Tuesday, December 28, 2004


We got beat. I'm dealing with a major blow in the personal life so I will be brief. On the arty fishul turf we rocked throughout the day. Dee was on it till the bitter end, Manning showed greatness and easily beat a fairly stingy secondary easy in end of regulation and OT. I'm pleased we weren't blown out and made them fight, but like the Atlanta game, we had this. Our moment of doom was the stunning kickoff return after we scored and had a decent lead. I'm confident but my gut tingled from then on, I felt uneasy. OK, 4th seed, still I say...you want to play us? I may now not be attending the Charger playoff game as someone stole my vehicle 2 days after XMAS with all of my business inside! I own a falafel stand and all my stuff was in it. Happy New Year! I'm out of business, no fryer, no equipment. No van. Talk about pouring salt in the wounds from Sunday, sheesh. I looked for jobs today, nice. Think positive is what I will do. You can beat me today but I'll whoop your ass next week, as is the Chargers mantra. Four years I made a living on my falafel stand, one meth head ended it in one day! I will work and be back I hope soon. Still have hope it will be recovered, you never know. Maybe whoever stole it will get tased multiple times during his arrest soon! Keep the faith Charger loyalists...we are a scary team in the playoffs. KC is in the house, maybe Philip Rivers can get a throw or two. If anyone has $3000 they want to spare or invest in the falafel business, let me know! I'm lucky. I still have my life. Say a universal prayer for the tsunami victims, thats a real tragedy. Again, Happy New Year Charger faithful!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Holidaze merry

Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza and all who celebrate this strange but cool day. To all a beautiful day with minimal conflicts. Those are reserved for the field of play. Tomorrow the Chargers take the field out of the elements, kinda like a/c. On astro t. I'll be up early and on it. More later. Call Charger victory...however it happens. We have a dee advantage. Then its home sweet home. I get to go to the 1st playoff game in 10 yrs in SD...we may see you in JAX. Ciao all and a merry...

Monday, December 20, 2004

AFC Western Division Champions

Nobody out there in the real world would have predicted this. The Chargers clinched the AFC West, on the road, in the snow! I've only seen snow for a Charger game on Playstation 2. 18 degrees, wind chill 10 degrees. Whats a team to do? RUN! Brees had only 6 pass attempts the whole game. LT 111 yds, Chatman 48. I was deja vu ing, it so reminded me of the 1982 AFC Champonship against the Bengals. I give a big shout out to KC for putting Denver out to pasture. To the Raider fan who commented on my blog basically saying the Chargers suck and were going to head into one of their slides, and questioned my intelligence, looks like I'm Mensa material now and you can have your junior college team and January off! Again I stress, 10 yr anniversary of our 1994 Super Bowl appearance. Let's go get one, as good a shot as any AFC team. Granted, we beat an ailing Browns club...we pummeled them with brute force. The Chargers just don't do snow, its a rep they may shed in the playoffs. Next week we challenge the Colts. Colts: great offense, no defense. Chargers: good offense, adequate defense but with big play and turnover capability at any time. I factor in it in Indy and its close to a dead heat. Our superior defense gives us the edge I feel. Chargers win a close one hopefully. Our watering hole had 4 Charger fans and the Bloody Mary's were flowing so I broke my coffee promise. The Gate's reception sure got us hopping. I see the Steelers in our crystal ball, repeat 94 all over again. Maybe New England or Buffalo...or Jax? I'm a Charger fan and I'm talking about playoff scenarios, ain't it awesome. This is sweet. Maybe I will listen to William Hung's version of "We Are The Champions" so I can laugh at all of the doubters, and those who chose to insult me and my team. Yeah, right back at ya! OUT! PS As in SHUT OUT!

Monday, December 13, 2004


The streak continues and to all the doubters all predicting the inevitable "Charger implosion" I say...how do ya like me know? Got an email from a Charger buddy who was in Homer, Alaska. Alas the game was not on anywhere. But he sat in front of a pc for 3 hours hitting the refresh button every 30 seconds. I've done it once or twice also. I never miss a game, but life throws you a curve every now and again. Charger dedication knows no end. As the master said to grasshopper in the old TV series Kung Fu, "When the pebble hits the pond, do not many new journeys begin?" Yes, they do. Its called Cleveland next week, then to Indy...tough...then on to the playoffs! Tampa was tough in our house. But our D was opportunistic, Donnie Edward's 30 yd interception for a TD near the end of the game pretty much sealed it. A thing of beauty it was, high noon drama no doubt. The young Charger talent, with a dash of destiny thrown in! I hear alot of comparisons and references to the similarity of this team to the 1994 Super Bowl team. And I must admit, it is eerily similar. Nothing like a 10 yr anniversary reunion and a return to the playoffs, where we have as good or better chance then a lot of fans and teams will give us credit for to return to the Super Bowl. I'm not saying we will, I'm saying we have the potential to get there. Crushing killer defensive plays resulting in turnovers and scores for us are coming with regularity at the most opportune times. That is where I feel the 94 team comparisons are true. Dramatic game turning events and the Chargers get em! I remember how lightly Pittsburgh took us in the 94 AFC Championship game at Tres Rivers. I had a girlfriend from Pittsburgh at the time and their newspapers put us down something fierce. Warm weathered pansies and the like. One story stereotyped Charger fans as looking like Jimmy Buffet and drinking drinks w/little paper umbrellas and fruit in them. While a Steeler fan was drinking Iron City, grilling Brats in the snow with their shirts off. We were of course made to eat tofu and sprout sandwiches. Well I still see Steeler fans cringe when I mention the game and end result. They shrink, shrivel and pucker like they sucked a lemon. I glow. And my buddy up in Homer Alaska for his holiday trip was at the 1994 Championship game in Pittsburgh, talk about outnumbered! Look out Pittsburgh, I smell Deja Vu. We'll see whats in the cards. We have a strong hand! LT played well. I must admit your humble author partook in some spirits at the game and only remembers certain plays! Was alot of high fiving going on. Think I may have accidentally walked on my tab? They know me so we'll see next week. 10am game, that means its a coffee game! GO SUPER CHARGERS!

Friday, December 3, 2004

Charting new territory

Yes, it is time. To switch...to heavy metal crunch. And hold a chip on the shoulder. I was cold today in Portland OR, as I sold my falafels on the street...I experience weather first hand. It was cold...I smiled. Just cool to know that a team given so little, has taken so much. I'm 43 years old, I was 33 when this happened the last time. In NYC. Do your own numbers game. I have been to the east coast games where you wonder, where the Charger fan(s) at?  I've seen the Chargers clinch the AFC West in SEA and NY. Snowball game(not the clincher,  we did beat the Jets once!)...nuff said. I'm smiling more as Sundays approach. This is true cool. Pony's will break times 2, just you watch. And Pirate filler in between. I love the Chargers, and the state of football and not the union! For all true blues...come together on the net and fill the bars, this is your time., we are the Chargers, we are strong and very opportunistic. Fastway, a very sorry band is blaring on my stereo, but the truth rings clear..."Say What You Will"... Link up, the time is now. Charger fans unite.  When its good...you  go. You must...believe.  I did wake up and see "Drew's Your Daddy" in SD Union Tribune and had the F&*kin best Mexican breakfast and hopped that train from La Mesa to downtown SD and hooked it up for the cruise back to PDX. It is time.  Are you down? Remember when? Can't? Cause it ain't happened yet. Watch. I'll be in my corner...