Friday, October 24, 2008

Got Care, But Reality Strikes

Hey, the Chargers suck, huh? And I do give a fuck. But my bottom is holdin' urs droppin'? I'm working to live. Outsourcing from within' killed P Bloggers. But it is what plagues us all. They stole dont cha see? From purity? To make money off all u non politico home team honks who would fuck Sarah Palin. Yeah, we had somethin' here. But greed took over. My shit is transferred to blogspot. Nobody cares. Fine. Your mediocrity sucks beyond your own mediocrity and acceptance. Pro sports ain't gonna survive this maybe.

Where is the military Seahawk guy who went to MVN? Jet C? Blue Notes? We are a reflection of what we are. Look in the mirror. AOL blew there dial up wad with there intro to supposed broadband. Can I say to all of you, FUCK YOU! I'm more concerned about my life now and yours too. As Tomlinson's toe has befallen us and our defense guess what? I missed the games. 1st time in 20 yrs and I'm missin one tomorrow too! I have to WORK! I used to be able to do it.

Have fun watchin' the game on TV or be there. The Wembly Stadium game? Sorry. Hope we win. But who gives a fuck? Drew B, love ya. Hope we win. My life is at stake and I'm no pussy. This Sunday extravagence will be trimmed. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT! I put my selfishness aside, and knew I had to make money instead of the Chargers. It's my life with NO medical, dental. I save to eat food without it. I'm lucky. I've been homeless and abandoned young. I'll live when the food trucks quit coming. The bailout is being stashed and it would be great if i could work like these people do. If I fail, I FAIL. No recourse. And done without health care. I care more about the USA than the Chargers. Oh, I use cell phone (ha ha Cricket) and a AM radio to follow scores. But I get busy. Like I said, NEVER missed a game for 20 yrs cept once till this year. I need to eat, and keep my vehicle alive. I own my own small business. Since we were kicked off AOL for paid honks and now I'm free and always have been...VOTE BARAK! Our country is about being able to express yourself. Look what happens when you tell the truth!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Underdog Baseball

Why would I be typing now on a Charger tradition about baseball? Cuz I got 2 heart friends. Fuck it all and I have said it before. Phillies/Rays Series. Good luck Boston, I dare you. You, even sports cable m effahs, never walked from downtown Philly, to the Vet. After a Greyhound journey. My boys been all over and told me. Like Crocodile Dundee in NYC, dosen't work now. I have a reciept to prove I picked TB. Or I could be a gangsta. I saw there was no subway in Philly, and me, wait I and I and I. We walked. From downtown to the Vet. Oh, there was a subway. But it sucked. The story is too long to tell. Barry, my friend...tell em. We made a journey. I'll give love to Philly. It was a Sunday and it was Church! You know Philly fucks. Blue laws. Waiting...for Philly/Ray series, vote for different. And you got it! Phillies win the pennant 8:37pm!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Motivate Me

 OK. So Pigskin is dead. I will never die. Nor will I "just bail". As time marches on, conformity and complacency are the standard. I wrote all my good shit on a dial up. Like all mediums or ideas that start out well, this one shows the state of the country. Yep, the fuckin; USA. AOL asked for us, got success, fucked us. THIS site created a buzz for a reason. It was real. Then figured out. Big Blue got it out of the blue last yr and hung to tell the tale. Yeah stupid ass power rankings, were #16! East Coast dill weeds! I make my real $$ selling falafel. So how all you pro bloggers doing? Got another job I hope. Cuz I think you all suck who take the money when you are just a paid honk. Thanks for keeping me posted Constanza, cept for your departure. No offense. Like before a whitey tells a KKK joke. These computers take the face out of the puss, and make all insensitive to reality.

 I'm caring about football, but I have a lot more to be concerned about. And this blog used to be fun. Fun became someone elses profit, we got squeezed. For jumping in. I truly feel the demise of society as it advances is this very box I type on now. Oh, I said type. Face to face, or the idea of it, used to scare peeps. Now we got this. Thank fuckin' god I rolled down a highway in a yellow school bus at 7 in 1968 listening to "My Cheri Amour" on AM radio singing with everyone on the bus, on the way to summer "welfare" camp. We won't get into the race logistics, but you woulda hated it. Take your IPOD and use it. It will never be the same. I'll write about football sometime...but why? Need a world to play in. So. I'm still mad angry about how this site has always been a peter out lie.

 Hey, OJ got convicted today. No, not of Nicole's murder. OJ said he would hunt for the killers till his dying day. Jamie Mottram said he'd check in on p bloggers. Never has, never will. Difference being, i'll never sell out like you guys. Hope all ur mortgages are in order. Oh, football. Miami Fish, yeah you beat the Pats. And your at home. My favorite place to stay in Miami is the Hotel Coral Essex

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We Beat the Raiders

 I will miss my 1st game completely next week. In like 7 yrs and before that 17! I'm busy with events and nobody reads this so we'll see how drunk I get. I'm rooting for the Rays to go all the way. Yes, I love torture. But don't care much for baseball. Oh, I mean sports torture, not Guantanamo Bay torture. I will always root a Longoria if the name begins in E and TP don't mind!