Friday, October 24, 2008

Got Care, But Reality Strikes

Hey, the Chargers suck, huh? And I do give a fuck. But my bottom is holdin' urs droppin'? I'm working to live. Outsourcing from within' killed P Bloggers. But it is what plagues us all. They stole dont cha see? From purity? To make money off all u non politico home team honks who would fuck Sarah Palin. Yeah, we had somethin' here. But greed took over. My shit is transferred to blogspot. Nobody cares. Fine. Your mediocrity sucks beyond your own mediocrity and acceptance. Pro sports ain't gonna survive this maybe.

Where is the military Seahawk guy who went to MVN? Jet C? Blue Notes? We are a reflection of what we are. Look in the mirror. AOL blew there dial up wad with there intro to supposed broadband. Can I say to all of you, FUCK YOU! I'm more concerned about my life now and yours too. As Tomlinson's toe has befallen us and our defense guess what? I missed the games. 1st time in 20 yrs and I'm missin one tomorrow too! I have to WORK! I used to be able to do it.

Have fun watchin' the game on TV or be there. The Wembly Stadium game? Sorry. Hope we win. But who gives a fuck? Drew B, love ya. Hope we win. My life is at stake and I'm no pussy. This Sunday extravagence will be trimmed. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT! I put my selfishness aside, and knew I had to make money instead of the Chargers. It's my life with NO medical, dental. I save to eat food without it. I'm lucky. I've been homeless and abandoned young. I'll live when the food trucks quit coming. The bailout is being stashed and it would be great if i could work like these people do. If I fail, I FAIL. No recourse. And done without health care. I care more about the USA than the Chargers. Oh, I use cell phone (ha ha Cricket) and a AM radio to follow scores. But I get busy. Like I said, NEVER missed a game for 20 yrs cept once till this year. I need to eat, and keep my vehicle alive. I own my own small business. Since we were kicked off AOL for paid honks and now I'm free and always have been...VOTE BARAK! Our country is about being able to express yourself. Look what happens when you tell the truth!

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