 11, 2008

Wild Card Winners


 I am finally doing it. After 3 years of blogging on the Bolts these words being typed are that of a playoff game winner. Yeah, a lot of peeps say that our win last year in the playoffs was a bye, I'm glad to finally see a W in the post season. And ugly it was.  We have our work cut out for us. Gates is doubtful. All the experts are predicting an Indy blowout. This is smelling a lot like 1994 and going to Pittsburgh for a supposed flogging by the powerhouse Steelers. Stan the Man led us to victory and then we did get keel hauled in the Super Bowl. But we made the dance as the ultimate Cinderella story. The working man's Chargers of 94. And this is the step before. A chance to dance with the Pats in Foxboro for a shot at the pinnacle of sports titles. Of course if Jax wins and we clip the blue ponies, the championship would be in San Diego. I can dream can't I? I'm so excited. This is excruciating for an old dawg fan. But being the underdog suits us. Develops a hunger. Hunger to prove. And LT is starving.

 We beat TN in the end 17-6 and the 1st half was an art show at a Holiday Inn, ugly. Yes, I was afraid. It was like sleepwalking. I am typing this blog almost a week after the win because I have been busy attending Trailblazer games and enjoying they're success as well. So my attention has turned to this Sunday and the task at hand. Beating the reigning World Champs in their house. We can do this contrary to the naysayers who have treated us like red headed step children. Always playin' it safe and takin' the Pats or the Colts. We get pumped for Indy...and I believe in this team. I'm a realist. I see what they see, and how it could happen. And I have seen it happen, believe me. But I see other things they don't. C'mon look into this powder blue crystal ball and see what I see. And get those bad thoughts and plays out yo head, run those positive tapes. Remember 94...counted out early. And showed lion hearts. I see this.


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