Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fugly W

Oh...the drama of it all. LT takes it all on his shoulders. This is about the most inept team effort, minus LT, I almost have ever seen in all of my days. Until the bitter end. The defense was stout as a warm beer in an English pub. We hung by minute threads throughout. Two official reviews late on crucial plays. And some drama and supposed dissention. This game and Philip were painful to watch. The 1st half was a dentist's drill ala Marathon Man.

 Should I just skip the 1st half? Much pain and blood was left on that field. Some Chargers allege cheap shots. I sure saw a lot of hitting going on after plays were over. It seemed half the game was spent tending to the wounded. Gates took pain. Rivers tweaked a knee. Billy Volek is NOT an option though! Nice INT dude. Whitehurst to #2 please. Rivers rating in the 1st half was like 8! LT was like minus in rushing yards, for real. In the 1st half only of course. Merriman got a knee thing, out. Out for Detroit next week too. The Lions at home, were gonna devour they're Kitna, er, I mean kitten souls!

 We were dominated most of the game by the O line of TN. LenDale White was busting through some gaping holes. And losing his helmet like 5 times, tighten your chinstrap holmes! We had literally NO passing game. And TN knew it.

The waves were huge in SD this past weekend. Here is a local shredding a backside right at Swami's. Like the waves off the coast, the Chargers played huge when needed most. And the Big Kahuna was LT! We came out gangbusters in the 2nd half, if just for one drive. Then we became puddle surfers until the very tail end of the game. More coming...

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