Monday, October 30, 2006

Sheep Herding

 I'm back and this post game blog will be a short entry. I spent the week in Sunny SoCal and had engagements to attend and access to computers but I was too busy drinking with my old buds to write! My 1st ever week off since I started my business in 2002.

 Being from Oregon and hanging with lifetime, die hard USC fans down there, the OSU victory was SWEET! I was the ONLY Beaver fan in attendance and was mocked, but I left satisfied while the Bif n Buffy crowd cried in they're Coronas.The starched collars on they're polo shirts wilting under the barrage of the orange and black! Too awesome.

 Oh, the Charger game. Phenomenal. Although the game seemed closer than the score indicated. The Marlon McCree fumble recovery run for a TD changed the complexion of the game. Like I've said in other entries and the facts prove in the the last 2 seasons, we blow you out or if your within four and have the ball with less than 2 mins win. This blog is short with no info, but we know what happened anyway. SMMMOKKIIINNNN!!! Here come the Browns.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Goats Come to the Beach

Iam running late, as today is my travel day to Cali! So not much to say or the time to write it. Two very good teams are squaring off this Sunday. We are coming off a hard luck loss and are at home so I say...LOOKOUT! I will do a post game blog from down there hopefully. Go Chargers!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shawne Appeals Suspension

 From the teletype to you, hot off the press. Shawne is appealing his suspension and if I heard right until there is a hearing he can play this weekend. Not 100% sure of that. His defense? Like all steroid users, it was an accident. He didn't know a certain ingredient in a supplement he was taking, ummm, sure.

 I'm of the opinion that athletes at this level KNOW EVERYTHING that goes into they're body, there are no mistakes. I like Shawne, but this is how I feel on the subject. I hope he can play against the Rams regardless. Gee whiz, everybody in the WWE does them and nobody minds.

 Update: He is playing this weekend. But he apologized. For what? He didn't do anything wrong, right?

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Pattern Continues

 So again I'm eating crow. And I retire all BBQ references from all upcoming blogs. KC kicked a brisket through the uprights and sealed the Chargers doom in a late inning game...again! The football was like a greased pig in the 1st half for the Bolts. KC's dee came to play and Philip saw more pressure than he has all year. It had an effect on Phil for awhile. But he showed poise and got over it. 

 In breaking news and painful news to the defense, Shawne Merriman is suspended 4 games for steroid use. Damn! C'mon dude. Can't let us down mid season. I'll still keep you as a MySpace friend, begrudgingly. Your our heart, can't rip yourself away for 4 important games. Hurry back, stay clean. Don't go Romanowski on us.

 OUCH! This one hurts. SD Union Tribune had a headline saying, "Rivers Led Offense Turns Over Old Leaf" Holy Crap! Brutal. But true evaluation for one game. Another, yes another Green Jelly song, remember them? Modern version of the 3 Little Pigs song. Not by the hair of our chinny chin chin. Will we EVER win one of these games? We had the ball before the Chiefs with little time left. We gave it to them with around 30 something seconds left on their 20. They got into long FG range quickly. A 48 yd attempt went through, but a false start made KC have to try again from 53. Tynes nailed it.

 Hate to bring up ominous shit but here goes. Our 9nth consecutive loss by 4 points or less. And also our 9nth out of 10 straight here in KC. The curse continues. Crazy we have a winning record. Just think. We are not closers in close games. We always have to be the team to "do It". We either blow out a team or lose! I think this streak dates back to the Jets playoff loss in '05. Like I said...Chargers Groundhog Day! The Chiefs drove 52 yards in 20 seconds. Unacceptable. Just my opinion. Olshansky was missed a bit maybe. Larry Johnson broke his slump against us. Big time. TE Tony Gonzalez was big for the Red too. But KC's defense played offense too. 4 turnovers, all were big. And just huge consequenses. We showed heart to fight back in hostile territory and tie. But again, we had the ball and destiny...and handed it to KC for they're chance. And they capiltalized long and quick. What we needed to do. Not hanging heads yet.

