Thursday, November 3, 2005


  For me, this is a rivalry game. And one that keeps biting our asses for a ways back as I remember. I think we are on a 3 game losing streak back to another powder blue letdown in 2002 to the Jets. Last yrs playoff game and one in between. This is a "should win" game along with a bit of a "must win" tag thrown in. Its time to live up to the standard that has been set for us and that this team is capable of. Let's finish this, early.

  On a coincidental note, but historical nonetheless.  The last time the Chargers beat the Jets was in NJ in Dec. 1994 to clinch the AFC West. I was there in person and took a load of sh*t from Jet fans. We were 21-6 victors and I was happy and I look forward to feeling that way again this weekend.  Think Curtis Martin was around. I think alot of the hostility I took was over the fact I went with a Vogue runway model (Hi Deanna!) and she topped any of the Butto fucoesque hotties(think Fran Drescher at 65) I saw around me at the Meadowlands, by far. I never cracked though I was taunted. To make a long story short, I had a great day at the game and an even more awesome evening. Who says you can't steal a model's heart (amongst other things!) by a day full of fresh grapefruit juice vodka greyhounds, NJ Transit busses, a Charger game, and a walkaround NYC afterward culminating in a victorious bliss I'd say never...but happen it did. Being a Charger fan has been an experience throughout the years and I have met tons of cool people. Man, the 90's rocked in my life and the Charger fan part too!

  Another omen. The last 3 we have lost to the Jets have been in our house so we must get it straight in theirs. Or is it the Giants? Poor little Jets, ain't got a real home. Meadowlands time share stadium for the Jets. I always admired Wayne Chrebet, for what seemed minimal WR skills he has had a nice career and makes huge catches. But who will throw to Wayne? Brookes n Vinny, a bad country duo? I can throw gas on the fire. The Jets always seem to bring their "A" game when they play us. Recent history proves it.

 I look for all cylinders to be firing for the Bolts this weekend. Run, pass, short and long, good pass dee, great dee line play...all of it. We need to finish in all aspects. Every turnover we get we must seal the deal...wooden stake it. Finish it, for good. Unlike monster movies, when we put em down they'll stay down.

 The Jets will hear, on constant Muzak rotation in their helmets all afternoon long: Don't Go Breakin' My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee.  That just ain't gonna motivate. I hope the Jets do what celeb sports commentator Jim Rome wants his son to do in in soccer career...JUST QUIT! Hopefully by the 3rd quarter we can crack our capri suns, orange slices in baggies, and Stoli and celebrate a Charger victory in, no, not NYC or even NY...Joisy, the cauliflower ear of the coast! Spawn to Bon Jovi and all things evil in music. Does anyone admit to going to school at Rutgers? Jersey, home of spandex culture. Motly Crue 80's hair is prevalent as is the "hockey mullet".  Get ready for a little thunder n lightnin', cuz like the Monkees...were comin' to your town!

  Yo Vinny! Here come the Charger Dee again. Hope you feel invincible this Sunday. Jet dee, here comes LT, AG, KMQ, CP and Drew. We will attone for our shoddy moments. We'll still be contendahs after this game, one over .500 and an injury healing bye week. For once it all goes "according to plan". Clock work. The plan is to make the playoffs and progress. I still think we can win the West, keep your eyes open. CHARGERS!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is gonna be a tough game for them Bolts dude. Vinny's got something to prove, other than he can play while carrying his cane, and there's gonna be some of that 'do this one for the gipper' in the air due to Randall Godfrey's sister passing. But then again, the Jets offense does suck!!! And there is an ever so slight chance that the bolts may leave the Meadowlands with a painful, yes I said it, painful win cause I feel that this game ain't gonna be nuttin nice.