Friday, January 4, 2008

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

 It's time for the Chargers to win a playoff game. Any playoff game. A game we should win. To erase doubts. My intro profile for this blog written before the season started and it sums it up. It's all down to a 1st round Wild Card playoff game in the big SD. A banged up TN squad. Will it be Kerry or Vince? Won't matter. Jump that hurdle. Go on to the next round come what may. I have also heard the game is not sold out. The reason given is rain is in the forecast and temps in the late 50's at kickoff. WTF?! I live in Portland, OR hardy har har. Saw 2006 Xmas game between the Hawks & Bolts and that was some rain! Then 200 miles home in a non heated 1971 VW bus soaking wet. 50 mph crosswinds and monsoon conditions outside. One guy in the passengers seat with a squeegee for the inside fog! Wipers stuck on VW slow speed also. WIMPS! Don't even get me on attending Charger games back east. Famous Giant snowball game. 95 division clincher over the Jets in the Meadowlands. So I'm calling out SD! Yeah, I was even in the opposing stadiums with Bolt Blue on, and taking mad verbal abuse while snow and ice rocks rained on my melon! And you can attend a game at home with fellow Powds, and you ain't going cuz of a threatened drizzle? Bums my high, wish I could go but not financially able this year. Took my trip already.

 I must mention last weeks Raider/Bolt game at Claudia's (our Charger Sports bar in Portland, OR) almost came to blows with a couple of obnoxious Raider fans. I never got the wimps who think they are safe doing shit they would never do anywhere else cept in a protected (a myth in my world) environment. Basically it was a drunken table full of Raider guys/girls, about 7 peeps. And us, about 17. And us a much harder crew, trust me. They're main antagonizers were a squirrelly trailer boy in a, get this, Sebastian Janikowski jersey! And another dude who looked like the androgynous librarian chick look you see everywhere now, but a dude...sheeesh. Low end nation pillow biters by my estimation.

 As the stomping ensued regular ribbing occured, but then it got personal. And they started throwing big candy canes off a Christmas tree and the ornaments too. A couple warnings. Smart assed responses. The wife blow job comment to a man in our crew whose wife was the target walked over to the "hip" librarian, and grabbed his "soul patch" and pulled his lip a bit. Whimpering ensued as I approached Simon wannabe, he, white, wimpy, in the jersey of his drunken fat hero kicker which I mentioned over and over as I walked him into a wall and the girls cried. No blows were exchanged. They left, I assume never to return. It was kinda fun and NEVER was there a worry. Yes Raider fans have some ancient rings, but bar by bar, pub by pub, Charger fans are winning the war. After continuous beat downs Raider fans are shell shocked. These were not high ranking nation members. Reminded me of that dude at the end of Mad Max that Mel Gibson hands the hacksaw too. Sad and whiny. Bringin' it and backin' down when the jig is up. You are not safe in a kicker's jersey, anywhere. Get a life, girly man!

We gonna rawk the universe and beyond ala Wyld Stallyns! Kill the Titans like a medieval dickweed! And remember, be excellent to each other, mostly fellow Charger fans, and remember, Party on dudes after the playoff victory! Hopefully Rufus will be looking down on a wet Murph and end this Charger misery through his only begotten son, LT!

   If your a stat lover here is one that is pretty cool. In 8 home games this year the Chargers have outscored all opponents 81-0 in the 1st quarter. Doesn't mean much in the end but we start with a bang? We'll soon see.

 The Titans are beat up. Too much to get into. I've heard this before. But realistically, they are tweaked. All the more to hopefully overwhelm them with a good dose of Cromartie, Jamal Williams, Merriman, Cooper, Jammer...ouch! We know LT. Chambers is dangerous now. Gates is the man. Buster is gonna take one house. We should win but the nagging doubts remain. The ride begins Sunday. In the cool drizzle in the valley by the bay Charger history begins. Or dies with a thud. I believe but need more reason to believe, advance in the playoffs.

I want more playoff life, f#cker! Let's replicate (ha!) our victory over the Titans a few weeks back but in much more convincing fashion. Even a long term sufferer can think positive. Look at my hometown Blazers in the NBA, they are raging. Let's storm!

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