 Here is another bad stat. Rivers was sacked 5 times. And pressurred and hurried countless times. In Nick Canepa's Union Trib column he called our defense "the Electrocuted!" But he madesome good points. You are not elite till you win elite. Till you climbed the mountain. Potential, a dirty word. Like the words hot prospect in baseball. Meaningless, untill success is achieved. And we are still not showing it when it counts. I must admit it seemed KC was given carte blanche by the refs to get off the line early on a number of occassions. Too many. Yes, a few SD conspiracy theorists were out there and I was one of em. And the bounce factor, yep, bounce of the ball. All bounces seemed to favor KC, funny how that works sometimes. Not making excuses, just accepting defeat.

 Iam on my journey down south from Portland, OR to SoCal for next week's game against St. Loo at home. I leave on the train this Thursday. Midwest mutton I'm thinkin'?



Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Royal State of Mind

 A storied old AFL rivalry is renewed for the umpteenth time today. The Chargers and Chiefs clash at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, MO. Yep, that's right. Kansas City is not even in Kansas. It's in Mizzu! A sliver is in Kansas. Oh well, what a buzzkill. The Chiefs will have to elevate they're play and use the crowd to it's advantage.  Hopefully they will emulate they're baseball bretheren the Royals and not show up. Sorry for the Royals crack. Anyone remember the KC Scouts? NHL for a season or two in the swinging seventies, nobody came, they lost, they left. Before the Royals, the A's were in KC, they sucked. The Chiefs are KC's gem. Besides ribs. What populace of Kansas City eats Tofurkey on Thanksgiving? Find me a KC vegetarian.

 Chargers gonna see a lot of Red today. It's going to be cool to watch how the Chargers handle it. Especially Philip. Can he maintain the poise of a vet? Will the Bolts air it out or back to Marty ball?

 And that stadium, Arrowhead. Sea of red maniacs. I have never felt this good about entering this hostile environment in a long time. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And the Chargers are running through it. Through fireworks and smoke, onto the field of the 2007 Super Bowl! SNAP! Was I dreaming again? Only this year, I'm dreaming in color. Throw bolts boys. Bag one in KC, one for the division, and one for all!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

PC On the Fritz

 My pc is broken and Iam typing from the library! Keep U Posted.

 Problem is fixed...hopefully will be posting a victory blog this Sunday afternoon. GO BOLTS!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Niner Quisp

 Where to begin? LT's 4 TD's? Philip River's 334 yds passing? Antonio Gates opening drive turning what looked to be a short gain into a 57 yd TD? Maybe Luis Castillo's 1st ever interception, converted into one of Tomlinson's TD's? The list goes on and on. Alex Smith fought early, but his team was overmatched in all facets of the game. We dominated start to finish. Relentless, as it shoud be.

 We are crushing the teams we are favored to beat, not just winning, or squeaking by. The Steelers took on our AFC West rival, and next weeks opponent, the Kansas City Chiefs, and handed they're asses to them. 45-7. We whupped the Steelers. It seemed the Chiefs were on a roll. NOT. Even though we have a lackluster record at Arrowhead Stadium, I'm feeling it again. Like Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap, we will have the volume up to "11" in KC! Were gonna send the Chiefs back to "Bitch School!" Spinal Tap rawks, forever.

  LT only had a respectable 71 yds to go along with his four TD's. He surpassed a Charger legend Lance "Bambi" Alworth after scoring his 4th he now has 87, nice stat. Steamrollers baybee! We rolled over this outmanned Niner squad. Our recieving squad were all in it. Parker had seven receptions for 88 yds, Gates five for 78. McCardell six for 65, and LT seven for 64. Nice balance. I know Vincent Jackson also caught a TD pass. Spread the wealth. Told you Philip would learn how to use his weapons.

