Monday, January 14, 2008

The Day After, Yes The Chargers Upset Indy


 This was one for the ages. One of our biggest victories in over 40 years of existing. The team known to collapse in the clutch, punished the Colts from the opening bell. And maintained consistency even when adversity struck. People thought we were toast with LT and Rivers, well we won, and won aggressively without them! With Micheal Turner at RB and Billy Volek leading an inspirational drive to win the game. It was a thing of beauty.

 Where to begin? We had many stars. Some for only a moment but the impact is immeasurable. This was the new Charger heart.  And I swear the officiating was horrendous! Man, the timing of some of the calls. The standout hell call was Antonio Cromarties 90 something yard INT return for a TD. It was a literal ego crusher for the Colts as a sustained drive came to a thud and we turned their scoring oppurtunity into ours, and it was emotional. What a run. Then they kick us in the ribs and call a frilly ticky tack defensive holding. A phantom call if there ever was one. And then they crushed our and Cromartie's moment! We went into the half on a downer instead of the ultimate upper. But in hindsight, by snatching that moment and the seven points, it made us hungrier in the 2nd half. Man that was disgusting. I had to go outside to hyperventilate as I saw another "Charger Moment", like the holy roller ball. Insane moments that just seem to happen to us. Thanks for throwing that monkey off my back. I believe dammitt!

 Another inspiration was Antonio Gates just being on the field. It must kill to run with a dislocated toe. Antonio is a true warrior of the gridiron. We head to Foxboro in rough shape. But at least were going there!

 The receivers were spot on. Jackson had 7 catches for 93 yds and a TD. Chambers hauled in 3 for 67 yds and a thrilling TD. Gates had 2 on wounded toe. And Volek hit rarely used Legedu Nannee for a critical 27 yd gain that maintained what will become known in Volek's career as "Volek's Elway Drive". Receivers did the job. Excellent performance.

 Oh, Eric Weddle! Your falling backward one armed one handed INT to kill anotherColt drive was phenomenal! The defense?  For once...killer instinct. 

 And who was throwing these accurate darts through the mid 4th quarter until he was injured. Yes, the infamous Philip Rivers. He stepped up big time. Clutch 3rd down throws. Hey, the screen pass to Sproles for the 56 yd TD. Philip came to play. And we know the Volek story. LT was out by the mid 2nd quarter and the doom and gloomer feelings came rushing in for a bit. I think there were 5 or 6 lead changes. With us taking it for good last, and not just hanging on...winning with authority! There is so much more. I'm exhiralated, two winning blogs and at least the oppurtunity to write a pre and post AFC Championship blog. If we break hearts of stone, maybe a Super Bowl blog! I dreamed once and it came true. I have faith. Charger Jesus is strong this year. A beautiful day in Charger history, somewhat tainted by the blatant favoritism of the officiating crew. makes you think the NFL wanted to see NE/Indy Championship game. But it didn't work!

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