Monday, December 17, 2007

Breaker, Breaker, 10-4 Good Buddy

 Holy shite my friends, did we arrive? Wait...should I play "Hair Of The Dog?"Cuz we be heartbreakers and soul shakers. And pray tell, you been told about right here. Ya'll is messin' with a sunuvabitch. That be 2007. Yep, we beat 8 Mile divided by the Palouse and it all equals Kitna should shut the freak up. Um, I like Japanese Rice Wine Kitty. Applet and Cotlet killer. Got love 4 WSU basketball, not Kitna. If I was DT fan, I'd just put Millen on a greased street luge down Mt. Everest. In Oregon, I hear these commercials that tell me to open a corporation in Michigan, or even a small business. Then I READ. DT, the Tigers may be good and have potential. Your Lions DIED today.

 In sync out of the gate the Bolts tallied scores on they're 1st seven possessions. LT was sat for most of the 2nd half and Darren Sproles shined as he became the featured back for the 1st time ever. LT and Sproley each had over 100 yards rushing! The 1st time in Charger history we have had two backs over 100 yards in a game! Sproles had more yards than LT! Too cool.

 Cromartie hauled in his league leading 10nth INT and LB Shaun Philips scored a TD. Our defense smothered DT. Like gravy on biscuits. Then we sopped up the remnants with Jon Kitnas' biscut head. So satisfying. Subs all coming through on the Dee side, and the O side. Never missed a beat with Pinnock taking on Lorenzo Neals blocking role and helping open up the Detroit defense of stone. Freakin' pumice stone! Porous like a sponge. All in all, considering our opponent who has basically mailed it in, we did what we should have done, kicked them to the curb. It was NEVER in doubt.

 I want more than a playoff win, I want the prize. But it is shaping up we may have our best shot at pitching that 1st round playoff monkey off our backs. The cards showing make it seem we may play CLE in the 1st round in our house, barring major surprises. Maybe JAX? CLE would be mo bettah. I like us getting hot right now, it opens up doors of confidence for the average Bolt fan that were closed earlier in the season. Especially the over 40 fan who knows all to well the creative ways SD has been able to lose over the years. Downright creative and heartbreaking. Like last yr's playoff loss to NE, you could just taste it. Then got the taste slapped right out of our mouths! Let's give SD it's 1st ever major title. The SD Sockers don't count! Rock on Charger Warriors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hair of the Dog?  Playing Nazareth for ultra Christian Kitna in response to his holiday charity? (5 pics)  

I still say you're gonna get Norved in the playoffs.