  Lo & freakin' behold! What happened to Marty Ball ala the Baltimore game? It seems to be long gone. Good riddance! This is the dynamic Chargers we crave. This team has the tools to go far. The season is far from over. Some tough tests lie ahead. KC is one despite they're Steeler beatdown they took yesterday. Damon Huard run for your life, pal!

 Another cool stat for yesterday's game. We converted 80% of 3rd down conversions! 12 for 15. Incredible, even against a bad team. On the road, strong win...I realize this is a team that just squeaked by the Raiders last week. But its nice to get a road win in SF. Now its on to BBQ capital Kansas City. We gonna baste and broil KC like baby back ribs. I love an AFC West showdown on the road, this game is huge. Never hated the Chiefs, just as division rivals. But not quite like the Donks or the Raidahs. Actually, the 1st Super Bowl I remember watching at like 8 yrs old was the Vikings/Chiefs Bowl played in New Orleans at old Tulane Stadium and it was quite chilly, the Vikings were picked as heavy favorites but were trounced 23-7. I was amazed that the powerful Vikes were beaten by the supposedly weaker AFC. Len Dawson, Mike Garrett, Jan Stenerud, Buck Buchannon and Otis Taylor...what a team. This Chiefs team is hard to nail down after the loss in Pittsburgh. They are  depleted and we'll take advantage. Ripe for the pickin'. Hey, I was fairly close on my score call, I called it 42-21, it was 48-19. Gonna get dem Chiefs next week!

  Oh, and Drew Brees shall lead them. In checking up on x Charger star QB, now in N' Awlins...they are for real. Beating a big team like Philly, nice. A Saints/Chargers Super Bowl? Wouldn't that bum out a nation! Keep it up Drew. Guess he recovered well from that surgery. Gotta have a little love for the Saints. Love the turnaround. Go Saints!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

1994 Is So Pre Historic

 Feeling pretty good about this weekends game in San Francisco. Ummm, really good. Not feeling a letdown. The 49ers are a better team than last year, if thats saying much. Think they beat the Rams earlier in the season. Of course, were in they're big. Were gonna win this...potentially big. No...BIG!

 Iam admitting for the 1st time I liked the 49ers more than the Chargers as a kid, from like 1968 to 1971. I lived in the city dammitt! I couldn't help it. And I love my hometown. At least it was an awesome place to be as a kid in the late 60's to early 70's, a lot of stuff was going on. Crab cocktails and arcade games at Fisherman's Wharf, and chocolate from Ghiradelli. Shopping at Macy's...kid stuff. Watched a few 49er games as a kid on a B & W wood console TV, in a window of an old electronics shop. Sound was piped outside, too cool. Always riff raff hanging around. I would take the street car down there to Ocean Beach and the store was down there. Fully like "Our Gang" shit!

 And I followed the Bolts too, but as a kid till 1973, Niners was my boyz. Made me hate the Cowboys, and the Rams. I moved to SoCal and my loyalty changed, for life. But as you can see I still have a soft spot for the Niners, and the City. I was a Warriors, Giants and a Seals (NHL) fan. Actually I remember the Niners in the early 70's as alot like the best Charger teams we have had. So close, and yet so far! I remember watching the Niners get legendary in the 80's and I never jumped Charger ship, never will. But as a kid, I did jump Niner ship. But everybody has THEY'RE team, and a distant 2nd fave. Well the Niners would be my NFC team then. But I would wish them a beatdown if they ever were to meet the Chargers again in a Super Bowl, did I explian that clearly enough?

 My call on this game? Hate calling scores but for fun how about SD 42-21? W is a W is a W for me. I do care how we get it, but in a pinch I'll take what I can get. I can't wait. Should be a beautiful sunny day by the Bay. Freakin' Tony Bennett man, King of San Francisco. The Chargers are allowed to be "King For A Day" This Sunday it will be so.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Soft Blue, Punishing the Black n Gold

A tale of two halves. We have allowed, I stress...allowed teams back into games. Your allowance is revoked! The Chargers are fer real. Freaks of the night, we don't die...seriel killahz! Where do I start? The 1st half defensive standoff? Marty ball? As the Padres lost on a cross screen, my eyes were glued to the Murph. I believe in karma and deja vu.

 This IS a rivalry. I wanna meet a surfer from Pittsburgh. I want to meet a surfer who moved to Pittsburgh. I'm in a bit of shock, and a bit o drunkedness.  Holy shit! Vougue by Madonna is pumpin' on the stereo. Beauty is where you find it. Piss off the pope and stiff upper lips...and crucify! Like Sinead O' Conner...HA!  Remember her? The tear. We ripped up the Pittsburgh Popes! Too cool. Domination. Only in the 2nd half.

 My day started waking up late, which I never do. But it was a late night and i kissed a young girls (legal age) belly button the night before, and de hexed the Chargers in the process. And when I turned on the TV I got the Eagles/Boyz. Watching that game I thought to myself...the Cowboys have no reason to be in a position to win this game with 2 minutes left. I so was thinking Chargers watching Philly struggle. When Lito intercepted for his 102 yd TD, all I could think in my head was the song "Lido Shuffle" by Boz Scaggs.

 Judas Priest was in the Murph...Screaming for Vengeance! And the deja vu was Pittsburgh coming off a bye week, AH GAIN! Not to be. Not gonna get it. No yah never gonna get it, no yah never gonna get it. NOT THIS TIME!

 Marty, what did you say at halftime? Talk about adjustments. The online San Diego Union Tribune's sports headline said it best...PARTYBALL! We came out en fuego baybee! Thanks for showing faith in Philip. Gates was involved. Parker had some great catches. Malcom who? Malcom Floyd coming into his own. Incredible acrobatic TD catch. Electric.

 One great game moment was a crucial 3rd and long in the 4th quarter. Rivers faded back, looked downfield, tucked the ball and ran for like 15 yds. 1st down! Veteran move. This guy is good.

 And the defense? Brutal. 2 INT's, Drayton's was highlight reel material. He litterally sprang like 5 feet in the air backwards and took the ball away. Beautiful. Lights out was lights out. Our linebackers and secondary are some of the best out there. And they are just starting to jell. Nate K was automatic and the long snapping was dead on. Wonder if they practiced that all last week after the Baltimore game?

 Claudia's Sports Bar was rawkin'! Mix of Padre (boo hoo) and Charger fans. 10 guys in unison singing the disco version of "San Diego SSSUUUPPPEERRR Chargers!" after every Bolt TD and INT in the 2nd half. Lotsa fun, always is when you win a big one. On a copyright note, I noticed the SD Union Tribune used a headline that said' "A River RunsThrough It" I headlined one of my blogs long ago with that moniker, so there Union Tribune! BOLTS!!!


BOLTS...Killer instinct? It all plays out in powder blue tonight.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The Task At Hand Painted Powder Blue

 I'm a born worrier, worrier warrior. We approach another early test. Another team with something to prove. And we don powder blue. We have a new lotto game here in Oregon called "Hexbreaker". I'm buying 13 Sunday morning. I was born on 3/13/61. I have a black cat, with accenting white paws, so no bad luck there. I had an oppurtunity today to walk under a ladder, I didn't. And a crow was on the telephone wire above, I swear! All on the corner where I work, selling falafels. Raise a fist in the air and say...we will win in blue, powder blue. I have a loving reference I use towards Charger fans, Powds.

  Never was it done intentionally when I started using it as a reference word for Bolt devotees. It rhymes with Chowds. The longing Red Sox fan who NEVER got it, who just got it a few years back, and won't sniff it for another 20 yrs, the way it looks now. The Chargers window is open. Cannot afford to not stop and see the scenery. Cranking full stop is what we did in Baltimore. Powds long for a championship. The death of grunge was the death of the last deep run (to the big game and a big L) the Chargers have had. Like the Stargate on TV, these oppurtunities are only open for so long. So we surprised the shit out of everybody with Brees 2 yrs back. Then we changed it up this year. Tough schedule last year. The time is now. I feel Pittsburgh is a must W.  He who hesitates is lost. What do I say now?

  One door must open, and it is a Gate. Open the Gates. I'm a blogger so I can say whatever I want no matter how Iam judged. The time for patience is over. Clinging to 13-7 leads should be so last year. We either need to win one of these games or play to the capabilty and only have to be in these games on rare occassions. Like a prom date on drugs, we so give it away. Oh, that prom would have been 1979, to be politically correct.

  I will remain humble with most positive expectations. Ben seems off, we seem off, for a quarter. The Chargers, like Queen in 1977, will rock you this Sunday. Er, yeah, fer sure. Umm, I mean. Like totally.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Just Let Them Hang Around

 It's deja vu all over again, mirroring the 2005 season collapses that kept us out of the playoffs.  So much for my theories in the pre game blog, the Chargers will always defy logic. We did seem to have the Raven defense on the field most of the game, but they won. That 13-7 lead we carried almost the whole game always was in the back of my brain...were the Bolts, we can lose this by one. A lifetime of this is taking its toll on me.

 It was our uncanny ability to take scoring oppurtunities, and have them slammed back in our faces. And we always achieve the absolute worst case scenario. Ghosts of the Philly game last year circled the stadium. We had two chances to pretty much seal the game with a FG and a 16-7 lead and we blew them both. If I remember David Binn, ex Pamela Lee fodder, blew the snap. Everybody scrambled around ala electric football and poof! Raven ball. The long snapping sucked. The punt from the end zone, where the ball bounced on the way and Scifries by sheer athletic ability and luck, got off a nice kick and took a pounding. Then took the safety. That changed the game near the end, at least to me. By the way, and I have witnesses, I called the safety as the thing to do when that 1st punt took place. At least get a free kick from the 20 and give them more real estate to deal with. We lost, but dominated. Dosen't make sense does it? Get used to it. Charger logic would put Spock in a psyche ward. They are most illogical!

 We won the turnover battle 4 to 1. Yet still gave up that game ending spirit crushing drive. Its like fucking Groundhog Day! Seem to be reliving it week to week, year to year...ouch. Our legacy. Even when we get a dramatic turnover, we fumble on the return then, get it back. SD's flair for the dramatic. Thought this was the year we worked on the "killer instinct". Another defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. Where are our recievers? One call I missed in the pre game blog was Rivers finding Gates. One nice play and gone. If he is being tag teamed, someone must be open! I love our running game, but we'd bust a few good runs, open up the dee for a play action or screen, or GASP! maybe one to the house and BAM! we'd run again for 3 yds. When we should be putting the game out of reach! Or at least a 2 score game with short time left. Freakin' Marty. A Ravens fan (the only one watching at Claudia's) who was cool remarked, "You'd think with all that dynamic talent you have, you'd have a dynamic coach to get it all working together" I couldn't agree more. I called for his ouster before Brees left, it was Marty's stale ways...not Drew. Hope Tampa dumps Gruden. Sorry Marty, it ain't all you and maybe its me. But going into an entire "prevent" game plan, meaning the whole game, not the last minutes its lame. We are aggressive, remain aggressive.

 I remain faithful and confident that 2006 is a playoff season. With a possibility at a deep run. But winnable games like these on the road against "A" competition that are thrown away come back to haunt you. I state my case, last season. Look at the score, its obvious both defenses played well. Not going to point out any of the good, although the 1st drive was sweet, the Floyd TD reception, nice. Jammer INT. All to waste...we lost another we should have won. Sour grapes? fuckin 'betcha! Like Spicoli said in Fast Times At Ridgemont High as he smacked his melon with a Van's tennis shoe, "Hear that? That was my skullllllll, man!"    Oh, and congrats to the Padres on winning the West. Beat the reeling Cards. And in the AL...Twins baybee!